Biblical Reference: Jacob’s Ladder
Jacob’s Ladder is a ladder to heaven, described in the Book of Genesis that the biblical patriarch
Apocalyptic Literature
The narrative of the Jacob’s Ladder was used, shortly after the Destruction of the Temple, as basis for a pseudepigraphic text of the Hebrew Bible: the Ladder of Jacob. This writing, a non-rabbinic Jewish text preserved only by Christians, interprets the experience of Patriarchs in the context of Merkabah mysticism.
In the Gospel of John 1:51 there is clear reference to Jacob’s dream (Genesis 28:12) and it points towards Jesus Christ who is called with his title of Son of Man: “And he said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, you will see heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.”
The theme of the ladder to heaven is often used by the Early Church Fathers: Saint Irenaeus in the 2nd century describes the Christian Church as the ladder of ascent to God.
In the 4th century Saint Gregory of Nazianzus speaks of ascending Jacob’s Ladder by successive steps towards excellence, interpreting thus the ladder as an ascetic path, while Saint Gregory of Nyssa narrates that Moses climbed on Jacob’s Ladder to reach the heavens where he entered the tabernacle not made with hands, thus giving to the Ladder a clear mystical meaning. The ascetic interpretation is found also in Saint John Chrysostom who writes: “And so mounting as it were by steps, let us get to heaven by a Jacob’s ladder. For the ladder seems to me to signify in a riddle by that vision the gradual ascent by means of virtue, by which it is possible for us to ascend from earth to heaven, not using material steps, but improvement and correction of manners.”
AntahkaranaAntahkarana is the main conduit that builds the relationship between the three different levels of consciousness: The Shambhala Consciousness, the Higher Human Consciousness and the Hierarchy Consciousness. The Consciousness of Shambhala is related to the original Monad and the aspects of the Will. The Hierarchy Consciousness is related to the Soul and the Love aspect. The Human Consciousness relates to the Personality and the Intelligence aspect.
Antahkarana is a cord developed by the Seeker through Meditation & directed Spiritual practice. It requires fortitude and perseverance to reach a progress on this path. There are much old residues, negative activated memory cells and psychic rubbish that need to be cleared of one’s energy field in order to nurture the new openings for the relationship with our souls.
In the first Stage of development, the Seeker receives direct help from the Soul, and later from the Monad. The Seeker must manifest the correct Intention and will to reweave the connection, once that this new bond will be built upon the Original Cord linked by the Soul to the Lower Bodies, namely Sutrama.
Sutrama is the Thread of Life, sometimes called “the Silver Cord” and it makes the connections into the lower three worlds, and Lower Bodies. It is an independent energy stream which stretches from God, which travels through an infinity of chakra levels though the fabric of dimensions (time/space) until it eventually reaches the grounding point in our Pineal Gland. This is truly our Spiritual link to higher consciousness.
Antahkarana is a vehicle of Wisdom and Clarity of Purpose on our daily lives. Antahkarana is a thread of Spiritual Light and it is built just the same way as a spider weaves its web. Its string of light is weaved by the Seeker life after life, and can only be ‘energized” by higher Spiritual vibrations. Antahkarana can only be built with the Mental and high Spiritual qualities of one’s Soul. The construction of the Rainbow Bridge can be very slow. It requires constant practice and experience on the energetic field. Its final construction turns the Mental Consciousness receptive to the direction from the Soul and later enables it to receive the directives from the Monad Itself.
The relationship between the Antahkarana and the Earth Core is very important, because through it, we help and support the building of the Planetary Antahkarana, and consequently build the deeper relationship with “All That Is”.
Antahkarana is a necessary tool for the activation of Merkabah, astral and time traveling, and Stargate passing.
Apparently, the silver thread is/was depicted within the Hebrew Kabbalah. I know it as a field of consciousness connecting all realms of consciousness to the universal consciousness most call "God" or "good";