

Journey to Awakening: A Cyclist’s Reflections on Change and Truth

“Pedals of Insight: Navigating the Roads of Consciousness and Reality”

As I set out on my bicycle today, the rhythmic turn of the pedals seemed to echo the steady beat of change that pulses through our lives. It was a Tuesday, the 11th of June, 2024, a day marked not just by the calendar but by the journey I embarked upon—both physically through Rogersville and spiritually within myself.

The wind, a gentle force from the south, propelled me forward, whispering tales of transformation. A flag once flew here at the Come and Go, its absence now as conspicuous as the silent crane towering in the distance. It stood as a testament to progress, to the stainless steel foundations of tomorrow being laid today.

In a casual exchange, I learned of BJ Johnston, a man whose influence extends from the board of the electric company to the very structures that shape our community. It’s a small reminder that our actions, like ripples, can extend far beyond our immediate reach.

But this ride isn’t just about the physical landmarks I pass by; it’s about the internal landscapes we navigate. In these times, the concept of karma is not lost on me—the idea that what we put out into the world comes back to us with equal force. It’s a reminder to act with integrity, to be honest and true in all our dealings.

For those awakened to the vibratory field of love, the reality we perceive is but a fraction of what is. We are eternal beings, light-body entities experiencing the physical realm, yet so much more than our corporeal forms. We are part of a grander design, connected to the Creator of all, the Source of unconditional love.

This understanding is not always welcomed with open arms. Speak of eternal light-body beings in church, and you may find yourself misunderstood, even ostracized. Yet, the truth remains—we are all one, connected by a love that transcends understanding.

As I continue my ride, the unchanged church sign serves as a metaphor for the unchanging nature of truth. It stands firm, a beacon amidst the shifting sands of society’s narratives.

And so, I invite you to join me on this journey. Let’s explore the depths of our being, seek the truth that liberates, and embrace the love that unites. Leave a comment, share your thoughts, and let’s awaken together to the beauty of this moment and the infinite possibilities that await us. 


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