

Boston Bombing: What You Aren't Being Told

Published on Apr 22, 2013 By: StormCloudsGathering
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In this video we are going to demonstrate that at the very minimum the authorities had prior knowledge of the attack and allowed it to happen, and this is only the tip of the iceberg.
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Boston Bombing: The Official Story Proves Dzhokhar Is Innocent – a Photo Essay

by Scott Creighton
You don’t need conspiracy theorists. Just take the Feds at their word and you’ll see it.
If you believe the official story of what happened on April 15th at the finish-line of the Boston Marathon, then you have to know that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is innocent of the charges leveled against him. You cannot avoid it.
According to the new official story (remember the “Bag Men” story that was fed to the New York Post by officials?) Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev went down to the finish-line of the Boston marathon carrying bombs in their backpacks and planted them in two locations about a block apart and then hung around and watched the carnage unfold.
They claimed they had video proof of at least one of them, Dzhokhar, dropping his bomb and an eyewitness who saw Tamerlan drop his at the feet of the witness while making eye contact with him and walking away.
They then, according to the story they have video evidence of this, hung around, watched the carnage only to slowly walk away from the scene.
That is the official story. And that story proves Dzhokhar is innocent. And if Dzhokhar is innocent, more than likely, so is Tamerlan. Let me show you why.
1. Circumstantial but based on hard evidence
First of all, the Feds have produced neither of the two videos they claim to have showing 1. Dzhokhar planting a bomb and 2. them hanging out watching the aftermath then slowly walking away. In fact, the evidence we have suggests a totally different story. The new story about all of this drops any mention of those two videos down the memory hole.
The second thing to remember is the fact that the FBI pretended to need our help to identify the two men while the entire time their own local field offices had been in steady contact with the boys for at least two years. The FBI has come out since and admitted their involvement with the boys and several congressmen are asking how they “dropped the ball” on this one. The FBI is avoiding answering congress’ questions.
I have found evidence to suggest that they were in fact being handled by an FBI confidential informant and I believe that fact is likely to come out very soon. The congressmen are starting to ask for the FBI’s files on these boys. Family members, even the one trying to help the Feds, suggest that they were being manipulated by “mentors” which is standard operating procedure for the FBI’s domestic terrorism task force. In fact, it appears from the official photos of the boys, they were indeed waiting for quite a while in front of a restaurant in the area to meet someone… someone who told them to be there. Someone who deliberately put them in the wrong place at the right time.
As damning as all of this is, the lies, the connections to the boys, the artifice of not knowing who they were, their being brought there by someone… as damning as it is, it’s primarily circumstantial. Though that is not to say it does not qualify as potential evidence in a court of law, it is not hard physical evidence of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s innocence.
Not to worry, the official story itself provides that.
2. Hard evidence
The new narrative is that one of the victims, Jeff Bauman, identified the older brother Tamerlan as being the one who placed his bomb down at Jeff’s feet while making eye contact with him and then he walked away. He said he had a dark ball cap and glasses and that is Tamerlan in the photos.
Honestly, that story is ripe with wrong. Were anyone to do that to you would you just stand there next to the backpack waiting to see what happened? I doubt it. But take him at his word (and remember, the FBI has teams trained to illicit the kinds of witness statements they need). And also remember, they claim this information came to them on Wednesday, while Jeff was still heavily drugged.
But let’s take them at their word. After all, it is their official story and thus the one some of the people in this country accept as the gospel.
Jeff was injured in the first explosion, the one closest to the finish line. Of that there is no question. That means the bag that was dropped there was Tamerlan’s bag. Let’s look at the evidence.
First, their bags respectively – Tamerlan has a darker colored bag while his younger brother is carrying a light grey bag. Also notice the color of Tamerlan’s pants. This will be important later trust me.
bag 13
If you take the FBI’s recounting of Jeff’s statement at face value, then that means Tamerlan’s bag is this one, from the official evidence of the crime scene:
bag 16
You can make the argument that this is a lighter color than Tamerlan’s bag and you can also wonder why it is that it seemed to have audio cable in it as if it’s just one of the techie’s bag from the set-up of the finish-line PA system or TV cameras. You can make that argument, but for the sake of suspended disbelief, let’s say it is indeed Tamerlan’s bag and the bag the bomb was in when Jeff lost his legs. We’ll give the official story a mulligan on that one.
If that is the dark bag carried by the two brothers, over next to the site of the first bombing, then the only bag left to be at the scene of the second explosion is the one being carried by Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. And indeed, that is the official story.
This is where it gets interesting.
Here is a picture of what is being hailed as an image of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev “dropping” his pack which had the bomb in it.
bag 5
What you see is not a man “dropping” a bag. What you see is a man CARRYING a bag while walking by.  Notice, right above the girl’s shoes you can see the bottom of the bag. It is suspended in the air, not touching the ground. Look at how it’s suspended at an angle. It’s being carried by the strap, the right strap, in his left hand. Look at how he is moving past the people, on his way somewhere. And more importantly, look at where he is in relation to the iron grate and the metal security fencing. These facts will be important in a second.
Also note the light color of the pack as consistent with the image from before.
There is an image that is not circulated that much anymore because it tells a very different story than the official one. The image below shows the moments after the second bomb detonated and the location of several key pieces of evidence including what is claimed to be the bag that was carrying the second bomb.
bag 2
This is an important image because it clearly shows the blast pattern of the explosive which was placed in front of the fence beside the mailbox, as you can  see by the locations of the fence and other debris just after the blast. There is no question where the detonation took place. In fact, a bystander has recently given an interview claiming his life was saved by the mailbox. If the bomb had been place behind the fence and behind the mailbox on the sidewalk, no bystanders could make that claim, only runners.
But leaving that for a minute as it goes to witness statements and this is about hard evidence, let’s get back to the evidence.
Remember this pic?
bag 1
This bag is in the exact location of where the bomb had to be placed. It is a large enough bag to hold a backpack and a pressure cooker, though it is not clear if the second bomb was actually made with a pressure cooker. But look at the location and then look at this.
bag 11
We can see from the blast wave of the explosion that something close to the detonation blocked the blast at a single point and forced more of the energy onto the sidewalk and down the street. That would be the mailbox. Look again at the location of that bag.
I am not saying that bag was the bomb. It may have been, but I am saying that bag is in the location the bomb was detonated. It went off IN FRONT OF THE FENCE and BESIDE THE MAILBOX.
Part of one section of fence is wrapped around the mailbox. The other section is blown back into the crowd and on the sidewalk as you see. Were the bag to be partially under the fence as appears in the photo of the bag in front of the fence, that could easily be the result.
That is NOT the location the Feds claim they show Dzhokhar Tsarnaev “dropping” his pack. Had the bomb gone off where he was and where that image shows him CARRYING his pack, then the fence would have been blown into the street.
Now, let’s look at the evidence of the pack itself.
As the image above shows, part of the pack was found in the street. Shape charges inside the pack would have done that if it was placed on the street side of the fence.This is a close-up view of the bags side by side. Remember, the dark bag owned by Dzhokhar’s older brother has already been accounted for in the official story. So the only bag left is the light grey one carried by him.
bag 19
As you can see, these two things are not the same. Not even close.
The remains of the bag was apparently photographed near it’s original position on the street, laying closer to the large white line you can see above. It is a dark colored bag like many others seen by unofficial investigators on the web being carried by various people (some of whom are there on a official basis)
Here is an official image which puts the bomb’s pieces right there on the grate as shown in the image of the bag in front of the fence but not where they claim Dzhokhar dropped his bag.
bag 7
Again, this is their evidence.
Lastly, this grisly photo of the blast scene.
bag 10
Bodies blown back, fence blown back toward the sidewalk and the restaurant.
So as you can see, the official story clears Dzhokhar.
But let’s continue.
Remember that I told you the official story was they had a video of these brothers standing around watching the carnage before slowly and calmly walking away and that they have not produced that visual evidence as of yet and seem to be walking that story back?
Check this out:
patsy running
This kid was clearly not standing around watching the explosions. He was running away like everyone else. But look closer:
Boston Marathon Explosions
His right arm is down, straight down, while his left arm is bent and his left shoulder is raised as he is running. He is carrying something… he is CARRYING HIS BAG.
The bomb has gone off and he is fleeing like everyone else and apparently he is carrying his bag.
But look closer…
bag 20
Is that Tamerlan trying to catch up with his brother after the explosions? The hat matches, the pants and shoes match. The jacket matches. Is that is Tamerlan running from the scene and not walking away like the officials claimed they had a video of him doing?
This image is less convincing that the others in the sequence but I will put it here for the sake of discussion. It is part of someone else’s photo essay on the subject which I highly recommend taking the time to have a look.
bag 21
Here’s my point:
The official story itself does not prove these brothers set off those bombs. You don’t need the “conspiracy theorists” to tell you that. All you have to do is look at the evidence they themselves provide. Consider all the dishonesty they have displayed thus far and their own evidence.



Total Proof Boston Bombings Were A False Flag!

Published on Apr 26, 2013 By: TheAlexJonesChannel
It took a while but the Feds finally came clean to having prior knowledge of deceased bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev. They also had his mother on a terrorist watch list.

CONFIRMED: Both FBI & CIA Watched Boston Bombing Suspects for Years Tsarnaev Brothers

Tamerlan Tsarnaev Attended CIA-sponsored Workshop

Boston Bombers: Role of CIA in Chechen Terror


A Must SEE! and Share with ALL YOU KNOW!!

Boston Bombing: What You Aren't Being Told

C-SPAN Faces Barrage Of Callers About Boston Bombing False Flag

PROOF! Boston Marathon Bombing is Staged Terror Attack


C-SPAN Faces Barrage Of Callers About Boston Bombing False Flag


Ignore these Two


Backpack identified


Suspect 1 Surrendering


Suspect 1 Being escorted Away


How Suspect 1 ended up


How Suspect 1 ended up 2


Suspect 2 Not Injured


Suspect 2 getting a breathing tube


While we were distracted


Suspect still had his backpack


Infographic on Mercenaries


Spot the agent


Ignore these people


Oops too soon




Wrong Backpack


What they mean to say


Hat Identification


Real Suspect With Bomb Backpack
