

Humanity's LAST CHANCE! 😱 Human SOUL TRANSFER into AI - Part 2

The controllers are setting up for the transference of human souls into an AI digital format. I'm going to show you some shocking evidence of how this is already underway right now, and how the AI transhumanists are actually planning for humanity's EXTINCTION. This is an intense topic, so it is not for the faint-hearted! But I have some specific practical tips later in the video that will help you know exactly what you need to do to protect your future as an evolving human being. This video is Part 2 of a 2-part series on the topic of AI soul transference. If you missed Part 1, you can watch it here: Here's the video where I go into more detail about the metaverse:

It's About to Get REAL 😱 AI Soul Transfer is Happening NOW - PART 1

It's About to Get REAL 😱 AI Soul Transfer is Happening NOW - PART 1
⏰ The window for a higher timeline is rapidly closing! 😱 The controllers are preparing their final systems for our souls to be transferred from our natural human bodies into an AI format. This is all happening under the radar, while we are being so distracted by war, division, politics, and health issues. In this 2 part series, I reveal how this hidden process is unfolding, and the shocking way in which we are being conditioned to believe that transferring our souls and consciousness to AI is the path to immortality. This is seriously important information for anyone who values their natural human evolution and spirituality, and wants to stay on a higher timeline!



It's About to Get REAL 😱 AI Soul Transfer is Happening NOW - PART 1

It's About to Get REAL 😱 AI Soul Transfer is Happening NOW - PART 1
⏰ The window for a higher timeline is rapidly closing! 😱 The controllers are preparing their final systems for our souls to be transferred from our natural human bodies into an AI format. This is all happening under the radar, while we are being so distracted by war, division, politics, and health issues. In this 2 part series, I reveal how this hidden process is unfolding, and the shocking way in which we are being conditioned to believe that transferring our souls and consciousness to AI is the path to immortality. This is seriously important information for anyone who values their natural human evolution and spirituality, and wants to stay on a higher timeline!

I also have an important message at the end of this video for starseeds, lightworkers, and awakening humans about how to live your purpose at this critical time. 

➡️ Follow me on your favorite social platform: Facebook: Instagram: Pinterest: Twitter: ➡️ Click below to Subscribe for more videos to help you navigate your spiritual awakening and consciously ascend .......................... #transhumanism #artificialintelligence #ascension #spiritualawakening Copyright © 2022 by Saratoga Ocean



Take Notice:  Of how I hashtag my local TV stations and do the same in your local area.

#KY3 #ky3news #KOLR10News #ozarksfoxam #KOLR10 #KOLR #ozarks #ozarkmo #springfieldmo #BransonMO #finishstrong417 #ksprnews #kspr33 #kspr #ozarksfox #ozarknewsletter #ksprtv #ky3tv #finleyfarms #bassproshops #basspro #ozarkmill #thegarrison #FinleyFarm #johnnymorris #ChateauPensmore #Pensmore #PensmoreMansion





In 2019 a fictional exercise called Event 201 played out a scenario that imagined how the world would respond to a global pandemic, then just a few months later the world learned of the first case of Covid-19(84) and the following two years would play out exactly as their “event 201” scenario predicted.  

Fast forward to March of 2021 when The Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) partnered with the Munich Security Conference to conduct a fictional exercise scenario which portrayed a deadly, global pandemic involving an unusual strain of a monkeypox virus that will lead to over 3 billion cases resulting in about 270 million deaths.  In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the timeline of events that seem to already be playing out in real life when compared to the fictional scenario imagined by NTI in March of 2021.


Take Notice:  Of how I hashtag my local TV stations and do the same in your local area.

#KY3 #ky3news #KOLR10News #ozarksfoxam #KOLR10 #KOLR #ozarks #ozarkmo #springfieldmo #BransonMO #finishstrong417 #ksprnews #kspr33 #kspr #ozarksfox #ozarknewsletter #ksprtv #ky3tv #finleyfarms #bassproshops #basspro #ozarkmill #thegarrison #FinleyFarm #johnnymorris #ChateauPensmore #Pensmore #PensmoreMansion 



Alan Watts opens up about Religion - thought provoking video

Alan Watts opens up about Religion - thought provoking video  -  
Alan Watts opens up about Jesus and the true religion. The image of Jesus is owned by the church traditions and authorities. He has been moulded to fit the interests of the church patriarchs for centuries, so much so that the prevailing image of Jesus is now so far removed from what he truly represented.  Namely an energy from the future who came to earth to bring illumination and knowledge to humanity.  

The reason why the Jesus/Jeshua personality came to earth was to create an opening or doorway to a different state of consciousness. He wanted to set an example of the possibilities that are available to each human being. He wanted to hold up a mirror to human beings and remind them of their own divine origin and the dormant potentials they carried within. The potentials for peace, freedom and mastership over oneself.




Take Notice:  Of how I hashtag my local TV stations and do the same in your local area.

#KY3 #ky3news #KOLR10News #ozarksfoxam #KOLR10 #KOLR #ozarks #ozarkmo #springfieldmo #BransonMO #finishstrong417 #ksprnews #kspr33 #kspr #ozarksfox #ozarknewsletter #ksprtv #ky3tv #finleyfarms #bassproshops #basspro #ozarkmill #thegarrison #FinleyFarm #johnnymorris #ChateauPensmore #Pensmore #PensmoreMansion 



Empathy explained. How to get access to anyone?

Empathy explained. How to get access to anyone?    
You are in a posession of a magic key that opens the door to anyone you wish. This key is empathy and we should all learn how to use it.



Take Notice:  Of how I hashtag my local TV stations and do the same in your local area.

#KY3 #ky3news #KOLR10News #ozarksfoxam #KOLR10 #KOLR #ozarks #ozarkmo #springfieldmo #BransonMO #finishstrong417 #ksprnews #kspr33 #kspr #ozarksfox #ozarknewsletter #ksprtv #ky3tv #finleyfarms #bassproshops #basspro #ozarkmill #thegarrison #FinleyFarm #johnnymorris #ChateauPensmore #Pensmore #PensmoreMansion 


Defeat the Controllers Like THIS! 🔥 Humanity's SECRET Weapon 👀

We humans have a COSMIC SKILL that we can use to defeat the controllers of this planet! I'm going to reveal what that skill is and how we can start developing it right now. This is the key to avoiding the controllers' trap of a lower AI timeline!

Take Notice:  Of how I hashtag my local TV stations and do the same in your local area.

#KY3 #ky3news #KOLR10News #ozarksfoxam #KOLR10 #KOLR #ozarks #ozarkmo #springfieldmo #BransonMO #finishstrong417 #ksprnews #kspr33 #kspr #ozarksfox #ozarknewsletter #ksprtv #ky3tv #finleyfarms #bassproshops #basspro #ozarkmill #thegarrison #FinleyFarm #johnnymorris #ChateauPensmore #Pensmore #PensmoreMansion 



BIG SHIFT! 🚨 | The END of Civilization? 😱 | May 2022 Energy Update

BIG SHIFT! 🚨 | The END of Civilization? 😱 | May 2022 Energy Update -  
This decade of 2020 to 2030 will likely mark the end of civilization as we know it. The question is, what will the change and the final outcome look like? And what can we do to effect a positive outcome?  The energy of May 2022 and beyond is calling us to go to a new level of consciousness and awakening. It's time to go further than we ever have before in our evolutionary journey!

Take Notice:  Of how I hashtag my local TV stations and do the same in your local area.

#KY3 #ky3news #KOLR10News #ozarksfoxam #KOLR10 #KOLR #ozarks #ozarkmo #springfieldmo #BransonMO #finishstrong417 #ksprnews #kspr33 #kspr #ozarksfox #ozarknewsletter #ksprtv #ky3tv #finleyfarms #bassproshops #basspro #ozarkmill #thegarrison #FinleyFarm #johnnymorris #ChateauPensmore #Pensmore #PensmoreMansion 
