

We Live in a Simulation | Maya: the code of life

This is the full content of my own book. Maya: the code of life. I'm the writer and the owner of the full content of this book. All rights reserved. I am convinced that we are living in a simulation... This is not an easy and simple conclusion... nor is it a comfortable one. But there are several signs that allow us to understand what is truly happening.
If this alternative is indeed true, a wide variety of questions arise before us. The main question is: if this universe is a simulation, then... who is God? Well, the answer to this question is simple: God is the creator of the universe and the simulation! But this simple answer presupposes other profound questions. If God is the creator, and there is only one, why are there different religions? Would He have created these different religions when He made His revelation to different people, different nations, and through different sacred books, which are often antagonistic to one another? If it was not God's will to create different religions, then why did He allow it? Who is in command of the universe?
If the universe is, in fact, a simulation, we can understand more deeply why religions speak of eternal life and the kingdom of heaven, which would be the true life. But if we remain the same after death, would we be able to coexist with antagonistic views in a new life? Would we accept the different when we are before God the Father?
And if we do not accept the different, will we be expelled from paradise, cast into hell to suffer eternally because we challenged divine will?
If the universe is a simulation, does this mean that our consciousnesses are also simulations? Who, or what, are we really? Why are we here? What is the purpose of our existence? And what will we find after our death?
What evidence supports this seemingly insane idea that the universe is a simulation? 📖 Check out my book: Maya: the code of life print version -
electronic version -
👉Be a member of this channel and enjoy benefits:    / @anunnakiancientmystery   Guardians of Knowledge (Level 1) - Supporter badges Truth Seekers (Level 2) - Early access to videos ----- 00:00 - Introduction 08:13 - 1. The Beginning of Everything 08:16 - 1.1 The Awakening of Life 13:08 - 1.2 Living on Earth: A Different Story in Three Acts 29:29 - 1.3 The Choice 48:36 - 2. Who is in command? 48:40 - 2.1 Good, Evil, and Suffering: Human and Divine Existence 58:36 - 2.2 Divine Nature: Attributes of God 01:22:43 - 2.3 Morality 01:38:35 - 2.4 Religious Morality 01:58:29 - 2.5 Atheism and Non-religious Morality 02:26:04 - 2.6 Divine Nature: Do All Paths Lead to the Father? 02:45:14 - 2.7 The Disruptive General Command 03:05:37 - 3. The code of life 03:08:49 - 3.1 The Code: The Vehicle of Life 03:17:54 - 3.2 Deciphering the Code 03:34:36 - 3.3 Inside the Code: Evidence 04:42:29 - 3.4 Code of Life: The Inscription of God 04:49:35 - 3.5 Evolution 04:55:23 - 4. Beyond the code: consequences of life in the illusion of the phenomenal world 05:15:10 - 4.1 The Laws of the Cosmos 05:34:32 - 4.2 The Impermanent State of All Things 06:02:36 - 4.3 Among the Lines of the Code 06:48:35 - Afterword ----


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