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Archons - Non Human Entities Influencing Our World Leaders, how can we spot those vulnerable to their influence? How can we stay in a frequency space they can not access.


The Decline of the Birth Rate in White Populations - A MUST SEE VIDEO‼️


The topic of demographic changes, including the decline in birth rates among various populations, is indeed a sensitive and complex one. It’s important to approach it with a careful consideration of the facts, and an understanding of the many factors that can influence demographic trends.

The Decline of the Birth Rate in White Populations:

Demographic shifts, including changes in birth rates, are influenced by a multitude of factors such as economic conditions, cultural trends, public policy, and access to healthcare. When discussing the decline of the birth rate in white populations, it’s crucial to present the information with nuance and context.

According to various sources, there has been a noted decline in the birth rates among white populations in several countries. This phenomenon is not isolated to a single region but has been observed in the United States, Canada, Latin America, the United Kingdom, and other countries1. The reasons for this decline are multifaceted and can include the aging of the population, economic factors, changes in societal values, and more.

For instance, the Brookings Institution reported that the white population in the United States began to decline in 2016, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. This was attributed to the aging of the white population, leading to fewer births and more deaths—a trend that is projected to continue2. The pandemic has further impacted these numbers, exacerbating the decline.

It’s also important to note that the decline in birth rates is not exclusive to white populations. The BBC reported a decline across all measured racial and ethnic groups, with births dropping by 4% among white, black, and Latina women, 9% for Asian women, and other percentages for different groups3.

When discussing such topics, it’s essential to avoid drawing simplistic conclusions or attributing the changes to a single cause. Instead, it’s beneficial to consider the broader social and economic context, and to recognize the role of immigration and other factors in shaping demographic trends.

In your blog, you might want to explore the various aspects that contribute to these demographic changes, and how they impact society at large. It’s also valuable to consider the perspectives of demographers and other experts who study these trends and their implications for the future.

Remember, when presenting such information, it’s vital to encourage readers to engage with the material critically, to fact-check, and to consider multiple viewpoints. This helps foster a more informed and balanced understanding of complex issues like demographic changes.

Certainly, Buddy! Elon Musk has made several statements regarding low birth rates. Here are a few that you might find relevant for your blog:

  1. Civilization at Risk: Musk has expressed that low and rapidly declining birth rates are “one of the biggest risks to civilization.” He has urged people to look at the data and consider the implications of not having enough children, stating, "If people don’t have more children, civilization is going to crumble. Mark my words."1

  2. Underpopulation Concerns: In contrast to concerns about overpopulation, Musk has highlighted underpopulation as a significant issue. He mentioned, “There are not enough people,” and emphasized that the belief that the population is growing out of control is the opposite of the current reality. He has called for more people to have children to avoid potential societal issues related to underpopulation2.

  3. Personal Example: Musk has also commented on his personal choice to have multiple children, suggesting that he is trying to set a good example and practice what he preaches regarding the need for more children to sustain civilization1.

  4. Wealth and Birth Rates: Addressing the misconception that wealthier individuals have more children, Musk pointed out that “the richer someone is, the fewer kids they have,” and identified himself as a rare exception. He noted that most people he knows have zero or one child, which contributes to the declining birth rate3.

These statements by Elon Musk could add a thought-provoking dimension to your blog post on birth rates. Remember to encourage your readers to engage with the content critically and to explore the topic from various perspectives. Good luck with your blog, and if you need more assistance, feel free to reach out!

This blog post was enhanced with research and information assistance provided by Microsoft Copilot, an AI-powered companion designed to support content creators with information gathering and content development.




'A seismic shift': Supreme Court Chevron ruling radically alters U.S. government with power grab

The Recent 9th Circuit Ruling Will Not Be Overruled
Today’s Supreme Court ruling supports the recent 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that plaintiffs can challenge the US government’s claim that the COVID-19 injections are “safe and effective vaccines” and seek compensatory damage in court. The judges ruled that a defendant cannot claim that the mRNA injections are “safe and effective vaccines,” just because the FDA and CDC said so.

The expert opinion of a government agency, such as the CDC, that goes against an overwhelming body of evidence (from the CDC) has no bearing in a Constitutional court of law.

The Tables Have Flipped
In her dissenting opinion, Justice Kagan wrote, “Today, the Supreme Court flips the script: It is now the courts (rather than the agency) that will wield power when Congress has left an area of interpretive discretion.”

Yes Justice Kagan. The tables of justice have just flipped; against the hostile takeover of our nation by the 3-letter agencies and in favor of the American people and our children.

Mathew 21: 12
Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. “It is written,” He said to them, “My house will be called a house of prayer, but you are making it ‘a den of robbers’.”

The Kingston Report. TRUTH WINS

June 29, 2024: In a 6-3 vote, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) over-ruled the 1984 case Chevron vs. Natural Resources, which became known as Chevron deference. Chevron deference requires courts to defer to experts from government agencies, such as the IRS, FBI, CIA, FDA, CDC, HHS, and NIH, to interpret the ‘ambiguities of the laws’ that govern those agencies.

Pfizer’s Legal Defense Strategy Got Buried Today
In the Brook Jackson case, Pfizer Carlton Wessel, audaciously reminded the judge that he does not have the authority to question statements or decisions made by the FDA, even if it’s apparent that the FDA acted in a reckless or illegal manner.

Judge Truncale clarified with Pfizer’s attorney, “So what you're saying is if the FDA gets it wrong…They just get it wrong…and… we live with it? There’s no oversight by a court. That's it. That's correct?”

And Pfizer’s attorney responded, “Yes, Your Honor.”

Sure, I'll explain this in a simpler way:

**What Happened?**
- The Supreme Court, which is the highest court in the United States, made a big decision.
- They changed a rule from 1984. This old rule said that when laws were not clear, judges should listen to what experts from government agencies think the law means.
- These agencies include groups like the IRS (taxes), FBI (investigations), and FDA (food and drugs).

**Why Does It Matter?**
- Before, if these experts said something, the courts usually agreed with them, even if they might be wrong.
- Now, the Supreme Court says that judges don't always have to agree with the agencies. They can decide for themselves what the unclear laws mean.

**Pfizer's Case:**
- There was a court case where Pfizer, a big drug company, said that judges can't question the FDA, which is the agency that approves medicines.
- The judge asked if that meant even if the FDA made a mistake, there was nothing anyone could do. Pfizer said yes.
- But now, because of the Supreme Court's decision, this might not be true anymore.

**What's Chevron Deference?**
- Chevron deference was the old rule that said judges should listen to the agencies.
- Some people thought this rule gave too much power to these agencies and not enough to the courts.
- The Supreme Court's new decision changes this, giving more power back to the courts.

**What About Vaccines?**
- There was another court decision that said people could challenge the government's claim that COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective.
- This means that just because the FDA or CDC says something about the vaccines, it doesn't mean a court has to agree.

**What's the Big Picture?**
- The Supreme Court's decision is a big change. It means that courts have more power to decide what laws mean, instead of just following what government agencies say.
- This is important because it affects how decisions are made about laws and our rights.

I hope this breakdown helps you understand the text better! If you have any more questions or need further explanation, feel free to ask. 😊

HUGE NEWS: The Chevron Doctrine is dead (1984-2024). Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, discusses the huge ruling from SCOTUS today which strikes down the Chevron Doctrine and thus puts this country more back in line with how our founding fathers intended it to be. This is a huge win for Americans and a devastating defeat for the Executive branch of government. So learn what all of this means to you and arm yourself with education today.


Dr. Phil's One On One Interview With Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

In an up close and personal 90-minute interview, Dr. Phil speaks with third-party candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., on his policies, controversies, his family legacy, and why he says his campaign has a real chance of taking the White House this November.

 Kennedy Jr. and his political views. Based on the latest information available, here are some key points about his policies and stances:

  1. Climate Change: Kennedy, an environmental lawyer for over 20 years, focuses on clean water, the environment, and human rights. His policies aim to shift agricultural subsidies to support sustainable practices and incentivize the use of clean energy to reduce pollution1.

  2. Crime & Policing: He advocates for transforming the police by incentivizing violence prevention and avoiding unnecessary arrests. Kennedy supports training in de-escalation techniques and establishing community partnerships to foster non-adversarial public relationships1.

  3. Education: Kennedy proposes several measures to reduce student loan debt, such as refinancing at lower interest rates and abolishing interest on new and existing loans. He also supports expanding educational opportunities in trades1.

  4. Economy: His economic platform includes raising the minimum wage to $15, expanding free childcare, reducing housing costs, and advocating for fair wages through union support. Kennedy also proposes cutting some military expenses to fund these initiatives1.

  5. Healthcare and Vaccines: Kennedy has been vocal about his stance on vaccines, pushing for pre-licensing safety trials and allowing parents to make informed decisions about vaccinating their children2.

  6. Foreign Policy: While specific details on his foreign policy are not mentioned in the search results, his overall approach includes ending the Ukraine-Russian war and addressing border issues2.

  7. Political System: Kennedy has criticized the two-party system as “rigged” and is campaigning as an independent candidate targeting institutions like pharmaceutical and tech companies1.

I’m here to assist you with any questions you have about Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and his political views. Based on the latest information available, here are some key points about his policies and stances:

  1. Climate Change: Kennedy, an environmental lawyer for over 20 years, focuses on clean water, the environment, and human rights. His policies aim to shift agricultural subsidies to support sustainable practices and incentivize the use of clean energy to reduce pollution1.

  2. Crime & Policing: He advocates for transforming the police by incentivizing violence prevention and avoiding unnecessary arrests. Kennedy supports training in de-escalation techniques and establishing community partnerships to foster non-adversarial public relationships1.

  3. Education: Kennedy proposes several measures to reduce student loan debt, such as refinancing at lower interest rates and abolishing interest on new and existing loans. He also supports expanding educational opportunities in trades1.

  4. Economy: His economic platform includes raising the minimum wage to $15, expanding free childcare, reducing housing costs, and advocating for fair wages through union support. Kennedy also proposes cutting some military expenses to fund these initiatives1.

  5. Healthcare and Vaccines: Kennedy has been vocal about his stance on vaccines, pushing for pre-licensing safety trials and allowing parents to make informed decisions about vaccinating their children2.

  6. Foreign Policy: While specific details on his foreign policy are not mentioned in the search results, his overall approach includes ending the Ukraine-Russian war and addressing border issues2.

  7. Political System: Kennedy has criticized the two-party system as “rigged” and is campaigning as an independent candidate targeting institutions like pharmaceutical and tech companies1.

It’s important to note that these points are based on his public statements and campaign platforms. 

It’s great to hear that you’re actively engaging with your local law enforcement on such important issues. Regarding Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s policies on police de-escalation, while I can’t provide videos, I can direct you to some resources that detail his approach:

  1. USA Today Voter Guide: This guide outlines Kennedy’s campaign on transforming the police, including training officers in de-escalation techniques and mediation skills, and establishing partnerships with local organizations to foster a non-adversarial relationship with the public1.

  2. The Post Millennial: An article here discusses Kennedy’s pledge to undo the legacy of the 1994 crime bill and his emphasis on rehabilitation over punishment in the prison system, as well as de-escalation training for police2.

  3. BizPac Review: This source mentions Kennedy’s plan for “racial healing,” which includes reorienting police to serve communities and federal cooperation with localities to change police culture, with a focus on de-escalation and community cooperation3.

These resources should provide a deeper understanding of Kennedy’s policies on police de-escalation and how he plans to implement these changes. If you have any more questions or need further information, feel free to ask. I’m here to help!

This blog post was enhanced with research and information assistance provided by Microsoft Copilot, an AI-powered companion designed to support content creators with information gathering and content development.


The Shocking Truth That Could End Everything

The Anunnaki descended from the heavens and since then, kingdoms have been established on Earth. The Anunnaki created humans and then taught the first humans everything they knew. They brought technology and development, but also wars, destruction, and control.
Understanding the agenda that was established since ancient times is to understand who the Anunnaki are and how the entire structure of the world we know was established by them.

Anunnaki Ancient Mystery



This is What I saw on My Bicycle Ride Today - Friday, June 28, 2024 The Dark Side of DARPA | The Human Cost of Technological Supremacy Exploring Rogersville: A Scenic Bicycle Ride and Thoughtful Conversations Join me on a beautiful bicycle ride through Rogersville, Missouri, as I explore scenic routes, engage in thoughtful conversations, and share my insights on health, technology, and life. From the picturesque views of the countryside to intriguing discussions about the benefits of cycling and the importance of mindful living, this video captures the essence of a perfect day out on the road. In this video, you’ll see: Stunning views of Rogersville and its surroundings A look at a massive pontoon boat and the beautiful clouds Conversations about the impact of technology and the importance of health Insights on the benefits of intermediate fasting and natural dental care Encounters with fellow cyclists and friendly locals. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more adventures and insights! 🚴‍♂️🌀️ BIG Thanks to A&B Cycles Springfield Missouri for helping me over the years! A&B Cycle 3620 South National Avenue, Springfield, MO 65807. (417) 866-2453. #abcycle #abcyclecares #webelieveinbikes #solarpoweredbikeshop #springfieldsbikeshop #cycling #cyclinglife #bike #mtb #bikelife #cyclingphotos #roadbike #cyclist #ciclismo #bicycle #mountainbike #roadcycling #instacycling Thursday, May 9, 2024 - What I saw on My Bicycle Ride Today - Here's some video links that you might be interested in‼️ “The Ozark Mill: Unaffected by Floodwaters” SEE THIS VIDEO - Amidst rising waters, Finley Farms & The Ozark Mill stood resilient, a testament to proactive engineering and meticulous craftsmanship. The Mill, perched above the historic flood levels, remained unscathed as the Finley River swelled. Our preemptive measures, including the deployment of flood doors and the reinforcement of The Chapel’s facade, proved effective. The waters receded, leaving the Mill’s foundation as steadfast as the community’s spirit. While the aftermath calls for some tidying, it’s a small feat for our dedicated team, who once again safeguarded this cherished landmark. Monday, April 29, 2024 - Weekly Church Sign Wisdom website, Explains utilizing established public TV stations to voting on local issues. See This Video - is a website that promotes a new way of democracy and communication in the digital age. It proposes a system where every citizen can have a voice and a vote on local issues, using their TV and phone. The website explains how this system works, what are the benefits and challenges, and how to start a One Voice Now Coalition in your community. The website also features videos, articles, and a book that explore the concept of One Voice Now and its potential to transform public media and voting. In this video, you will learn more about and its vision of empowering the people to solve the problems of today and make the world a better place for the children of tomorrow. You will also hear from David Frank, the founder of One Voice Now and the author of the book "300 Million Minds: Changing America Piece by Peace". He will share his insights and experiences on how to use technology to create a more direct and participatory democracy. If you are interested in learning more about and how you can get involved, please visit their website [here](^1^) or follow them on [Facebook](^4^). You can also contact them by email or phone, which are listed on their [contact page](^2^). And don't forget to subscribe to this channel for more videos on One Voice Now and other topics related to democracy, media, and social change. Thank you for watching. 😊 Source: Conversation with Bing, 9/16/2023 (1) Please Start A "One Voice Now Coalition" In Your Community. (2) | ENOUGH TALK IT'S TIME FOR A SOLUTION ~~~ OneVoiceNow .... (3) Contact Us - Please Start A "One Voice Now Coalition" In Your Community. (4) VIDEO — Please Start A "One Voice Now Coalition" In Your Community.


This is What I saw on My Bicycle Ride Today - Thursday, June 27, 2024

This is What I saw on My Bicycle Ride Today - Thursday, June 27, 2024
Exploring Rogersville: A Scenic Bicycle Ride and Thoughtful Conversations
Join me on a beautiful bicycle ride through Rogersville, Missouri, as I explore scenic routes, engage in thoughtful conversations, and share my insights on health, technology, and life. From the picturesque views of the countryside to intriguing discussions about the benefits of cycling and the importance of mindful living, this video captures the essence of a perfect day out on the road.
Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more adventures and insights! 🚴‍♂️🌀️
BIG Thanks to A&B Cycles Springfield Missouri for helping me over the years!
A&B Cycle 3620 South National Avenue, Springfield, MO 65807. (417) 866-2453.


The Dark Side of DARPA | The Human Cost of Technological Supremacy

The Dark Side of DARPA | The Human Cost of Technological Supremacy

DARPA is the secretive U.S. defense agency behind groundbreaking technologies like the internet and GPS. It uncovers DARPA's lesser-known projects and controversial experiments that push ethical boundaries.

The episode weighs DARPA's positive innovations against its more questionable endeavors. Does the agency's pursuit of cutting-edge tech justify some of its shadier activities?

You'll discover surprising facts about DARPA's influence on daily life and national security. This enigmatic organization shapes our world in ways most people never realize.

Ultimately, you'll be left pondering whether DARPA is a force for good -- or cause for concern.

#DARPA #Robotics #History

This is What I saw on My Bicycle Ride Today - Friday, June 28, 2024



The Future of Food: Exploring the Rise of Lab-Grown Meat

The title “After FDA Approval, States Move to Ban Lab-Grown Meat From Sale | Facts Matter” suggests two main claims: that the FDA has approved lab-grown meat and that some states are moving to ban its sale. Let’s break down these claims to determine their accuracy.

  1. FDA Approval of Lab-Grown Meat:

  2. States Moving to Ban Lab-Grown Meat:

In conclusion, the title accurately reflects the current situation regarding lab-grown meat in the U.S. The FDA has approved it, and some states are indeed moving to ban its sale.

As someone who has always been wary of the government’s influence over what we eat, I believe it’s crucial for us to have complete transparency about the contents of our food. The lack of clear labeling and the often confusing ingredient lists make it difficult for us to make informed choices about our diets. We deserve the right to know exactly what we’re consuming so we can consciously choose the best options for our health. The current system, with its opaque regulations and hidden ingredients, undermines our ability to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It’s not just about personal preference; it’s about our fundamental right to make informed decisions about what we put into our bodies. Without this transparency, we are left vulnerable to potential health risks and unable to trust the food on our plates.
