
Old World Underground Cities & Maps?

Uncovering the Hidden History of Tartaria and Ancient Maps

In this intriguing video, we delve into the mysteries of Tartaria, a massive landmass conspicuously absent from our history books. Using a map from 1583, we explore why this significant region, once depicted alongside Russia, has been suppressed from modern knowledge. The video raises questions about what is being hidden and why Tartaria, unlike the Roman Empire or the Huns, is never mentioned in historical narratives.

The exploration doesn’t stop there. We also examine ancient maps that suggest the existence of massive underground cities and continents like the land of Mew, which have been erased from contemporary maps. These maps, some dating back to 1544, depict Antarctica as a green land and feature mysterious inscriptions like “Here be dragons.”

The video also touches on the hidden depths of modern structures, such as the Tribune building in Chicago, revealing eight sub-basements that hint at a much more complex history than we are told. This discovery aligns with the theory that our history has been fabricated to hide the existence of advanced ancient civilizations.

Join us as we uncover these hidden truths and challenge the conventional understanding of our world’s history.

Exploring the Mysteries of the Great Pyramid of Giza

In a recent viral video, a paraglider captured stunning footage of the Great Pyramid of Giza, revealing what appear to be hieroglyphics at its peak. This discovery challenges the mainstream belief that the pyramids lack such inscriptions. The video raises intriguing questions: Are these true hieroglyphs, and if so, what do they signify?

While we do not support climbing or damaging these ancient structures, the presence of these markings could support the theory that the Egyptians did not build the pyramids but rather reinhabited them, utilizing lost technologies. This hypothesis is further backed by evidence of ancient casing stones and significant rain damage on the Sphinx, suggesting a much older origin.

Additionally, the transcript delves into the fascinating history of King Tutankhamun’s artifacts, now housed in the Grand Egyptian Museum. These relics, along with the pyramids, continue to captivate and puzzle historians and archaeologists worldwide.

Join us as we explore these mysteries and uncover the true origins of Egypt’s most iconic monuments.


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