

Hawley vs. Manning: The Tree-Spiking Showdown, you lied

Hawley vs. Manning: The Tree-Spiking Showdown, you lied
Senator Hawley further called out Director Stone-Manning for failing to comply with federal investigations into her involvement with tree-spiking after she falsely claimed to have never been under investigation at all. “You lied to this committee in saying that you were never investigated. . . . In fact, you were.

Josh Hawley In a gripping oversight hearing, Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) confronts Bureau of Land Management Director Tracy Stone-Manning over her alleged involvement in a tree-spiking incident. Hawley accuses Stone-Manning of misleading Congress about her ties to eco-terrorism, a serious charge with potentially lethal implications for workers in the timber industry. Watch as the senator demands answers and accountability in this intense exchange that highlights the ongoing debate over environmental activism and governmental transparency. Don’t miss out on this critical moment in congressional oversight.

#JoshHawley #TracyStoneManning #TracyManning
#SenatorHawley, #BLMDirector, #TreeSpiking, #CongressionalHearing, #PoliticalOversight, #GovernmentAccountability, #EcoTerrorism, #EnvironmentalPolicy, #PublicSafety, #LegislativeIntegrity


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