
WHY ARE WE HERE? A Truth Behind the Original Bible Story

The Bible originated from the ancient Sumerian text. Text found with the same story. Pre dating the Biblical accounts by thousands of years. Paul's Book "Escaping from Eden" U.S: https://amzn.to/2S3yN1Y - U.K https://amzn.to/36ZnsEH relates that In the Sumerian creation account: The word Annunaki, he said, means “Those who came from the heavens to Earth,” a phrase that made clear their extraterrestrial origins. Visit us here and sign up for our free newsletter : https://the5thkind.com/ The Sumerian story begins with the rulers coming down from the heavens. And the glyph for these rulers is a symbol pointing to the sky! The Annunaki were from the heavens. They were sky people! Many of the world’s oldest mythologies claim that governance over human society began with dominance over human beings being established by superior beings or “gods.” And then the job of rulership gets handed over at a later stage to human governors or Kings...

In this episode written and produced by the 5th kind. We look at the anunnaki legends. Incorporating clips from our Gaia partners exclusive series such as deep space and ancient civilazations. The Anunnaki were said to be A powerful army of Reptilian enslavers came upon the Earth. Dispatched from the depths of the under world to be unleashed upon the lands for one purpose. Total planetary control. all resources and the species that dwell upon the earth to be seized. This unstoppable force of advanced alien beings have been given many different names throughout our history. In the Sumerian tablets they are called by the name Anunnaki, the great sons of Anu the God of the sun and sky. "The Shining One". In the Bible, The book of Genesis name them the Nephilim. The Book of Enoch they are the Angels, The Watchers. Many historians and scholars agree that the ancient Sumerian texts were the basis for the old testament. These stories are one in the same. Documented and changed into many variations throughout the ages. The most recent of which is the biblical account of God or Elohim as the latest representation for Anu. The earliest known God of the Sun and Sky. His angels are in fact anu's sons and entourage. Over many generations much knowledge has been lost, rewritten and changed. Yet we do know they conquered the Earth and enslaved all its inhabitants. Forcing human beings to build huge structures that could be seen from the skies. They sinned against the women of earth. Creating offspring of unwanted and abnormal features. This infuriated the commander or god who in his fury manifested a great flood to wipe the earth clean. The deluge.


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