In Tibetan Buddhism, a Bodhisattva is anyone who is motivated by compassion and seeks enlightenment not only for him/herself but also for everyone...

I have called this video 'Robert Anton Wilson On The Acceleration To 2012' because his Jumping Jesus Phenomenon was about an acceleration in knowledge that seems to be heading towards a critical point then, and R.A.W himself said in an interview:
Asked 'What do you see coming along up to 2012', he answered:
"In Leary's terms, I think about one-third of the West now understands the neuro-somatic circuit, and some techniques for activating it. I think that's going to reach fifty to fifty-one percent pretty soon - and that will be a major cultural change. I think more and more understanding of the neuro-genetic and meta-programming circuits are coming along.
It's very obvious that quantum physics, parapsychology and all the work they're doing attaching brain scanners to Yogis and Zen masters means we're going to learn a great deal about the non-local quantum circuit. I think the history of mysticism has been sort of like a bunch of firecrackers with two or three going off every century. With the LSD revolution it became two or three every month and now it's moving up to two or three every week. I see a real acceleration in consciousness, just like in technology. "
Robert Anton Wilson
See This Playlist:
Part I: CONVERGENCE The Movie, consciousness energy field, Edgar Cayce reincarnation, Da Vinci Code, Inconvenient Truth, galactic alignment, dodecahedron, 2012 / DNA crop circles, sacred geometry as vibration, tetrahedron, 19.5 degrees
Crown corporation".
Alex Jones Live for the Entire Month of May 2008
Alex Jones and Joe Rogan - Alex Jones Live Show Aired: Tuesday, May 27th, 2008 Alex welcomes host of TV's The Fear Factor, actor and comedian Joe Rogan to discuss Joe's experiences with DMT, the nature of reality, what dreams are and a host of other fascinating topics not normally covered on the show
Here is more about the film, 2012 Time for Change, which premieres this week in San Francisco at the Lumiere-Landmark: "2012: Time for Change" projects a radical alternative to apocalyptic doom and gloom. Directed by Emmy Award nominee Joao Amorim, the film follows journalist Daniel Pinchbeck, author of the bestselling 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, on a quest for a new paradigm that integrates the archaic wisdom of tribal cultures with the scientific method. As conscious agents of evolution, we can redesign post-industrial society on ecological principles to make a world that works for all. Rather than breakdown and barbarism, 2012 will herald the birth of a regenerative planetary culture, where collaboration replaces competition, where exploration of psyche and spirit becomes the new cutting edge, replacing the sterile materialism that has pushed our world to the brink.
Joe Rogan is one of the most prominent psychedelic pioneers of modern times. His psychedelic adventures in other invisible realms which the consciousness could inhabit have revealed a radically mystical view of the nature of reality and what's going on Planet Earth ! In this interview on Jim Breuer's Sirius radio show, Joe Rogan speaks about DMT (Dimethyltryptamine) and our natural drug factory, the pineal gland or the third eye, the mind's eye where it's produced !!!
The following video was made by Gnostic Media with a peaceful Shpongle track called, "Divine Moments of Truth" playing in the background !
Joe Rogan's Fantastic Tattoo

A presentation by Danny Searle
Uploaded by PathToAscention on Oct 28, 2011
In the following videos, Danny Searle discusses many aspects of the 2012 ascension process underway ...
In the first part he speaks about human DNA, and how we perhaps might've evolved thanks to the genetic intervention of an Extraterrestrial race with whom we share most of our DNA.
Much of human DNA is still a mystery to science. 97% of our DNA is called "Junk DNA" but in fact it is Divine DNA preparing to be activated soon.
About 85 percent of people are Rh positive which means Rh-Negatives are RARE! Rh- people typically have: Higher IQ, Sensitive vision and Psychic / healing abilities. So where did the Rh- blood type come from?
There is a hard digital link between emotions and genetics. This is the first time we have ever seen the patterns of emotion directly and physically linked to the human genome. Emotions have a direct effect on our DNA structure and therefore our health.
The Earth has been wiped out at least 3 times in the past by a Superwave. The ancient Maya, Hopi and many other cultures have left us warnings about an impending disaster. A Superwave has already left the galaxy's core and will be arriving in late 2012. The next Superwave will destroy this world and herald the next "5th World" or Golden Age. But only those that are suitably prepared will make it to the 5th World...
The Galactic Superwave contains the mechanism for switching on your 12 Strand DNA. By raising your vibration and living in the LOVE vibration you can activate your 12 Strand DNA. 12 Strand DNA will open Universal Wisdom to you as well as transform you into a 5th Dimensional existence. In this presentation you will learn the actual mechanism that your body employs to alter itself for a new Cosmic Evolution!
It has been understood by ancient cultures for centuries that the Pineal Gland is the seat of great power and potential. The ruling powers know this and have tried to hide it from the masses for centuries. By activating your Pineal Gland you begin your journey to Universal enlightenment.
This prophecy was given by Peter Deunov in 1944, just prior to his death and it regarding the end of our civilization and the beginning of the Golden Age on earth.
About 85 percent of people are Rh positive which means Rh-Negatives are RARE! Rh- people typically have: Higher IQ, Sensitive vision and Psychic / healing abilities. So where did the Rh- blood type come from?
There is a hard digital link between emotions and genetics. This is the first time we have ever seen the patterns of emotion directly and physically linked to the human genome. Emotions have a direct effect on our DNA structure and therefore our health.
The Earth has been wiped out at least 3 times in the past by a Superwave. The ancient Maya, Hopi and many other cultures have left us warnings about an impending disaster. A Superwave has already left the galaxy's core and will be arriving in late 2012. The next Superwave will destroy this world and herald the next "5th World" or Golden Age. But only those that are suitably prepared will make it to the 5th World...
The Galactic Superwave contains the mechanism for switching on your 12 Strand DNA. By raising your vibration and living in the LOVE vibration you can activate your 12 Strand DNA. 12 Strand DNA will open Universal Wisdom to you as well as transform you into a 5th Dimensional existence. In this presentation you will learn the actual mechanism that your body employs to alter itself for a new Cosmic Evolution!
It has been understood by ancient cultures for centuries that the Pineal Gland is the seat of great power and potential. The ruling powers know this and have tried to hide it from the masses for centuries. By activating your Pineal Gland you begin your journey to Universal enlightenment.
This prophecy was given by Peter Deunov in 1944, just prior to his death and it regarding the end of our civilization and the beginning of the Golden Age on earth.
Uploaded by PathToAscention on Jan 13, 2012
There are 3 questions I get asked on a very regular basis:
1. What will happen to those that do not Ascend?
2. What will I experience during the Ascension process?
3. What can I expect life to be like on the 5th Dimension?
So in this video I hope to address these questions to the best of my knowledge.
1. What will happen to those that do not Ascend?
2. What will I experience during the Ascension process?
3. What can I expect life to be like on the 5th Dimension?
So in this video I hope to address these questions to the best of my knowledge.

Return to the Source Philosophy and the Matrix from Brad Tower on Vimeo.
Return to the Source
Up load to other video sites, So all that wishes to see this work can.
This documentary goes over many philosophical concepts that inspired, and are presented in, the trilogy. They spend the first half on the original film, and the rest of the time then goes over parts 2 and 3, with a couple of things on the Animatrix shorts.
It consists of clips of aforementioned releases and interviews.
It does a good job of informing the audience about the various thoughts, although it would obviously take far longer to go over all the symbolism in them, and one can ask the very appropriate question if something anywhere near that definite and final is even desired, by viewers or the Wachowskis alike.
That does mean that this is limited, but it is likely enough to enlighten and provide food for thought. In line with the series, this may provoke debate, rather than give answers set in stone. Whether one cares for this or not may depend on the extent of their knowledge on the subject, the old ideas, as well as how much they’ve thought about the presence of such in these three silver screen efforts.
Obviously, it also makes a difference if one particularly wants to think about the meanings one could possibly take out of them.
Watch the full documentary now (playlist – 1 hour)
Uploaded by 111TRUTH111
on Nov 22, 2007
The TRUTH of the matrix..peace
Film Synopsis:
THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what's REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream -- uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.
The Truman Show- Rare Video
The Truman Show - Rare video originally shown on Nickelodeon. You can notice some parts of this were shown in the opening of; The Truman Show, which is really cool!
Which video can you see the one on top?
Or the one on the bottom?
Because Self-Censoring is the way YouTube is going!