
A MUST SEE VIDEO!!! - Ukraine - The Democrats' Russia

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Glenn reveals the facts that the media refuse to share and breaks down the entire Ukraine timeline on the chalkboard. Tune in to watch as Glenn makes yet another complex issue simple. BlazeTV Presents a Glenn Beck Special - Ukraine: The Democrats' Russia.

PROOF: DNC colluded with Ukraine to take down Trump in 2016

The Democrats have struggled for years now to find the evidence they need to prove Russia colluded with Donald Trump during the 2016 election. But while they take Americans in circles with their empty allegations, the DNC was doing the exactly same thing in Ukraine. Specifically, Democrats hired lawyer Alex Chalupa to "investigate" Trump. Glenn explains the documents, finances, hacked emails, and AUDIO RECORDINGS that give us the proof we need to show you that this Ukraine scandal goes FAR beyond Joe and Hunter Biden, and their involvement with Ukraine oil company Burisma. It goes much, MUCH further than that.


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