White Powder Gold
Superhealth Through Modern Alchemy
Now is the time for Superhealth, both physically and spiritually, and we have the right tools to help you accomplish it. Even the realm it encompasses is still relatively unknown in mainstream consciousness, but its popularity is growing by leaps and bounds.
This cutting edge technology is summed up in only a few words: monatomic (or monoatomic) and diatomic elements. Classical science teaches us that the three phases of matter are gasses, liquids, and solids (but now there are the newer plasmas, condensates and liquid crystals). Some solids crystallize into lattice structures we call metals. What classical science does not teach us (because these are new and extreme cutting edge discoveries) is that there is, in fact, another phase of matter called "monatomic."
Zeropoint Technologies is recommended by Laurence Gardner and has been manufacturing and distributing safe, high quality products to resellers all over the world since 1997. This is the year to discover the nutrients your body needs to operate at peak performance to live and operate on a higher level.
These are also known as ORMES (Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements) or ORMUS and m-state elements, and the newest theories in physics as they relate to this area of research assert that some elements on the periodic chart might be diatomic (two atoms) or small atomic cluster "condensates," which are known in the scientific community as "Bose-Einstein Condensates." They are becoming more widely known as "m-state" elements. These elements are widely found, and our products are a rich and highly concentrated form.
Laurence Gardner's contention is that the Biblical Ark of the Covenant was in reality: a capacitor that made it a powerful and deadly weapon, a superconductor that allowed it to levitate above ground, and a machine for manufacturing a substance called "Mfkzt" by the ancient Egyptians, "manna" by the Hebrews, and the "philosophers stone" by alchemists. At first glance, these propositions seem preposterous, and yet, after following his trail of logic, one wonders how it could have been anything other than what he insists it was.
A 1904 expedition to Mount Horeb (which the King James Version of the bible claims was the place Moses received the Ten Commandments) discovered the ruins of an Egyptian temple with hundreds of artifacts including: huge statues, obelisks, round tables, crucibles, vases and wands, and most significantly tons of a white powder concealed beneath flagstone. Through his research Gardner has ascertained that this white substance called "mfkzt" was a Monoatomic powdered gold.
By a special process of arc heating, gold and other platinum group metals, can be turned into a single atom or Monoatomic substance, that has superconductive properties. Superconductive materials are capable of levitation above magnetic fields, and Gardner speculates, that the powdered substance contained in the ark might have given it such capabilities. How else, he asks would it have been possible for four men to carry the ark when the lid alone, which was made of pure gold, has been calculated to have weighed around 2,714 pounds. It has been determined that a superconductive material will lose about 40% of its weight as a result of repulsing the earths own magnetic field. This could have made the transport of the ark manageable and therefore consistent with biblical references of the ark being marched around the city of Jericho for example.
The ark's design gives credence, as well, to stories of the destructive powers of the ark. Biblical records clearly specify that the ark was constructed of wood sandwiched between layers of gold. Gardner realized that these are the specifications of a simple capacitor, and calculates that the ark would have charged to several thousand volts, making it a powerful and deadly weapon.
As we find out in this story, the superconductive properties of mfkzt was really only a by-product that the ancients might have stumbled upon. Its main purpose was that of consumption. Numerous ancient references of mfkzt, often called "white bread" or "manna" relate to it being eaten for its healthful affects. Recent biochemical experiments have confirmed that Monoatomic platinum group metals have shown anti aging affects by increasing melatonin production, stimulate the pineal and pituitary glands, and in turn reactivation "junk DNA."
Category: Education
Monoatomic Gold Alchemy ORMES Nutrition ZPTECH Soundlessdawn Steve Willner Spirituality Alternative Medicine Ancient Egypt Sacred Geometry Cymatcs Platinum Silver Chemistry Super Health Cancer Immortality Anti Aging
This is all about Speaking Life to your Bodies Cells and DNA- aka the I AM.
This in part is how I am becoming younger.
Alchemy, of Knowing Your True Self.

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