

Anti-Ageing Health & Beauty - Super Soldier Program

In this second part of our Super Soldier anti ageing series we show you how to use C-Space to enter our Sublime Good Building to perform many tasks on yourself to aid the anti-ageing process and stay young fit and healthy. Presented by Tim "Tony Stark" Rifat. We are not on the cutting edge because we are the cutting edge.

n this episode we cover anti-ageing health and beauty, auto visualization, sublime good building, observer-ship, cancer, blood cells, placebo effect, mk-ultra, cancer tumor, immune system, radio therapy, chemotherapy, allopathic medicine, physics and the quantum wave function, 3-space, c-space, i to the i, real number effect, time travel, ready player 1, remote viewing, dulce, montauk, monster of the Id, trans-human, grail state, St. Germane, psychic scalpel, the flash zip zip, super soldier technology, wonder woman, superman, magic mushrooms, Hollywood weapons programs, A.I., assemblage point, labyrinth and the real secret of Westworld no one else can tell you,, energy body field, mutation state, 314, Enoch chariots of fire, archangels, illuminism, argand diagram, vertical horizontal line, why our super soldier service cost 10,000 dollars, hurricane florence, pentagon lost control of weather systems zero sum no control, energy intent fixated, Carlos Castaneda, human world of the damned, placebo explained by science for the first time, nocebo effect, mental and psychic attacks, creating real world effects using C-Space, archetypes, creating a paradox engine using 2 timelines, real number space, archetype of health, hell space, retro engineering, how non linear dynamics is chaos and much more.

Part one of the anti-ageing videos link here:

The Real Super Soldier Program available to the public.

To understand the anti-ageing series it is advised that you watch our Metatronic Super Soldier 5 part series. Link to playlist

Wingmakers Music Newest List out There! My favorite meditation music! - BH

From This To This in Two Years


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