One thing we share in common is the great benefit to our lives imparted by our association with Sydney Banks and the principles he discovered. He has been trying for 30 years to introduce these principles and their potential to mainstream society. He knows that these principles provide an answer to the suffering and lostness that seems to be escalating in the world.
At this time, all of us have an opportunity to help him. Syd believes that by appearing on the Oprah Winfrey Show many people could be helped to overcome their suffering. As a means of achieving this, a unique video will be posted on YOUTUBE. It is hoped that if enough people watch and rate this video within the first few days, its popularity will capture the attention of media and especially the Oprah staff.
Here is how you can help. By typing "Sydney Banks’ letter to Oprah Winfrey" in the search field of strong>YOUTUBE's website, you will be able to watch the video. The higher the video is rated, the greater the chance of it being ranked as one of the most popular videos. A higher ranking will then create even more interest by the general public.
The following four things would help Syd:
1. Log onto and watch the video (by typing "Sydney Banks’ letter to Oprah Winfrey" in the search field).
2. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU RATE THE VIDEO. the higher the rating, the more interest there will be. In order to rate a video you must first sign up for a youtube account which is a very simple process and will enable you to rate videos. This will not add you to any lists or obligate you to anything.
3. Multiple viewings and ratings would be even more desirable.
4. If you felt comfortable e-mailing a friend or associate to do the same, that would also be helpful.
I really appreciate your help. I honestly think that this could make a difference.
Much LOVE,
Buddy Huggins,,, Send this post to your friends, it is real eazy to do.
Use the link below. You will look like a bogger to them.

Buddy Huggins,,, Send this post to your friends, it is real eazy to do.
Use the link below. You will look like a bogger to them.
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