Our lives are changing at the speed of light! We can all feel it in our soul and in our bones. It's all moving so fast that sometimes it seems like a blur. But our souls are still the same as they were in the beginning, One with Great Spirit. And as this world accelerates, so does our approach to the Light.
Living in the Heart
Our lives are changing at the speed of light! We can all feel it in our soul and in our bones. It's all moving so fast that sometimes it seems like a blur. But our souls are still the same as they were in the beginning, One with Great Spirit. And as this world accelerates, so does our approach to the Light.
Love is more than an emotion, it is the beam of energy that guides us Home into the arms of Infinity. And compassion is the nest that protects us from the unknown and our fears. The Sacred Space in each of our Hearts is the key, my friends. There, beyond the mind and its insistent thoughts that never tire, is a pool of calm clear water that is older than the most distant star.
And in this water, just as in Geneses, God moves like the wind over, around and through it. Here we can dream a new world, and the dream will become Reality. This is certain, for how do you think this world began?
No matter your desire, the water of this pool within your Heart is no less than the water of your Mother’s womb taking you from one world into another. Like a tiny baby bird cracking the shell of its inner world, the outer world will begin anew as sure as the Sun rising over the horizon.
Don’t worry. Remember, the whole universe was created by your Cosmic Parents just for you. Only for you. You are loved so dearly.
In the Living in the Heart meditation we enter into the essence of the Sacred Space of your Heart to remember the Way of Dreaming.
In Love and Service,
Drunvalo Melchizedek
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