Saeed David Farman, Founder
Speakers: Andrew D. Basiago, DR, Brooks Agnew, Saeed David Farman, Alfred Webre, Laura Eisenhower & Kerry Cassidy
For more info or to watch 4 hours 3 parts video please go to:
ALIENSHIFT Mission Statement:
ALIENSHIFT is a Proactive International UFOLOGY & ET Research Group dedicated to ET Disclosure Project, Alien contact, Star Gate Technology, Time Travel, Teleportation to MARS and Moon and many other Projects on hand.
Our website is where you can access more Information about ET, UFOs, MARS, TIME TRAVEL, Alien Races, their culture, belief system, if they are positive service to all or negative service to self like many humans, their purpose of being here and the spiritual message behind their contact.
ALIENSHIFT seeks to disseminate accurate information about extraterrestrial races, their agendas, activities and history, and assist members in making informed choices about how to prepare for that time when the extraterrestrial presence becomes widespread public knowledge.
ALIENSHIFT Promotes the idea that it is only through a self-empowered humanity that open interaction with extraterrestrial races can do justice to humanity's need for equality, freedom and sovereignty. We also promote the aspirations and views of that segment of humanity long denied political representation in secret government interactions with extraterrestrial races.

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