

ESSENTIAL KEYS TO DETOXING YOUR BODY FROM CHEMTRAILS!… Himalayan salts, baking soda and ionic foot baths – by Dieter Braun (Indian in the machine)

THE KEYS TO DETOXING YOUR BODY FROM CHEMTRAILS!… Himalayan salts, baking soda and ionic foot baths – by Dieter Braun (Indian in the machine)

My heart goes out to you…those of who are discovering the horrible nature of chemtrails, and coming into knowing as to the damage this is causing to the human body…  our planet is being sprayed by toxins in order to introduce disease and reduce the population…sounds crazy but it’s happening…sounds crazy, but it’s affecting our health, even if we don’t believe that chemtrails are real.

However we’re not in the Golden Age (post 2012)  quite yet, as the final battle between the light and the dark is happening right now…it’s called “chemtrails”.  Planes overhead are currently spraying endless toxins all over the planet, with the final goal of extinguishing all life as we know it on the planet, in it’s natural form.
 They are trying to create a 100% artificial planet, a planet that has no natural cycles.  If you don’t believe this, just look at this photo and see if maybe I’m speaking truth.

As the chemtrails continue to worsen in the sky they are literally blanketing every breathe of air, that everybody breathes, people are reporting symptoms such as tasting metal in the mouth and sore throats…brain fog….everybody is making the connection between aluminum and brain deterioration due to fine example of many folks who have lived through “Aleheimer’s disease”…which is basically aluminum poisoning of the brain, we know too much aluminum other than a natural amount of aluminum is going to cause brain damage.
What if there was THIS MUCH aluminum being sprayed and there was no escape….would you act then?


1.  Use Himalayan salt in diet and in daily salt baths.  The reason for this is that the salt will assist your body and brain, to flush from any imbalances USING A WHOLE SALT FROM MOTHER NATURE, FOUND IN IT’S NATURAL FORM.  Himalayan salt is mined so IT’S BETTER THAN REGULAR SEA SALT, since it hasn’t been exposed to some things like depleted uranium or the other 100000 toxins that humanity has exposed to the atmosphere….sobering thoughts are they not? Making a switch to Himalayan salt is one of the best things you can do for your health right now.

2.  Basically the aluminum and barium are metals that over time, will slowly make the body acidic.  The idea for us as responsible and loving humans, is to balance our body chemistry to something slightly alkaline at pH-7.4.  Two ways to balance an acidic body:

i).  Ionic Foot Baths: ionic foot baths use salt, electricity and stainless steel plates, to create conditions where the body absorbs negative ions from the foot bath water, into the body, to bring the body’s pH from acidic…closer to a pH of 7.4.

ii).  Baking Soda:   Add 1/2 or 1 cup of baking soda and 1/2 cup Himalayan salt next to hot bath and soak for 20-30 min.  *Common baking soda still has added aluminum added, but the benefits for balancing your body system using affordable and effective baking soda to greatly restore body chemistry.

 In fact, baking soda can be used for any acidic imbalance….obesity, cancer….baking soda will oxygenate our bodies and take our body from an acidic state, to a more alkaline state of pH-7.4…you can even go to about pH=8 which is safe way to remove cancer from the body as cancer cells cannot grow at a pH of 8.
You can also add a pinch of baking soda half a lemon and then add a dash of Himalayan salt and fill the glass with water and ……voila… a once a day gentle and affordable chemo treatment that won’t shock your body and will even assist you to lose weight.

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