
I have no words But I will not be silent

I have no words But I will not be silent

Alex Bryant Ministries

Meet Alex Bryant, https://alexbryant.org/ 



In July 2016, Alex was inspired to create a video about the pain and confusion he felt after the killing of five police officers in Dallas. This took place after the killing of several unarmed black men across the country by police. The video was shared on Alex’s personal Facebook and viewed over 47 million times. Alex felt called to begin speaking on racism, reconciliation, and discipleship to the body of Christ. His wife of 25 years, Angela, joined him in this calling, and Alex Bryant Ministries was born in October 2019. The Lord has used the Bryants’ experience as an interracial couple with five biracial children as they share the power of reconciliation at businesses, churches, and events across the country. Besides speaking, the ministry has also grown to include a book, Let’s Start Again, and The Way We See It podcast.

















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