

Mr. Bean’s Hilarious Take on Free Speech: A Must-Watch!


Mr. Bean is a character played by British actor and comedian Rowan Atkinson. Mr. Bean is known for his humorous and often silent antics, which have been featured in a television series and two feature films. Rowan Atkinson has also been an advocate for free speech and has given speeches on the topic1.

The video you mentioned seems to be related to Rowan Atkinson’s advocacy for free speech. In one of his speeches, he supports a campaign aimed at reforming the UK’s controversial insults law, specifically Section 5 of the Public Order Act 19861. He emphasizes the importance of building immunity to taking offense and dealing with the message rather than the messenger1.

“Join us as we dive into the world of free speech with the legendary Mr. Bean, played by the brilliant Rowan Atkinson. Known for his humorous and often silent antics, Mr. Bean brings his unique perspective to the importance of free speech. In this exclusive video, he blends humor and wisdom in a way only he can, supporting a campaign aimed at reforming the UK’s controversial insults law. Don’t miss out on this entertaining and thought-provoking discussion! Watch the video, explore more of our engaging content, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for more exciting updates.”

  1. George Orwell: "If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear."1
  1. Benjamin Franklin: "Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech."1
  1. Frederick Douglass: "To suppress free speech is a double wrong. It violates the rights of the hearer as well as those of the speaker."1
  1. Noam Chomsky: "If we don’t believe in free expression for people we despise, we don’t believe in it at all."1
  1. Winston Churchill: "Everyone is in favor of free speech. Hardly a day passes without its being extolled, but some people’s idea of it is that they are free to say what they like, but if anyone else says anything back, that is an outrage."1

The Unseen Future: Graphene, 5G, and the Potential for Unprecedented Surveillance

In the rapidly advancing world of technology, the convergence of powerful tools like 5G, graphene, AI, and cryptocurrency presents both remarkable opportunities and alarming risks. Imagine a scenario where an unsuspecting population is injected with graphene-based sensors under the guise of medical treatment, only to find their every move and bodily function monitored and exploited in a new form of digital currency. This dystopian vision, while perhaps theoretical, may not be as far-fetched as it seems, especially in light of recent developments and investigations.

Graphene’s Unprecedented Potential: A Double-Edged Sword

Graphene, the wonder material of the 21st century, is celebrated for its exceptional electrical conductivity, flexibility, and biocompatibility. When integrated with 5G technology, graphene could revolutionize everything from antennas to sensors, enabling faster and more efficient data transmission than ever before. In the medical field, its biocompatibility and ability to be miniaturized into nano-sensors open up possibilities for real-time health monitoring, where these sensors could theoretically be injected into the body to track vital health data continuously.
But what happens when this technology is used not for healing, but for control? The European Parliament was recently confronted with this very concern. On January 24, 2022, MEP Sergio Berlato posed a critical question to the European Commission, citing investigations by Dr. Ricardo Delgado Martin and Dr. Pablo Campra: Their reports claimed the presence of graphene in COVID-19 vaccines, which could have profound implications. Graphene’s ability to convert electronic signals into terahertz-range signals—thousands of times higher than those generated by current silicon-based electronics—raises significant health and ethical concerns .
If graphene were indeed present in the Covid vaccines, it could theoretically absorb radiation, making it highly toxic and harmful to human health. But it could also mean that electronic surveillance sensors are now present in the bodies of a majority of the population. Berlato's query thus underscore a chilling possibility: could the materials in widely administered vaccines serve purposes beyond those publicly acknowledged?

5G and the Timeline of Global Rollout: A Question of Necessity

This scenario becomes even more concerning when we consider the global rollout of 5G technology, which coincides almost precisely with the timeline of mass vaccination campaigns. 5G, heralded as the next revolution in telecommunications, offers vastly higher data throughput and lower latency compared to 4G. However, this raises a crucial question: why is such high throughput necessary when existing 4G networks are more than capable of handling activities like streaming video, online gaming, and general internet use
Could it be that the real purpose of 5G's massive bandwidth is not just faster downloads, but something more? A patent ,in 2020 (WO2020060606A1) - details a cryptocurrency system where body activity data is used as a form of proof-of-work for mining digital currency. The hypothetical system described in patent WO2020060606A1, where body activity data is used as proof-of-work for cryptocurrency mining, would require continuous, high-speed data transmission. The sheer volume of data generated by billions of sensors embedded in the population could potentially overwhelm existing networks, but with 5G, this data could be transmitted and processed in real time.

The Rise of the “Body-Crypto” Economy

Let’s take this a step further. The patent details a cryptocurrency system where body activity data is used as a form of proof-of-work for mining digital currency. Imagine that the graphene sensors mentioned above were not just for health monitoring but also for tracking your physical and perhaps even mental activities, converting them into cryptocurrency. This system would not only monitor every heartbeat and brainwave but also commodify them, rewarding or penalizing individuals based on their physical performance.
The integration of such a system with 5G networks, known for their high speed and low latency, could enable real-time surveillance and control on a scale previously unimaginable. This kind of technology could be used to enforce behavior, monitor compliance, and even manipulate populations by controlling the flow of digital currency based on activity levels—a form of body capitalism where one’s economic value is tied directly to physical output.

Implications for Society: Surveillance, Control, and the Loss of Autonomy

The implications of such a system are vast and deeply concerning. The introduction of graphene-based sensors, especially if done without public knowledge or consent, would represent an unprecedented breach of personal privacy. Every movement, every physiological change could be tracked, recorded, and potentially exploited. In a world where your bodily activity determines your financial worth, freedom and autonomy could become relics of the past.
Moreover, this level of surveillance and control would not only be a tool for oppressive regimes but could also be weaponized by corporations, leading to a new form of economic and social stratification. Those who control the technology would hold immense power, able to dictate societal norms and individual behaviors through the manipulation of currency and resources.

The Call for Transparency and Accountability

The (perhaps) hypothetical scenario painted here is stark, but it serves as a crucial reminder of the potential dangers inherent in the unchecked advancement of technology. As we push the boundaries of what is possible with graphene, 5G, and beyond, it is imperative that we also push for transparency, ethical oversight, and rigorous accountability. The question posed in the European Parliament about the presence of graphene in the Covid vaccines highlights the urgent need for independent investigation and verification to ensure that emerging technologies are used for the benefit of society, not its subjugation.
As we stand on the brink of this new technological era, the choices we make today will determine whether these innovations serve to enhance human freedom—or curtail it. But perhaps the most pressing question of all is this: Could this rapid deployment of 5G and the potential integration of such invasive technologies have anything to do with the fact that the global financial system appears to be on its last legs? Is this really about creating a new form of control—an economy based not on traditional currency, but on the very movements of your body, as a means to maintain power in a world where the old financial structures are crumbling? It's at least plausible. And that's what's scary. Sources:
  1. European Parliament Parliamentary Question - P-000303/2022. Available at:
  2. Patent WO2020060606A1, "Cryptocurrency system using body activity data."
  3. How Bill Gates and partners used their clout to control the global Covid response — with little oversight
5G Rollout Timeline source:
  • 2018-2019: Initial Rollout South Korea Source:
    BBC News - South Korea 5G launch
    United States: Source: Verizon News - 5G launch
  • 2020: Expansion and Acceleration Europe: Source:
    European 5G Observatory
    Japan: Source:
  • 2021-Present: Wider Adoption Global Expansion: Source:
    Africa and Latin America: Source:



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