

Tech Before Its Time: Mandela Effect

1920s Lampe Luzy - Dynamo Hand-Cranked Flashlight

This is a very beautiful Vintage dynamo lame Luzy made in Paris by Paul Garnier around 1920s. Back then this lamp was high tech. This lantern cost me 8 euro at flea market, was very oxidized and didn't turn very well.

A collection of videos I created documenting how the Mandela Effect has not changed, but rather innovated technology 1 to 3 decades, give or take, before we did on our "timeline", for lack of better terms. As time goes on and we, the affected, keep noticing more and more changes to our daily lives and our mother earth, it would seem to appear that we are time travelling via these videos and technology is being exposed before its time. I remember when photos and videos were hard to view from the 30's but it seems that videos and photos from the 1800's are better quality than those of WW1 and WW2. Watch the playlist and leave a comment and/or send me a Private Message regarding what you think is happening, and if you have anything you might want to share!!!

Research #tartaria #mudflood #hiddenhistory and #secrethistory #freeenergy #nikolatesla #tartarianempire #mudfloodreset #grandetartarie #flatearth #firmament #electromagnetism


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