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The 2000 yr old Conspiracy involving the entire history of Christianity

Christian Dilemmas - The Secret History of Christianity and the Bible

“JESUS DESCENDED FROM ET ENKI, HIS SON CAIN & KING DAVID” Sir Lawrence Gardiner, Royal Genealogist
Extensive article by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.)

Jesus, says philosopher Neil Freer, was a biological descendant of the Nibiran Enki, Chief Scientist of the gold mining expedition from the planet Nibiru to Earth.  Freer writes “Jesus was an Essene as was his wife, Mary Magdalene, information the Catholic Church suppressed.  Catholics instead perpetuated slave-code fear and subservience.  They hid the truth of our hybridization and persecuted and brutalized the human-centered strain of the bloodline [that’s most of us].” [Gardiner, L., 2000, Bloodline of the Holy Grail; quote from Freer, 2004, Sapiens Rising]

The true Grail bloodline originated with the Anunnaki gods in southern Sumeria at least 6,000 years ago and was sustained by ingestion of an alchemical substance called ‘Star Fire’.

Bloodline of the Holy Grail is essentially concerned with the Messianic Bloodline as it has descended through the family of Jesus Christ down to the present day. It is also concerned with comparing the New Testament Gospels with the first- hand historical accounts of the era, as related in both the Roman and Jewish archives. In this regard, it details how the eventual Christian High Church corrupted and manipulated the early records to suit its own political agenda.

Despite the contrived doctrine that Jesus was born of a virgin and was the ‘one and only’ son of God (definitions that did not feature in the original pre-Roman texts), the New Testament Gospels of Matthew and Luke actually give details of Jesus’ descendant lineage from David of Israel and the Kings of Judah. This has led to the one question I have been asked more than any other during the past months. The question (in its various forms) asks quite simply: What was so special about this Bloodline in the first place?
Given that the dynastic succession from Jesus has been expressly prominent in sovereign and political affairs through 2,000 years – with the family constantly supporting constitutional democracy against control by the Church establishment – its status rests upon the fact that Jesus was a lineal descendant of King David.
But, what was it that made the line of David so important, and so different from any other? It was this very question which set me on the trail for my next book, Genesis of the Grail Kings, which tells the story of the Messianic line from the very beginning.

The Bible explains that the Bloodline story began with Adam and Eve, from whose third son, Seth, evolved a line which progressed through Methuselah and Noah, and eventually to Abraham who became the Great Patriarch of the Hebrew nation. It then relates that Abraham brought his family westwards out of Mesopotamia (present-day Iraq) to the land of Canaan (or Palestine), from where some of his descendants moved into Egypt. After a few generations they moved back into Canaan where, in time, the eventual David of Bethlehem became King of the newly defined Kingdom of Israel.

I may not know a lot,  but I do know truth when I hear it!   ~  Buddy Huggins


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