
How Reality Is Being Manufactured

Published on Apr 22, 2017
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The Syria Strikes A Conspiracy Theory

TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES: https://www.corbettreport.com/syriast...

The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about the Syria Strikes from the truth-telling truth-tellers in the truthful government and true mainstream news!...in under 5 minutes!!

الحقيقة، الحقيقة برمتها، ولا شيء سوى الحقيقة حول ضربات سوريا من الحقيقة ترويض الحقيقة في الحكومة الصادقة والأخبار السائدة الحقيقية! ... في أقل من 5 دقائق !!

ترخيص كريتيف كومونس أتريبوتيون (يسمح بإعادة الاستخدام)

את האמת, את כל האמת, ורק את האמת על סוריה מכה מן האמת- tellers האמת של הממשלה אמת אמיתי חדשות המרכזי ...! בתוך פחות מ 5 דקות!

רישיון ייחוס של Creative Commons (שימוש חוזר מותר)

Правда, всю правду, и ничего, кроме правды о Сирии. Удары правдивых рассказывающих правду в правдивом правительстве и истинных мейнстримных новостях! ... менее чем за 5 минут !!


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진실, 진실, 그리고 시리아에 관한 진리는 진실 된 정부와 진실한 주류 뉴스 속에서 진리를 말하는 진리를 말하는 사람들로부터 파업을 일으킨다! ... 5 분 안에 !!


크리에이티브 커먼즈 저작자 표시 라이센스 (재사용 허용)




Die Wahrheit, die ganze Wahrheit und nichts als die Wahrheit über die Syrien Streiks von den wahrheitsgetrennten Wahrheitskellern in der wahrhaftigen Regierung und wahren Mainstream-Nachrichten ... in weniger als 5 Minuten!


Creative Commons Namensnennung (Wiederverwendung erlaubt)




In this video, we go over the biggest lies and deception that both Donald Trump and the mainstream media are pushing on the American people with the latest breaking news. As Russia responds and the world awaits the latest moves by Rex Tillerson, Jared Kushner and Donald Trump while Steve Banon is in opposition, this will surely be very interesting times ahead of all of us. 


The Real Secrets Hidden in Antarctica... Revealed

Please fund this channel on Patreon, read our goals here: https://www.patreon.com/truthstreammedia

There may be good reason for your curiosity if you have ever wondered about what is really going on at the southernmost continent... With so many myths and rumors flying around about the place lately, we decided to do a little research of our own into the claims... which turned into a whole lot of research... and what was going to be a 10-minute video turned into this. 

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Syria & Donald Trump - What's Going On? David Icke April 7 2017

Syria & Donald Trump What's Going On? David Icke Special on the Richie Allen Show 7/4/2017

BREAKING NEWS: What You Need To Know About Trump's Latest DISASTROUS Action

Just as Donald Trump decided to launch missiles at a foreign government, we give you the full context of all the breaking news happening about the most important world event that just unfolded in front of us. We have been warning you about this and saw this happening as we predicted it from our previous coverage. 


BREAKING NEWS: What You Need To Know About Trump's Latest DISASTROUS Action

Just as Donald Trump decided to launch missiles at a foreign government, we give you the full context of all the breaking news happening about the most important world event that just unfolded in front of us. We have been warning you about this and saw this happening as we predicted it from our previous coverage. 

Video for context about what we warned you about with Trump 

Visit our MAIN SITE for more breaking news http://wearechange.org/


Así como Donald Trump decidió lanzar misiles en un gobierno extranjero, le damos el contexto completo de todas las noticias de última hora que suceden sobre el evento mundial más importante que se acaba de desplegar frente a nosotros. Hemos estado advirtiendo sobre esto y vimos esto sucediendo como lo previmos desde nuestra cobertura anterior.

Video para el contexto sobre lo que le advirtió acerca de Trump

Visite nuestro SITIO PRINCIPAL para más noticias de última hora http://wearechange.org/



The Fifth Interview of Dr Neruda #wingmakers - A Message for Humanity

Buddy Huggins 

A Message for Humanity

“The Sovereign Integral process is focused on you —the individual— directing your own Self —Life Essence— to express itself in Oneness and Equality. That’s it. If you do this, then you are releasing the hold of the programming. For some this can be done quickly, and for others it might require more diligent practice.”

And thanks also to all those physical beings, or not, who have helped that this material be published.


Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed)
Remix this video

Below is The Dr. Jamisson Neruda Interviews #1-5
The WingMakers - The Dr. Jamisson Neruda Interviews #1-5 [The Ancient Arrow Project]})➤ [A Message for Humanity]
•••ⱷ ••••ⱷ •• • • • •••ⱷ • • •ⱷ ••••ⱷ • • • • •••ⱷ • • • ••••ⱷ • • • •••ⱷ •••••
Copyright and Credit goes to: http://www.wingmakers.com



The Birth Of A Wooden House Kurland/Kurzeme (German influence)

We unexpectedly found missing footage of two more scenes from the building process - moss collection in the local swamp and finishing of the frame. So we decided to make another version - extended edition (2 mins longer) to add those scenes to the movie and share them with you all.

This is a documentary movie uncovering the process of building a wooden house with mostly hand tools from (as much as possible) local natural materials starting from forest till the living space.

"I built my house from trees that I felled in winter time (-20C) with an axe and two man crosscut saw in my own forest. I did it following the research of old carpenter's calendar that coniferous trees should be felled in January's first days when the new moon rises and the deciduous trees should be felled in the winter time during the old moon. In winter time trees are sleeping and the juice and moisture content is very low in them. As time passes timber felled in winter becomes light and strong.

In the building process I used mostly traditional carpenters hand tools - axes, hand saws, timber framing chisels and slicks, old Stanley planes, augers, draw knives and mostly human energy. All the ground work for fundaments and the basement earth digging was done by hand with shovels. The foundation consists mostly of bigger and smaller rocks and boulders. Lime, sand and concrete mixture are using only in small amounts - to hold the boulders together. The visible part over the ground level - boulder mosaic has been masoned with hand split local granite.

The House has been built based on the western part of Latvia - Kurland/Kurzeme (German influence) historical wooden architecture typical technique - Timber Frame construction with sliding log walls between the posts. House is two carpentry technique union - Timber Frame (that is typical in France, Germany, Great Britain, North America and other countries) and traditional Latvian log building technique, between the logs using moss from the local swamp.
In the walls, timber frame and roof construction there I used only wood joints and wooden pegs to hold the main construction together - no nails, screws or steel plates. Walls are insulated with 250mm thick dry pine and larch shaving layer (leftover from the local cabinet makers workshop). Overall exterior wall thickness is 50cm. In the walls (except wind vapour breathable membrane over the roof) has not been used any plastic or modern synthetic materials.

To preserve the wood from the spoiling, fame posts, sills, top beams and final cladding boards are treated with fire and pine tar mixed with Tung oil. This wood preservation technique was adapted from the Japanese traditional wood preservation technique Shou Sugi Ban (焼杉板).
Exterior cladding boards recoating each 10-15 years with Tung oil and pine or birch tar mixture, the house can last more than 500 years. As an example is taken Norwegian stave churches that stands more than 500 years until nowadays.

Roofing is three layer white oak shingles (each 10mm thick, 120mm wide and 720mm long) laid in two directional technique. Overall amount of shingles used is 15 000 pieces. Roof walls are insulated with ecological wood fibre wool and wood fibre panels. Over the wood fibre panels are plastered natural plaster - mixture of sand, clay powder, lime, linen fibre, salt, wheat flour. Overall thickness of the plaster is 20mm and over all amount of plaster used on the walls are 5000 kilos. It works also as thermal mass and improves energy performance.

Exterior measurements of the house is 6.5 x 13 meters. Living space in both floors are 120sq/m. The house is being heated with clay plastered brick bread oven and smaller oven made of clay tiles in the kitchen. To heat up both floors of the house, when outside it is minus 10 degrees (Celsium) only small oven is heated once a day. When freeze gets below -15, -20 C, we heat up the bread oven. Once it is heated, because of it’s thermal mass of 5 tons, it keeps the warmth 2-3 days. To heat up all the house (120 sq/m) in the winter time we use not more than 4 m3 (1.1 cord) of dry firewood. This is 2nd winter we are living there and we still heat up the house with the leftovers of lumber from the building process. And it will be enough for 3 more years.

I have fulfilled my vision to a build natural, ecological house with high thermal efficiency, low energy consumption, sustainable, using local materials such as - wood, stone, old and new clay bricks, moss, linen fibre, clay, water, lime, wheat flour, salt and wood shavings." 

Jacob, carpenter, craftsman and founder of John Neeman Tools.
