
Egyptian Colony in the Grand Canyon, Tobacco in Mummies - Africans Discovered America

Do you believe ancient civilizations were more advanced then we think? Do you believe Africans had the ability to discover America far before Columbus and the Vikings? Please share this video on all of your social media, this will help us a lot!

Olmec Heads

  • The Olmec Stone Heads of Mexico:

The huge proportions of the heads suggests that they (The people represented by the heads) were important people, and their association with the Olmec culture at around (800-600 BC) places them long before the Maya, Inca or Columbus's arrival in America. The stone heads have been found at the three most significant Olmecs sites in Mexico (La Venta, San Lorenzo and Tres Zapotez). They were carved from huge basalt boulders, some quarried in the Tuxtlas Mountains; some from the basalt of Cerro Cintepec; others from basalt found on San Martin Volcano.

It has long been suggested that the stone heads represent warriors or chieftain leaders, or perhaps a ruling dynasty. The clear prevalence of Negroid (and oriental) facial features on the stone heads has been said to be evidence of a 'fusion' of African and Pre-Columbian American races. Other evidence ranges from Linguistics, Plant Geography, Skeletons, Terracotta figures and even North African 'Tifinag' inscriptions on the Virgin Islands (3).

Another interesting theory has emerged recently which suggests that the helmeted figures represent famous Ball-court players. While we are more familiar with the ancient ball courts of the Aztec and Mayans, the history behind those games starts in the older culture of the Olmecs, as seen in their ceremonial ball courts.(4) It is reasonably proposed, on the back of this theory that the giant stone heads look the way they do (with flattened/broken noses and fearsome grimaces) because they reflect an aggressive, full contact sport.(2)
   The La Venta Heads.

The La Venta heads showed several similarities to the Tres Zapotes heads, and it emerged through archaeology that they dominated the ceremonial plaza, a feature which suggests that they were in some way 'revered'. Four heads were found at La Venta, all of them faced the Atlantic, and the largest at 9ft high had its domed top flattened so that it could function as an altar. A speaking tube was found going in at the ear and out at the mouth; a possible oracle or talking god. Radio carbon dates from the site were published in 1957 and they give an average reading of 814 BC +/- 134 yrs.  These figures were among the oldest at the La Venta site.

La Venta was not alone in its depiction of Negroid faces in stone. Apart from the four found there, two were excavated in Tres Zapotes and a further five at San Lorenzo in Vera Cruz, one of which, the largest known, is nine feet, four inches high, and is estimated to weigh around 40 tons. (3)

The La Venta heads are thought to have been carved by 700 BCE, but possibly as early as 850 BCE, while the San Lorenzo heads are credited to an earlier period. The colossal heads can measure up to 9 ft 4 in. in height and weigh several tons. The sheer size of the stones causes a great deal of speculation on how the Olmecs were able to move them. The major basalt quarry for the colossal heads at La Venta was found at Cerro Cintepec in the Tuxtla Mountains, over 80 km away. (1)

Images of the La Venta Heads
  • Monument 1: 3m (9.8 ft) tall. Current location, La Venta park-Museum, Villahermosa.

  • Monument 2: Height 1.63m (5.34 ft). Current location, Carlos Pellicer Regional Museum of Anthropology. Note the lack of fearsome grimace.

  • Monument 3: Height 1.98m (6.49 ft). Current Location, La Venta Park-Museum, Villahermosa.

  • Monument 4 : Height 2.26m (7.41 ft). With discoverer Dr. Mathew Stirling in 1939. Current location, La Venta Park-Museum, Villahermosa.
La Venta Stone Head No 9.
This unfinished stone head from La Venta shows the way the stones were carved from round balls.

   The Tres Zapotes Heads.
The first rumours of large stone-heads in Tres Zapotes came from as early as 1858, but it was in 1938 that Dr. Stirling uncovered the first head, which was made from a single piece of basalt rock resting on a prepared foundation of unworked slabs of stone. He said of it that it was:
 '...unique amongst aboriginal American sculptures, it is remarkable for its realistic treatment. The features are bold and it is amazingly negroid in character'. (3)
The head was found at least 10 miles from the source of the stone and a long slab of stone which was found at the same site yielded a precise date of Nov 4th. 291 BC. As digging increased in south America other larger heads and earlier heads were found at sites such as La Venta, which began to reveal a chapter of history in the pre-Columbian Gulf of Mexico that was almost lost to us.

Monument A: Height 1.47m (4.82 ft). Carved from a block of Basalt. Current location, Community museum, Veracruz.

Monument F: Currently on Display, Labelled 'El Negro' in the Tuxteco Museum, Santiago Tuxtla, Veracruz.


Monument Q - Height 1.47m (4.82 ft). Carved from a distinctive porphyritic basalt and weighing over eight tons, this was the second colossal head to be discovered at Tres Zapotes. Current location Santiago Tuxtla Museum, Veracruz.
Image (Right): The rear of Monument Q showing Ethiopian style braided hair. This is one of the strongest arguments in favour of these monuments representing people of African origin.

   The San Lorenzo Heads.
Ten colossal stone heads representing heads of past and present rulers have been found at San Lorenzo. Evidence suggests that these heads were plastered and painted in bright colours. They were arranged in ensembles and set in a plaza paved with red sand and yellow gravel. Sarcophagus-shaped thrones linked living kings with their ancestors. (5)

Monument 1: This head dates from 1,200 to 900 B.C. and is 2.9 metres high and 2.1 metres wide. Current location, Museo de AntropologĂ­a de Xalapa in Xalapa, Veracruz.


Monument 2: 2.69m (8.82 ft) tall. Current location, National Museum of anthropology, Mexico city.


Monument 3: 1.78m (5.84 ft) tall. Current location, Jalapa Museum of Anthropology.


Monument 4: Height 1.78m (5.84 ft). Current location, Japala Museum of Anthropology.

Monument 5: 1.86m (6.1 ft) high. current location, Jalapa Museum of Anthropology.

Monument 61: Height 2.2m (7.22 ft). Current location, Jalapa Museum of Anthropology.
Also from San Lorenz, this unusual Stela-Head. Current location, Jalapa Museum.

  • The Rancho Cobata Head.

The Exodus And; The ReturnWashitaw and Manataka Mountains of Hot Springs, Arkansas

Please repost with this link at the top:  Reposted from The Awakening Website
Professor Stephen Oppenheimer, Ph.D, is a British Geneticist and an Honorary Fellow of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine.  He carries out research in the fields of genetics and human pre-history.  Using recent advances in population genetics, climatology and archeology, he has put forth a theory that Homo sapiens emigrated from a single geographical location, approximately 80,000 years ago.
Much of Dr. Oppenheimer’s theory relies on recent advances in studies of mitochondrial DNA that was passed down from the mother, as well as Y chromosomes that were passed down from the father.  In so doing, he has traced the evolution of modern humankind to one woman who is of a common African ancestry.[i]
We, the Moors, have the blood of every nation flowing through our veins, thereby bringing about a cross Spirit.  Noble Drew Ali
On Earth, the Homo sapien was the result of a cross breeding of the genes from our native Earth primates with those of different races from other worlds.  Man of Earth was created by highly evolved races who used their own DNA in the blending.  When the denser physical body was raised up from the lower primates into the humanoid form, it was that form we inhabited; it was that form into which we projected our consciousness.
At that time, there was only one ocean.  But 80,000 years ago, great cataclysms broke apart a large portion of the Earth’s landmass.  One large exodus of human beings then spread throughout the world.
God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered to One place, and let dry ground appear.”  Genesis 1:9
Our ancestry can be traced back to Africa because, thousands of years later, during the deluge that sank both Atlantis and LeMuuria, the energies of ancient LeMuuria were moved to Egypt, which is located in East Africa, the exact center of the Earth’s landmass.  It is because of the reversal of the Earth’s magnetic poles, which occurred at that time, that Lower Egypt is geographically located above Upper Egypt on a map.  We are all of LeMuurian ancestry.  We are one people sharing one God.  We are Muurs.
I have a dream – that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed.  Martin Luther King Jr.

The year 1993 was the International Year of the Indigenous People.  In that year, the United Nations’ Center for Human Rights recognized the Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah Muur Empire of North America as the Oldest Indigenous People on Earth.

One legacy of these Muurs, or Moors, is carried on by the Moorish Science Temple of America who claim allegiance to the same flag as Morocco, which is an African nation.  The founder of this temple was born near the banks of the Washitaw River, in southeastern United States.  Moors Gate, or Bab El Magharbeh, is one of four entrances to the Dome of the Rock, at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.  It is the only city gate entrance that leads directly into the Jewish Quarter.  It was the Moroccans who built these quarters.[ii]
Near the Washitaw River stand the Washitaw Mountains of Arkansas.  American Indians call the mountains Ouachita, which means ‘female buffalo.’

Spewing from the sides of one of these mountains, there flow natural mineral hot springs.  These hot springs are composed of radium water, magnetic lodestone and crystallized quartz.  When these three things combine, something extraordinarily unique occurs – a quantum field is created.  Because of their extraordinary healing qualities, they were considered neutral territory by the indigenous peoples.  They were unclaimed by any tribe.

These living waters that spew from these mountains exist only in the state of Arkansas.  The Atlanteans knew this.  Many Atlanteans settled there during the cataclysms, when they escaped to the Americas by way of a land bridge that connected what is now the Yucatan peninsula to the Atlantean islands of Poseida and Og.

During the deluge, the Atlanteans hid three powerful Atlantean Crystals in Arkansas, the attributes of which are capable of bending the Space-Time continuum.  Arkansas is now transmitting codes to other regions that include Tibet, New Zealand, Patagonia, Lake Titicaca, The Pyrenees, Eastern Siberia, Mongolia and also East Africa.[iv]

On the triple date of 11-11-11 a sacred Golden Sun Disc was actived in Arkansas, in the Washitaw Mountains.  This transmitted new DNA codes all around the World.  These codes are the Divine blueprint for the planet.  Arkansas, the land of the Washitaw Muurs, is now the most important portal vortex in mankind’s return to Eden and to Unity Consciousness.
Muurs are the original people of the Earth.  We have no beginning, nor an ending.  Our Creator grants us life everlasting.  R.A. Umar Shabazz Bey


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