WikiLeaks Publishes 5 Million 'Shadow CIA' E-Mails
Published on Sunday, February 26, 2012 by Common Dreams
WikiLeaks Publishes 5 Million 'Shadow CIA' E-Mails
“Admit nothing, deny everything, make counteraccusations”
- Common Dreams staff
WikiLeaks announced tonight that it is publishing documents it is calling "The Global Intelligence Files" which includes over 5 million e-mails from the US-based "Global Intelligence" company Stratfor, the Global Intelligence Company described by Barons as the Shadow CIA, according to a statement the organization released Sunday night.
WikiLeaks has partnered with 25 media organizations to publish the documents including the McClatchy newspapers and Rolling Stone.
"The e-mails date between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal's Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence Agency. The emails show Stratfor's web of informers, pay-off structure, payment laundering techniques and psychological methods."
WikiLeaks will hold a noon-time press conference in London on Monday to explain the files. The full press release is available here.
"The e-mails date between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal's Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence Agency. The emails show Stratfor's web of informers, pay-off structure, payment laundering techniques and psychological methods."
WikiLeaks will hold a noon-time press conference in London on Monday to explain the files. The full press release is available here.
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UPDATE: Monday's WikiLeaks London press conference has ended. The New York Times reports:“The material contains privileged information about the U.S. government’s attacks against Julian Assange and WikiLeaks and Stratfor’s own attempts to subvert WikiLeaks,” the group said. “There are more than 4,000 e-mails mentioning WikiLeaks or Julian Assange.”
At the London news conference, Mr. Assange said the Stratfor statement seemed to confirm the advice offered by a senior figure in the company in one of the exposed e-mails which he quoted a senior Stratfor executive as saying: “admit nothing, deny everything, make counteraccusations.”Mr. Assange appeared Monday at a streamed news conference from the journalists’ Frontline Club in London.
Stratfor said in a statement that some of the e-mails being published “may be forged or altered to include inaccuracies; some may be authentic,” the company said in a statement quoted by Reuters.
“We will not validate either. Nor will we explain the thinking that went into them. Having had our property stolen, we will not be victimized twice by submitting to questioning about them,” the statement said.
At the London news conference, Mr. Assange said the Stratfor statement seemed to confirm the advice offered by a senior figure in the company in one of the exposed e-mails which he quoted a senior Stratfor executive as saying: “admit nothing, deny everything, make counteraccusations.”
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Technorati reports:Wikileaks has begun publishing 5 million e-mails from Stratfor, the Global Intelligence Company described by Barons as the Shadow CIA.
At 00:01 GMT on 27 February 2011, Wikileaks started publishing the confidential e-mail communications between Stratfor and its informants which includes government employees, government agencies and corporations.
In a press release, the inner workings of Stratfor are described, painting a world where the government, corporations and Stratfor are intertwined.
Anti-Sec, part of Anonymous, proclaimed late in December 2011 that they had hacked into Stratfor and had managed to gain access to subscriber data. In a press release, Anti-Sec stated that the main reason they hacked into Stratfor was not for the subscriber data, but the trove of 5 million e-mail data, which would reveal the inner working of Stratfor and government agencies. It seems that it is these e-mails that are now being leaked by Wikileaks.
The latest leak from Wikileaks is bound to raise uncomfortable questions. One needs to ask, why did Anti-Sec decide to give this data to Wikileaks rather than release it themselves as they usually do with other data? Is there – some may question – a connection between Wikileaks and Anti–Sec? On the other hand, some may ask whether Anti-Sec is a covert operation which has decided to leak this information to Wikileaks precisely so that individuals can make these connections and raise these questions, with the ultimate aim of tarnishing the reputation of Wikileaks further.
We do not know. What is certain is that this latest revelation is bound to be extremely revealing.
Bush, Fed, Europe Banks in $15 Trillion Fraud, All Documented
Bush, Fed, Europe Banks in $15 Trillion Fraud, All Documented
By Gordon Duff, Senior EditorWork of:
Below is one of the strangest stories in financial history, one involving the US government lying about hundreds of thousands of tons of imaginary gold, illegal wire transfers and loans totalling $15 trillion. The video, from the House of Lords, is amazing in itself.What it doesn’t express is where the money came from though Lord James of Blackheath proves conclusively that an effort was made to say it came from a gold reserve in Brunei that, in fact, never existed.
At surface, it appears we have stumbled upon the largest terrorist organization in the world and have found original documents tracing its funding to the Secretary of the Treasury and the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, two of the top financial officers in the US. A cursory review of terrorism statues in the US indicate that all transactions we will learn about are, in fact, to be assumed “terrorist money laundering” and that the only thing preventing the immediate arrest of hundreds of top financial officials is their political connections alone.
YouTube - Veterans Today -
Uploaded by allmoderncons on Feb 17, 2012
Breaking news Lord James of Blackheath has spoken in the House of Lords holding evidence of three transactions of 5 Trillion each and a transaction of 750,000 metric tonnes of gold and has called for an investigation.
Uploaded by WhiteHatsreport on Feb 26, 2012
The White Hats, a group of military, intelligence and civilian patriots have come together to fight and end financial corruption here in America and throughout the world. This video pays tribute to the cause with humor, but also shows some urgent information and explains the reasoning for this collaboration on truth, justice and The American way.
We will be able to offer an alternative, more insights, some hard intelligence and some very valuable background that we hope will offer insightful and realistic perspectives on this amazing story.
On February 16, 2012, Lord James of Blackheath, member of Britain’s House of Lords presented evidence of an illegal scheme begun, he has thus discovered, in 2009. His documents including originals signed by Alan Greenspan and Timothy Geithner, show the illegal “off the books” transfer by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York of $15 trillion to, initially, HSBC (Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corporation) London and then to the Bank of Scotland.
The Bank of Scotland, under royal charter but restricted from involvement in any such transactions, simply “gave” the money to 20 European banks to use in a highly profitable scheme of co-trading “fresh cut” MTN’s (mid-term notes), generating trillions of dollars in profits over 3 years, none of which is shown on books, none has been taxed or has benefited shareholders in those banks.
As Blackheath outlines, the “deception and cover” for this transfer is the imaginary seizure of 750,000 tons of gold by agents of an unspoken entity (confirmed by the highest official sources as the Bush family and CIA), the listed “source” of the money.
The government of Indonesia confirms this to be an utter fabrication and that the individual named had 700 tons of gold (about half of what Gaddafi was holding), not 750,000. It is noted that only 1,500 tons of gold have ever been traded in world history, as stated in the House of Lords.
The issues that are initially brought out, issues inconsistent with international convention and starting the reader on what is only the surface discovery of two decades of crimes involving dozens of governments are as follows:
- At no time has the Federal Reserve Bank of New York been authorized to hold the funds indicated
- However, documents held by Lord Blackheath prove, conclusively that they did hold such funds and transfer them in a manner as to obscure their origin by using HSBC and the Bank of Scotland. This process, seemingly involving Alan Greenspan, Timothy Geithner and others would appear to be “money laundering” until some other explanation were found. None has been offered.
- The “collateralization” of these funds, being 750,000 tons of gold, is proven to be fantasy. These funds then, in no way or manner, are related to Brunei. The presentation of this false transaction has been conclusively proven to be a “cover and deception” project such as an intelligence organization would use.
- The transfer of these funds, all done without any authorizations, governmental or otherwise, particularly without agreements, payment of interest to the United States and without knowledge and approval of congress makes every aspect of this criminal in nature, a violation of innumerable statutes.
- The receipt and use of these funds by the 20 banks, two of which are Wall Street’s largest, and the use of these funds to generate profits while the funds themselves are held “off the books” and the profits hidden and laundered, themselves the earnings of funds received through criminal acts makes any and all involved part of a criminal enterprise.
There is no record of the Federal Reserve being authorized to “create” $15 trillion, equal to the entire national debt of the United States. There is, however, proof that funds that totalled, at one time, $27 trillion had been earned surreptitiously, disposed of as part of an intelligence operation against the Soviet Union and then later stolen with accusations made against George H. W. Bush as being the perpetrator.
I have spoken with two individuals, one President Reagan’s intelligence coordinator and the other Chief Legal Cousel for the Central Intelligence Agency regarding these funds. Both have indicated that former President Bush had asked that these funds, totalling $27 trillion, be transferred to his control, that threats were made by Bush and that many involved in this operation suffered, issues including murder, illegal arrest, torture and detention among them.
The individuals I am speaking of repeatedly met with President Bush over these funds, disputed his claim to them, and indicate that the majority of the funds are the property of the people of the United States.
These funds are the mysterious “Wanta” funds, monies earned through years of currency trading aimed at collapsing the Soviet Union, a plan originated by President Ronald Reagan, then White House Intelligence Coordinator Lee Wanta and CIA Director William Casey. I have been told that, while this operation went forward under President Reagan, he had ordered that his successor, George H. W. Bush not be “briefed” out of “mistrust” for Bush.
The funds themselves were earned through a scheme of trading Soviet roubles at enormous profit, a practice that eventually collapsed their government. A portion of the profits are subject to current litigation in the Federal Court of the Eastern District of Virginia, Judge Lee presiding. I have over 2,000 pages of documents on this case which shows a remainder of the original funds had been transferred to the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond by the Bank of China, a party to the rouble trading practice, in 2006 and is claimed as totally owned by Ameritrust Corporation. That amount was $4.5 trillion of which we hold the SWIFT transfer documents.
The other monies, which “likely” make up from the unspent portion of the missing $27 trillion, may well constitute all that is recoverable.
Wanta, sole shareholder in Ameritrust, has offered his companies share, valued by the court now at $7.2 trillion, entirely to the American people as intended by President Reagan.
The origin of the additional funds, issued by the Federal Reserve during the 80s and 90s, totalling nearly $8 trillion is unknown. High ranking sources within the US government indicate that this can only be either the remainder of funds Wanta raised or profits made from them after the majority of funds were stolen.
Stories, some quite good actually, and personal interviews plus my own review of documents would place the theft or conversion of these funds initially with:
- The Bush family
- The “P2,” a Masonic lodge operating out of Switzerland involved in dozens of terror bombings tied to “Operation Gladio”
- People around Wanta himself including the CIA
What is lacking is a source for half of these funds. Technically, they don’t exist as there is no record of them being originated by nor transferred to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York though there are clear and discernible records of them being transferred out of that institution which never possessed them, according to their 2010 audit, in the first place.
The transfer of Wanta funds, they can be assumed to have no other origin as they track into the Federal Reserve banking system while in escrow and are currently awaiting payment based on the orders of President Obama in accordance with findings of the federal court, is complicated by the Scottish transfer.
Either Wanta has claim to the entire amount or it is the property of the US government. That no effort has been made to secure the funds or enforce criminal and civil remedies to recover enough money to pay the entire US national debt and more, as with earnings, we are nearing well over $30 trillion by this time, is an indication that a criminal conspiracy with enough influence to overrule our own government is involved. Whether that “conspiracy is, as noted, the Bush family, rouge sections of the CIA or a secret society such as P2, one we can prove or others we only suspect exist, is another story.
The lack of action, here or as requested by Lord James in Britain, is, in itself, proof of both the seriousness and actuality of these events and the powers that can prevent any inquiry when irrefutable documents such as SWIFT transfers are available. In fact, Lord James has offered a wealth of documents which, when combined with the 2000 pages of Wanta “discovery” from the Federal Court, constitutes more than prima facia evidence of money laundering, conversion, terrorism or worse.
Thus, the inaction in the face of overwhelming and unquestioned proof is inexplicable.
Currently, Wanta’s legal status is as technical conservator and owner of $7.2 trillion. However, as nearly half that is owed in taxes and the court settlement required Wanta to purchase $1 trillion in treasury bonds, the federal government should show positive interest other than President Obama and a few others. More are being obstructionist with the payout and exercise of $3 trillion in US debt reduction.
This is, not only illegal but an indication of conspiracy.
In addition, Russian Prime Minister Putin has communicated that he awaits the agreed upon 3% payment of Russian taxes, initially on the $7.2 trillion. Will Putin want to be paid on the entire $15 trillion plus interest and will Russia and/or the US have interest in why the Bank of Scotland transferred these funds to 20 European banks to trade in MTN’s (mid term notes) without any authorization or agreement, any participation or sharing of profits.
As the funds, at least the half which the US government can claim ownership of, combined with the interest and earnings of, would quickly put the US “in the black,” again we look at, not just the press blackout on the Wanta litigation of the last 6 years but the press blackout on Lord James of Blackheath and the wealth of damning documentation he submitted to Parliament.
Nothing has been done since, it is as though the proof submitted was so dangerous that those moments in time have been erased by a mysterious g-dlike power.
What makes Wanta dangerous is that he has begun to distribute funds, some to government entities, counties and states, law enforcement agencies, giving them standing, not just in recovering funds intended for their use but in helping prosecute anyone involved in interfering with or attempting to divert funds.
One grand jury is being formed to investigate diversion of Wanta funds even at this early date. It is likely that Wanta/Ameritrust funds earmarked for border protection could lead to the indictment of high ranking US officials. This is only the beginning.
If the Royal Bank of Scotland doesn’t think it should be expecting the biggest chargeback in the history of the world, they are in for a shock.
Attached as part of this White Hat Report is an internal document from the United Kingdom, which is circulated to key parties integral to the investigation and to the governing agencies. We have specifically not discussed all of the merits of the case as the document speaks for itself with exacting details of the fraud. In short, we don’t have egos. Why believe us when you can get it from the source.
Notwithstanding, we know each exacting detail but we want you, the readership, to understand the intricacy of this matter … the very sophistication required to defraud a whole world banking system … unless, of course, the system was purposefully part of it. If that is the case, this whole matter just grew exponentially as the conspiracy is global and centers within, by and through, the United States Government. Of course, where else would the conspirators get the $15 Trillion and how would they get it out without Congressional oversight approval? Someone needs to ask these very tough questions. Take your pick of the Committees … there are dozens to choose from that need to be involved in sorting all of this out.
Click link for Strategic Overview
We understand this is difficult to understand and is far above the pay grade of most, so let’s simplify the matter. This is one thousand times the size of Watergate! Why? Simple. A group has stolen $15 Trillion from the United States Department of Treasury and the citizens of the United States of America and has gone to extreme lengths to hide the transaction from the public and the American government, including Congressional oversight committees, the Government of Great Britain and the respective governments contained in the EU.
As the investigation progresses, numerous countries will be asking the same question. What has occurred? What laws and regulations have been broken? What are we harboring? Banks will be questioned about all of the internal bank documents we possess and have turned over to the House of Lords. Auditors will be questioned about the quality of their work product. We understand that insurance companies will have to pay out trillions of dollars in claims (if they can afford it and don’t file for bankruptcy protection first). Again, just like the derivatives problem, America is at the helm of financially destroying the world. Yet, no one has the guts to stand up and ask the tough questions.
We have heard from several American agencies, which have viewed the same YouTube video of Lord Blackheath. All are very concerned about what is going to happen. Most have made statements to the effect that they know about certain things and they need help. Some have requested to come to our “side” to expose what they know. In every case, all are very concerned about the repercussions for them and their families, just like we are careful to watch our backs. In the real world, if the White Hats can get information, so can the parties that do not want these folks to speak … and frankly, they cannot be hidden away in some small town in America with a different identity.
America wants its $15 Trillion back in the coffers of the United States Department of Treasury!
We have included for your review a copy of the actual Federal Reserve Bank S.W.I.F.T. Transmission sheet wherein the first $5 Trillion was transferred to JP Morgan/Chase, for FURTHER CREDIT TO: PureHeart Investments, LTD.
Please review the total document, but what is very interesting is that in the same box containing the “FURTHER CREDIT TO:”, the third line states UN PERMIT NO. and a HOMELAND Reference. This means that the transfer was an approved transfer by people within the United Nations and the Department of Homeland Security. This means there was a pre-approved authorization for the transfer of the funds. If this is true, then the conspiracy is far reaching and the perpetrators have significant experience in the Federal Reserve Systems.
There are only a few who have the authority in each of these organizations that have the ability to execute the instruction sets regarding the transfer of large amounts of funds. It’s sort of like launching a nuclear missile in the movies, one guy has the key and one guy hits the button. Very few people have the credentials and/or authority. The net is going to get very small and tight.
In the case of the transfer going through JP Morgan/Chase, Jamie Dimon, President and Chief Execute Officer, would have to have had personal knowledge and signatory control over the transfer.
Click on image to enlarge, then right click to save.
Indigo Children Akiane Kramarik is one awesome artist, poet, writer, and budding musician.
Indigo Children, Akiane Kramarik is one awesome artist, poet, writer, and budding musician.
Akiane Kramarik is an awesome artist, poet, writer, and budding musician. She is an internationally recognized 12-year-old prodigy, considered the only known child binary genius, in both realist painting and poetry. You can visit her website HERE! |
Here Are Some Photos Of Her Amazing Art Work. Enjoy! :)

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Amaze Them With This Child's Vision!

Pass This On To Your Friends And Family...
Amaze Them With This Child's Vision!
No War for Israel in Syria and Iran : By David Duke
Uploaded by drdduke on Dec 16, 2011
Dr. David Duke shows how, not content to the human and economic catastrophe of the Iraq War and Afghanistan War, Zionists are now busy pushing the United States, Europe and the world toward an even more catastrophic war with Syria and Iran.
Just as the Iraq war was based on lies, so the war on Syria and Iran are also based completely on lies.
The Zionist controlled Globalist Media keeps talking about Syrian "human rights violations" when the Zionist-controlled government of the U.S.is actually supporting radical Muslim terrorism against the people of Syria. Of course, it is all in the Service of Israel. It is not about human rights, and not about weapons of mass destruction -- It is about smashing nations that dare to stand up to the horrendous human rights violations of Israel!
Dr. David Duke shows how, not content to the human and economic catastrophe of the Iraq War and Afghanistan War, Zionists are now busy pushing the United States, Europe and the world toward an even more catastrophic war with Syria and Iran.
Just as the Iraq war was based on lies, so the war on Syria and Iran are also based completely on lies.
The Zionist controlled Globalist Media keeps talking about Syrian "human rights violations" when the Zionist-controlled government of the U.S.is actually supporting radical Muslim terrorism against the people of Syria. Of course, it is all in the Service of Israel. It is not about human rights, and not about weapons of mass destruction -- It is about smashing nations that dare to stand up to the horrendous human rights violations of Israel!
Uploaded by drdduke on Jan 28, 2012
Edward Adler, the publisher of the Atlanta Jewish Times in candor and chutzpah suggested that Israel assassinate the President of the United States to serve its war agenda against Iran. He states matter-of-factly in the article that Israels highest inner circles have certainly considered the operation.
In 2009 I wrote an article for DavidDuke.com that stated that the biggest Zionist danger would be an assassination of Obama, which would propel their agenda and put the final nails in the coffin of American freedom. Now this Jewish extremist editor proves that my concerns were completely justified. This video is the ultimate expose' of Zionist treachery and treason against America.
Edward Adler, the publisher of the Atlanta Jewish Times in candor and chutzpah suggested that Israel assassinate the President of the United States to serve its war agenda against Iran. He states matter-of-factly in the article that Israels highest inner circles have certainly considered the operation.
In 2009 I wrote an article for DavidDuke.com that stated that the biggest Zionist danger would be an assassination of Obama, which would propel their agenda and put the final nails in the coffin of American freedom. Now this Jewish extremist editor proves that my concerns were completely justified. This video is the ultimate expose' of Zionist treachery and treason against America.
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