

'A seismic shift': Supreme Court Chevron ruling radically alters U.S. government with power grab

The Recent 9th Circuit Ruling Will Not Be Overruled
Today’s Supreme Court ruling supports the recent 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that plaintiffs can challenge the US government’s claim that the COVID-19 injections are “safe and effective vaccines” and seek compensatory damage in court. The judges ruled that a defendant cannot claim that the mRNA injections are “safe and effective vaccines,” just because the FDA and CDC said so.

The expert opinion of a government agency, such as the CDC, that goes against an overwhelming body of evidence (from the CDC) has no bearing in a Constitutional court of law.

The Tables Have Flipped
In her dissenting opinion, Justice Kagan wrote, “Today, the Supreme Court flips the script: It is now the courts (rather than the agency) that will wield power when Congress has left an area of interpretive discretion.”

Yes Justice Kagan. The tables of justice have just flipped; against the hostile takeover of our nation by the 3-letter agencies and in favor of the American people and our children.

Mathew 21: 12
Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. “It is written,” He said to them, “My house will be called a house of prayer, but you are making it ‘a den of robbers’.”

The Kingston Report. TRUTH WINS

June 29, 2024: In a 6-3 vote, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) over-ruled the 1984 case Chevron vs. Natural Resources, which became known as Chevron deference. Chevron deference requires courts to defer to experts from government agencies, such as the IRS, FBI, CIA, FDA, CDC, HHS, and NIH, to interpret the ‘ambiguities of the laws’ that govern those agencies.

Pfizer’s Legal Defense Strategy Got Buried Today
In the Brook Jackson case, Pfizer Carlton Wessel, audaciously reminded the judge that he does not have the authority to question statements or decisions made by the FDA, even if it’s apparent that the FDA acted in a reckless or illegal manner.

Judge Truncale clarified with Pfizer’s attorney, “So what you're saying is if the FDA gets it wrong…They just get it wrong…and… we live with it? There’s no oversight by a court. That's it. That's correct?”

And Pfizer’s attorney responded, “Yes, Your Honor.”

Sure, I'll explain this in a simpler way:

**What Happened?**
- The Supreme Court, which is the highest court in the United States, made a big decision.
- They changed a rule from 1984. This old rule said that when laws were not clear, judges should listen to what experts from government agencies think the law means.
- These agencies include groups like the IRS (taxes), FBI (investigations), and FDA (food and drugs).

**Why Does It Matter?**
- Before, if these experts said something, the courts usually agreed with them, even if they might be wrong.
- Now, the Supreme Court says that judges don't always have to agree with the agencies. They can decide for themselves what the unclear laws mean.

**Pfizer's Case:**
- There was a court case where Pfizer, a big drug company, said that judges can't question the FDA, which is the agency that approves medicines.
- The judge asked if that meant even if the FDA made a mistake, there was nothing anyone could do. Pfizer said yes.
- But now, because of the Supreme Court's decision, this might not be true anymore.

**What's Chevron Deference?**
- Chevron deference was the old rule that said judges should listen to the agencies.
- Some people thought this rule gave too much power to these agencies and not enough to the courts.
- The Supreme Court's new decision changes this, giving more power back to the courts.

**What About Vaccines?**
- There was another court decision that said people could challenge the government's claim that COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective.
- This means that just because the FDA or CDC says something about the vaccines, it doesn't mean a court has to agree.

**What's the Big Picture?**
- The Supreme Court's decision is a big change. It means that courts have more power to decide what laws mean, instead of just following what government agencies say.
- This is important because it affects how decisions are made about laws and our rights.

I hope this breakdown helps you understand the text better! If you have any more questions or need further explanation, feel free to ask. 😊

HUGE NEWS: The Chevron Doctrine is dead (1984-2024). Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, discusses the huge ruling from SCOTUS today which strikes down the Chevron Doctrine and thus puts this country more back in line with how our founding fathers intended it to be. This is a huge win for Americans and a devastating defeat for the Executive branch of government. So learn what all of this means to you and arm yourself with education today.


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