

Focus on Fauci Call To Action - Who is Dr. Fauci?

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We are counting down for our Focus on Fauci event on Tuesday Jan 5th at 10am EST / 4pm GMT - Register for this free event at

A two-hour FREE special ‘Livestream’ broadcast on January 5th.

The event will bring before the public the vast pathology of crimes against humanity, which many key researchers and experts allege against Anthony Fauci (the most powerful man on earth in the public health administration sector).

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – Dr Judy Mikovits –   Dr David Martin – Dr Rocco Galati

January 5th / Time: 11am EST 4pm GMT.



– gather a list of other networks, truth-tellers, YouTubers, bitchute channels you are subscribed to

– gather an email list of local and international mainstream and non-mainstream media editor addresses

– gather a list of people and organisations you can forward our emails to

– notify admins of your social media groups that you want them to give extra focus on the sharing of the Focus on Fauci event


If you are on social media please save the Focus on Fauci promo images (below) and post them with the text :

“On the 5th of January, Sacha Stone will deliver a monumental 2-hour Live stream event exposing the historical pathology of Dr. Anthony Fauci and the many financial elements connected to his offices. To register GO TO:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr, Dr. Judy Mikovits, Dr. David Martin & Dr. Rocco Galati will join Sacha to bring before the public the vast pathology of crimes against humanity which many key researchers and experts allege against Anthony Fauci (the most powerful man on earth in the public health administration sector). Stay tuned for updates.”

For Social Media (Facebook) groups, banners, newsletters, or on websites/ blogs:

Storyline of the Cabal.


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