Another subtle yet devastating aspect of the global conspiracy is their manipulation of calendars, clocks, and our perception of time. We are being enslaved by man-made mechanisms and systems for keeping time. Not only are we wage-slaves to bankers, governments, bosses, and land-owners, but we are also time-slaves to our watches, clocks, and calendars. We slave to 9-5 school and work days. We slave to 5-day school and work weeks. We are spiritual slaves to Greenwich Mean Time, the Gregorian calendar, and an unnatural 7-day week.
“Time is the primary socializing tool and the clock is the key machine of industrial capitalism. The imperialism of space and material is everywhere evident, but the imperialism of time is a shadowy beast. What is of direct concern is how time is perceived, controlled, exploited, manipulated, institutionalized, and internalized. If we do not understand time, we become its victims. One thing remains apparent: time politics are power politics. Every sundial, water mill, calendar, week cycle, social policy, and temporal monument has served a particular interest and ideology. The hallmark of these, of course, has always been technological power and chauvinist control. In
the service of precision, the atomic second is now defined as the
duration of 9,192,631,770 particle oscillations within a cesium -133
atom.” -Buried Inside, Chronoclast (Introduction to Album)

“That [people] can be characterized as wound up, run down, rusty, or going like clockwork is essentially a product of seventeenth-century thought. It implies not only that their work may be accurately measured, but also that their motions can be studied. Given proper incentives, they will follow predetermined and appropriately mechanical patterns” -Samuel L. Macy, “The Dynamics of Progress: Time, Method, and Measure”
“In hierarchical time culture, status is often delineated in terms of how valuable a person’s time is. The time poor are made to wait, while the temporally privileged are waited upon.” -Jeremy Rifkin, “Time Wars”

“Secured at birth and bred as fresh livestock. To the power brokers of hyper-capitalism, our lives are on the auction block. Make
way for the experience economy, make way for the access economy, make
way for the new time-currency, welcome it all like the coming of Rome.” -Buried Inside, Chronoclast (IX Time as Commodity)
Karl Marx wrote in “Das Kapital” that, “To work at a machine, the workman should be taught form childhood in order that he may learn to adapt his own movements to the uniform and unceasing motion of an automaton.” This statement has been implemented into our government and corporate institutions in many ways. Students align themselves with the (approximate) 9-5, 8 hour work day, 5 days a week. We take this coincidence for granted or explain it away by the convenience of aligning work and school schedules for day-care purposes. But in reality what it instills is this psychological mechanism of slavishly submitting to the regulated schedules of employers. Also the factory-like seating and positioning of a boss at the blackboard giving out standardized directives is a product of the industrial age. Without this long-term conditioning from a young age would we so willingly sell our lives for minimum wage?
are making the transition into what economists call an experience
economy – a world in which each person’s own life becomes, in effect, a
commercial market. In business circles, the new
operative term is the lifetime value of the customer, the theoretical
measure of how much a human being is worth if every moment of his or her
life were to be commodified in one form or another in the commercial
sphere.” -Jeremy Rifkin, “The Age of Access”

“‘Blue Monday, how I hate blue Monday,’ is how the old Fats Domino song began. Why is that? Because, of course, that is the first day of the five day work week. Fats Domino must have had some clue about time killing us, otherwise it wouldn’t have to be blue Monday. So Monday through Friday, for most employed people, as well as schools and public and government institutions, is the work week. Then comes Saturday and Sunday, the week end. The work week is ruled by the clock, which is why it is also referred to as 9 to 5. So Saturday and Sunday should be soul time. But is it? Well a little bit. There is Sunday church, maybe an hour or so for the soul. Or maybe Saturday synagogue. But what is it really about, these weekends? It’s about killing more time. It’s sports and entertainment.
It’s football, and basketball and baseball. Big time. If you are in the rest of the world it’s soccer. Very big time. If it weren’t for television, this stuff wouldn’t be so big. But it all goes hand in hand. Television, the week end, and big time sports. It is all a part of the same thing. I know, maybe you don’t do that . Maybe you do something else. You go skiing or windsurfing. Maybe you go to the movies. Or you go dancing, or maybe gambling down at the casino. Or you watch the Discovery channel. Or you take a self-help workshop. It doesn’t matter, because, then it is going to be Monday again and the whole

The bottom is shaped like the Egyptian boats of the dead which carried souls during the afterlife. Two words are often written under the anchor symbol on clocks as well – “King Time” – likely signifying the Royal/Brotherhood manipulation of time.

The word "calendar" comes from the Roman/Latin, "calends,” which was the name of the account book, the book recording monthly debts and bills to be paid. The first day of each month in the early Christian “Julian” calendar was called “calends” and that was when you had to pay your bills and debts. A quick look at the calendar will present some oddities even to the casual observer. September means seven, but is the ninth month; October means eight but is the tenth month and so on. March is named for Mars, the Roman God of War, and July and August are named after Roman Emperors Julius and Augustus Caesar. The calendar we use is called the “Gregorian” after Pope Gregory XIII.
“Yes, before it was known as the Gregorian calendar, it was called the Julian - after Julius himself. Turns out the Romans had a very faulty calendar of only ten months. And Julius, wanting a way to make a permanent change from republic to empire, with himself as the first emperor, decided to change the calendar. So to make the change during the year 46-45 BC, Julius had to have a year 445 days long. Understandably that was known as the ‘year of confusion.’ Julius didn’t live beyond the ‘ides of March’ of the year 45 BC when he was assassinated for what he had done. But the empire prevailed. Julius was followed by Augustus Caesar who made a further change in the calendar. He saw that Julius had changed the name of the month ‘Quintilius’ to Julius (July), so Augustus changed the next month ‘Sextilius’ to Augustus (August). Not only that, Sextilius only had 30 days, while Julius had 31 days. Augustus wanted to make his renamed month, August, as long as Julius’ month. So what did he do? He took the 29th day off February, already the shortest month, and added it to his month. That is why August, like July has 31 days, and February only 28. So that is how the calendar began. Despotic motives, imperial pretensions and confusion. The Christians began using the Julian calendar around 321 AD, when they added the seven day week to it. The seven day week was borrowed from the Hebrew lunar calendar. The Jews borrowed the seven day week from the Babylonians. The seven day week never correlates perfectly any of the months except when February 1 might fall on a Sunday, then there will be four perfect seven day weeks in one month.” -Jose Arguelles, “Stopping Time” (17)
native peoples of the world who still live by Moon time are far more in
tune with nature because they are operating on the same time-energy
flow as nature. They are in sync with it. But in 1572 Pope Gregory
announced that a new calendar was to be introduced, the Gregorian
Calendar, and it was implemented in October 1582. It was another
Brotherhood scam and the Gregorian Calendar became the fixed standard
time for the planet. This means that the human mind is tuned to this
manufactured flow of ‘time’ when we look at a clock, a watch, or plan
the future with a diary And where is the centre of this time system, the
zero point from which all the world’s people tune their timepieces? Why, it’s only Greenwich in London, across the River Thames from the City of London financial district, the Brotherhood’s operational heartland! And what was the inspiration for the Gregorian Calendar? The one used in … Babylon
… The Gregorian Calendar is a farce. It is the time equivalent of
throwing all your clothes in a wardrobe and leaning against the door to
stop it flinging open. The clothes may just about fit in the space if
you push them in hard enough, but what a mess. Here we have a 12
month year of 60 minute hours and 24 hour days with the months so
ill-fitting that some are 30 days, others 31, another 28, or 29 every
four years. Yes, fits like a glove. But a sensible measurement of time
was not the motivation. Disconnecting human consciousness from Moon time
was the idea and the Gregorian Calendar removed the 13th Moon. There
should be 13 Moon-cycle months of 28 days, but instead we have 12 months
and 12 Moon cycles. The Brotherhood hierarchy still operates their
calendars to Moon time - another reason for their obsession with 13” -David Icke, “The Biggest Secret” (471-2)
The female essence
has long been associated with the Moon in large part because of women’s
28-day menstruation cycle. The measure of the Moon from new Moon to new
Moon is called the synodic cycle and is 29.5 days in length. However
the sidereal lunar cycle which measures the Moon from where it reappears
in the same place in the sky is only 27.1 days in length. So 28 days,
already encoded into women’s biological cycles, is the average lunar
cycle. This is not coincidence either, proven by “luminescent ovulation
cycle adjustment,” the patented process whereby using on sleeping women a
series of lights mirroring light cycles of the Moon their ovulation
cycles change (Patent 6497718). Ovulation is about 14 days (half cycle)
before Menstruation. So in ancient times women the entire world over
would usually have menstruation aligned with the new Moon and ovulation
aligned with the full Moon. It has been shown that 20% more people are
admitted into hospitals and mental health facilities during full Moons.
Could humans be sexually frustrated due to unnatural
misalignments in women’s biological cycles? Is this why lonely dogs
howl for companionship during the full Moon? Ancient societies would
often hold mon-thly fertility cere-mon-ies in honor of the
Moon/femininity but nowadays those who worship the Moon/Lunar cycles
are called luna-tics, mon-sters and nuts. Those who measure time by the
Sun/solar calendars find sol-ace. The etymology again points towards our
“illumined” ma-sters and their Sun worship.
Most girls feel embarrassed or at least inconvenienced by their onset of
womanhood. First periods are accompanied by tampons, pads, teasing
schoolboys and warnings or horror stories from other older women. Zaire tribes’ people, Native Americans,
and other “primitive” cultures honor their women’s first periods with
puberty ceremonies. They believe each woman has incredible powers as a
spiritual being and the gift of life is an important event. During her
first period each girl is isolated from the tribe and taken by female
relatives and friends to a special “Moon hut” to be taught about
sexuality and childbearing. She is taught arts and crafts, stories are
shared and wisdom is passed down. After her period of isolation she is
welcomed back with a big feast in her honor. In the ancient world it was
believed that women had amazing powers of healing and creativity during
menstruation so they should not be wasted on everyday tasks.
Menstruation was a time women spent meditating and spiritual searching.
The Mayan calendar measures cycles of expanding consciousness and
completing one’s purposes in life. Gauging the passing days like this
changes the way one thinks of life. Modern societies tend to see time as
a ticking time bomb till they die, a clockwork of standardized gears
cranking until they get older, rusty, useless and stop turning. The
Mayans, like early Christians, believed in reincarnation which fits with
their calendar. They believed all of life was a spiritual evolution and
an expanding of consciousness/purpose so each day correlates as such.
For instance, as I write this, today is the second day of the new “Jaguar Moon of Intention” (each Moon has a spirit animal and purpose). Today’s Tzolkien is “Skywalker” the 13th,
which means “Explore Space, Wakefulness, the Aspiration to Unite Heaven
and Earth.” Today’s Power is “Activation, today’s Action is “Bonding”,
and today’s Essence
is “Service.” Each day also has a color, a chakra, and a symbol as
well. Now, this may sound odd or appear as some new age foolishness, but
this is a method of time keeping used all over the ancient world.
“The Christians set sail westward and ‘discovered’ the New World. In a place called
Yucatan, they discovered another people, the Maya. These Mayans also
had a calendar, ‘a heathen’ device that was more accurate than the
Julian calendar! The Christians learned from the Mayan calendar, that
their calendar was ten days off! What to do? The Christians burned all
of the Mayan books in 1562. Interestingly enough, ten years later in
1572, there was a new pope. He named himself Gregory XIII and declared
that his first act as pope would be to correct the Julian calendar. Ten
years later, 1582. Pope Gregory XIII had achieved his aim. If you went
to bed on the evening of October 5, 1582, when you woke up it was
October 16 - and not October 6. Pope Gregory XIII had made up for this
ten days and the Julian calendar was now known as the Gregorian.” -Jose Arguelles, “Stopping Time” (18)
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