Swine Flu Updates

Apostle JoAnne Cremer September 19 at 7:19pm Reply
I daily post articles & videos & action steps & tips for activists on my FB Profile. I am going to start compiling a list of all the links for everyone, to include some of the things posted on the Wall on the Group by other activists & members as a quick reference for you to read in case you missed it. Please do be an activist! Circulate the news to all your friend, families, and social networks.
And keep up the great work of what you are already doing. Everyone's participation is needed! Kudos to you all. ~JoAnne
Relevant Radio Shows & Interviews
3 Hour Swine Flu Special on "The Nutri-Medical Report" Show: A Jane Burgermeister-ectomy. Promising to be a shocking behind the scenes look at Jane Burgermeister and why JoAnne Cremer withdrew her support for Jane, as well as news updates on the Swine Flu, activist legal strategies, and much more.
The show is called "SWINE 11" featuring Dr. A. True Ott and JoAnne Cremer and other guests.
http://podcast.gcnlive.com/podcast//nutri_med/0918091.mp3part 2:
http://podcast.gcnlive.com/podcast//nutri_med/0918092.mp3part 3:
http://podcast.gcnlive.com/podcast//nutri_med/0918093.mp3Please DO SEND IN MORE LINKS as you find them. I'll circulate them via these mailings. Title the mail to me: Link for Group Mass Mail so I can easily identify it.
Other: Drew Raines Show: Patenting the Swine Flu:
Elder Hale & guests discuss the dynamics of the vaccine interactions with the cells, patented cures regarding trivalent silver with oxygen, and Antiforced Vaccine activities. A new game plan was discussed for persuading city, county and state officials to pass laws to allow oligodynamic silver hydrosols as a alternative to vaccines.
http://giovanniworld.wordpress.com/2009/09/15/what-you-need-to-know-about-h1n1-swine-flu/TURKEYS GET THE SWINE FLU: Is a super flu coming that is generated from the mixing bowl of these creatures who contract H1N1 and H5N1? (Swine & Bird flu)
First available doses of swine flu vaccine will be nasal spray
http://blog.taragana.com/health/2009/09/18/first-available-doses-of-swine-flu-vaccine-will-be-nasal-spray-12174/Health Authorities: Tamiflu Won't be Available for "Regular" People who are Infected by Swine Flu
http://www.naturalnews.com/027052_health_Tamiflu_the_WHO.html1st Doses of Swine Flu Vaccine Set for Early October
http://www.healthcarendiet.com/2009/09/19/1st-doses-of-swine-flu-vaccine-set-for-early-october/Illinois to Declare H1N1 "Swine Flu" Public Health Emergency Next Week
Ten Swine Flu Lies Told by the Mainstream Media
What to do If You Are Forced to Take Swine Flu Shot - Dr. Russell Blaylock
reviews the facts about the seasonal flu vaccine, and sets the record straight about the true "dangers" of the swine flu.
http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/09/19/The-Truth-about-the-Flu-Shot.aspxInconvenient Truths About Gardasil and Swine Flu Vaccines - A common sense look at the risks versus benefits of these two vaccines paint a different picture than what the industry, health officials, and conventional media want to deceive you with.
http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/09/19/Inconvenient-Truths-About-Gardasil-and-Swine-Flu-Vaccines.aspxCDC H1N1 forced quarantine docs leak
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwP0JvQtRqMH1N1 VIRUS WAS PATENTED LAST YEAR ! IT IS IN THE CHILDRENS NASAL SPRAY. Dr. A True Ott reveals how the weaponized virus will spread through children. Excellent video. Thanks to Jazon for getting this out.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qQ4iFI5Np8Here is the video again - Military gal leaks info on road blocks, vaccine bracelets, forced vaccine or detention, etc. Watch this while you can or download if you can.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1OSoL1tSAMThe Government of Canada concedes defeat to the H1N1 Pandemic, bypassing the distribution of Tamilflu, Vaccines and Hand Sanitizer, moving straight to the body bags
~JoAnne Cremer
Part 2: Swine Flu Updates,
Apostle JoAnne Cremer September 19 at 7:21pm Reply
Part 2: Swine Flu Updates, Articles, Videos, Radio Interviews, Activist Flyers, Tips & More!
From JoAnne Cremer (Please do read Part 1)
Activist Tips
Activist Tips: Please do understand how to justify your statements when doing activist work, such as writing to your Senators & Reps: Consider using the links we have above in "The Research" section. Quote researchers, doctors, and others who have uncovered solid proof. Identify ingredients in the vaccines, use statistics, and news headlines. Warn them about this potential disaster these vaccines can effect. Dr. Marc Girard, a very highly respected authority on the side effects of drugs and a medical expert commissioned by French courts, has actually said on French television that the swine flu vaccine could cause as many as 60,000 deaths in France - especially among young children and pregnant women. That's a very impressive quote from a respected health authority. It doesn't matter if he is speaking about France, it is human lives that matters and the same vaccine ingredients will be given here in the US.
http://vaccineaction.blogspot.com/2009/08/vaccine-action-letter.htmlVaccine Action Letter: A Hard Look At Mandatory Live Vaccinations and ACTION STEPS". This letter delivers urgent notice... that dozens of health experts, religious leaders, and world leading scientists are condemning governments worldwide for going along with pharmaceutical industry-influenced plans to inject people with poorly-tested toxic vaccines this flu season based on fears of pandemic swine flu.
http://treeoflife.nu/allpdfdoc/vaccine.action.letter.pdfA HARD LOOK AT MANDATORY LIVE VIRUS VACCINATIONS:
WHAT’S REALITY AND WHAT TO DO: a PDF version you may print out, and can also share this information with your contacts. A PDF form it is not editable, so you may send this letter out to your e-mail list with the confidence of knowing the information presented here will not be changed.
3. 3.
http://vaccineaction.blogspot.com/2009/08/vaccine-action-template-sample-letter.htmlVaccine Action: Template Letter: a template letter to send to your local and state representatives
Action Steps
Please write your Senators & Representatives about the Swine Flu Vaccines: Tell them what you have learned about H1N1 and vaccines, the ingredients, the side-effects and some of the history. Tell them that you and your family do not intend to take it under any circumstances.
Tell them what the consequences might be if these are administered widely, as planned, based upon historical precedents such as the 1976 swine flu “pandemic” in the USA, as well as what forced vaccinations would mean to the concept of “democracy” and to constitutional rights and freedoms, not to mention the legal liability problems, lack of adequate safety testing (would take years to be proven safe), and how they admit that viruses like H1N1 change constantly and are a moving target, and as such, it is virtually impossible to have an effective vaccine against H1N1. Tell them this is a non-partisan issue and they must speak out against this vaccine agenda.
What to do if you Plan to Decline the Swine Flu Vaccine:
• Ask your State Attorney General, Legislator or Governor whether your state law exemptions from vaccine programs (medical, religious, philosophical) apply during a declared pandemic or health emergency.
• If exemptions are available, contact your health care or school professionals for forms to fill out giving notice that you or your family members are exempt and are declining the vaccines and/or treatments.
• Find out if swine flu or pandemic vaccines will be required for students and staff in order to attend public schools.
• Pursuant to Federal Law (NVICP 1986), demand that your vaccine provider give you a benefit and risk vaccine information statement prior to vaccination. They must obtain your written consent before administration.
• Find out if exposed persons have the right to self-quarantine at home.
Flyers You Can Pass Out
1. The Truth About the Flu Shot:
http://www.falseflagflu.com/pdf/Fliers/The%20Truth%20About%20the%20Flu%20Shot%20-%20flier.pdf2. H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine Facts to Consider:
http://www.f...alseflagflu.com/pdf/Fliers/SwineFLuVaccineFactSheet.pdf3. 10 Small Anti-Vaccine Flyers Per Page.pdf
http://www.falseflagflu.com/pdf/Fliers/10%20Small%20Anti-Vaccine%20Flyers%20Per%20Page.pdf4. H1N1, Vaccines and Pandemics: What the media is not telling you
http://www.falseflagflu.com/pdf/Fliers/H1N1,%20Vaccines%20and%20Pandemics%20-%20flier.pdf5. Swine Flu Fact Sheet:
http://www.pandemicfluonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/SwineFlu_FactSheet_AVN.pdf6. TriFold Flyer:
http://www.pandemicfluonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/truth-about-flu-shot.pdf7. What's in the Vaccine:
Part 2: Swine Flu Updates,
Part 2: Swine Flu Updates, Articles, Videos, Radio Interviews, Activist Flyers, Tips & More!
From JoAnne Cremer (Please do read Part 1)
Activist Tips
Activist Tips: Please do understand how to justify your statements when doing activist work, such as writing to your Senators & Reps: Consider using the links we have above in "The Research" section. Quote researchers, doctors, and others who have uncovered solid proof. Identify ingredients in the vaccines, use statistics, and news headlines. Warn them about this potential disaster these vaccines can effect. Dr. Marc Girard, a very highly respected authority on the side effects of drugs and a medical expert commissioned by French courts, has actually said on French television that the swine flu vaccine could cause as many as 60,000 deaths in France - especially among young children and pregnant women. That's a very impressive quote from a respected health authority. It doesn't matter if he is speaking about France, it is human lives that matters and the same vaccine ingredients will be given here in the US.
http://vaccineaction.blogspot.com/2009/08/vaccine-action-letter.html Vaccine Action Letter: A Hard Look At Mandatory Live Vaccinations and ACTION STEPS". This letter delivers urgent notice... that dozens of health experts, religious leaders, and world leading scientists are condemning governments worldwide for going along with pharmaceutical industry-influenced plans to inject people with poorly-tested toxic vaccines this flu season based on fears of pandemic swine flu.
http://treeoflife.nu/allpdfdoc/vaccine.action.letter.pdf A HARD LOOK AT MANDATORY LIVE VIRUS VACCINATIONS:
WHAT’S REALITY AND WHAT TO DO: a PDF version you may print out, and can also share this information with your contacts. A PDF form it is not editable, so you may send this letter out to your e-mail list with the confidence of knowing the information presented here will not be changed.
3. 3.
http://vaccineaction.blogspot.com/2009/08/vaccine-action-template-sample-letter.htmlVaccine Action: Template Letter: a template letter to send to your local and state representatives
Action Steps
Please write your Senators & Representatives about the Swine Flu Vaccines: Tell them what you have learned about H1N1 and vaccines, the ingredients, the side-effects and some of the history. Tell them that you and your family do not intend to take it under any circumstances.
Tell them what the consequences might be if these are administered widely, as planned, based upon historical precedents such as the 1976 swine flu “pandemic” in the USA, as well as what forced vaccinations would mean to the concept of “democracy” and to constitutional rights and freedoms, not to mention the legal liability problems, lack of adequate safety testing (would take years to be proven safe), and how they admit that viruses like H1N1 change constantly and are a moving target, and as such, it is virtually impossible to have an effective vaccine against H1N1. Tell them this is a non-partisan issue and they must speak out against this vaccine agenda.
What to do if you Plan to Decline the Swine Flu Vaccine:
• Ask your State Attorney General, Legislator or Governor whether your state law exemptions from vaccine programs (medical, religious, philosophical) apply during a declared pandemic or health emergency.
• If exemptions are available, contact your health care or school professionals for forms to fill out giving notice that you or your family members are exempt and are declining the vaccines and/or treatments.
• Find out if swine flu or pandemic vaccines will be required for students and staff in order to attend public schools.
• Pursuant to Federal Law (NVICP 1986), demand that your vaccine provider give you a benefit and risk vaccine information statement prior to vaccination. They must obtain your written consent before administration.
• Find out if exposed persons have the right to self-quarantine at home.
Flyers You Can Pass Out
1. The Truth About the Flu Shot:
http://www.falseflagflu.com/pdf/Fliers/The%20Truth%20About%20the%20Flu%20Shot%20-%20flier.pdf2. H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine Facts to Consider:
3. 10 Small Anti-Vaccine Flyers Per Page.pdf
http://www.falseflagflu.com/pdf/Fliers/10%20Small%20Anti-Vaccine%20Flyers%20Per%20Page.pdf4. H1N1, Vaccines and Pandemics: What the media is not telling you
http://www.falseflagflu.com/pdf/Fliers/H1N1,%20Vaccines%20and%20Pandemics%20-%20flier.pdf5. Swine Flu Fact Sheet:
http://www.pandemicfluonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/SwineFlu_FactSheet_AVN.pdf6. TriFold Flyer:
http://www.pandemicfluonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/truth-about-flu-shot.pdf7. What's in the Vaccine: