

Living a spiritual life - Words By: Gary Sigler

Living a spiritual life is not about works.  It’s about being a manifestation of God on this earth.  I love what Stacy Wood shared with me a few years ago.  He said, you can go down to the ocean and take a cup and scoop out the water.  And in that water is everything that the ocean is, all of the elements and the minerals and the salt.  Everything of the ocean is in that cup, but that cup is not all of the ocean. 

 Everything that God is, all of His wonderful attributes, the wonderful expression that He is, all the loveliness is in me, but I’m not all of God. I love what Paul told the Ephesians.  This is Amplified translation, but He said, “The church is the fullness of Him who fills everything, everywhere with Himself.”  You see, that is the true expression of the church.  And that is why I say the church age isn’t over.  The religious age is over, but the church is just beginning to stand up in all of her beauty and glory.  A people being raised up in the consciousness of God; we have no Condemning judgment, we refuses to look on one another according to the flesh. 

 Today we understand that all men are spiritual beings.  All men have been lowered into this flesh realm, and have lost their way, have lost their understanding of where they came from and who they are.  So we hold aught against no man.  We have no wrongful judgment against any man.

  John 4:13, “Whosoever drinks of this water shall thirst again: but whosoever drinks of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst.

  I used to read that and say, “Oh my God!”  I was always hungry and thirsty after God.  I was never satisfied.  I never found the reality that I was searching for.  I would read scriptures like “I am come that you might have life, and that you might have it more abundantly.” And I’d ask, “God, where is it?” Because I thought the life abundant was in my performance, and because I wasn’t performing as a good Christian, then I couldn’t believe these things were so for me.  I thought that for these things to be so I had to correct my outward condition.  And that is what keeps us in darkness.

  “Out of our innermost being flows that living water.”  It’s not on the outside of us.  We have created our life today the way we are?”  God didn’t do it.  We have created our experience today.  In the past we’ve done that by default because we have not known the truth of our being.  What I mean by that is, we have unconsciously created our condition.  I didn’t consciously create a body of sickness and disease.  We have been unconscious creators.  We have believed the lies that we’ve been taught.  We’ve believed all the divisive things that we’ve been taught.  But now we are having an awakening to know we have the mind of Christ, and we’re letting this mind function in us and we are refusing to think about the negative thoughts. 

 We are refusing be anxious about where our next meal is coming from when our boss gives us the last paycheck.  We are refusing to accept the circumstances that we may be in now because we know the truth.  And because we know the truth and we understand that we are now operating out of the mind of Christ, we are becoming a conscious creator, which simply means that if you don’t like circumstances, you have the power to change them.  And we are just learning this understanding.  And we’re not going to change overnight, but we are changing.  Death and life are in the power of our tongue.  You may not believe it, and you don’t believe it or you wouldn’t be speaking the way you do.  I’m talking to myself when I say, “I”.  I’m not pointing fingers.  But you see; we are learning to control our tongue. We are learning not to speak negative thoughts but speak life, light and love to ourselves and everyone else.

Gary Sigler Books Here - On Amazon - 


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