Published on Apr 29, 2012 By: Bill Donahue
Bill Donahue
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Visit the web site and see Bills web pages
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The study of the chakras is a broad topic, it is a science dating back over five thousand years that comes from Rishi Sages of ancient India .
We do not discuss here the outline. Chakra is a Sanskrit word which means "wheel" and refers plexus energy .
The chakras regulate fluid flow energy along three subtle channels that Hindus called Sushumna, Ida and Pingala.
Hindi names are French and the seven chakras
and their position on the body of the core :
6 - Ajna, the third eye.
5 - Vishuddi the throat.
4 - Anahata, the heart.
3 - Manipura, the belly.
2 - Swadhistan, sex.
1 - Mooladhara the base.
Located in the perineum, the base chakra is an energy pump that feeds directly in nature .
Gradually, the subject repaired lose the habit of pumping his entourage. A general satisfaction, attention will request dwindling. At the same time, the tone will improve drastically, and his joy of living go hand in hand.
Waste of sexual energy in our current society, provides only fleeting pleasure. And the more you scratch, the more it itches. In contrast, the sublimation of sexual energy that reach the inner states of cosmic enjoyment. It should be noted that after the permissive sexuality, and probably excessive, 70s, a new trend seems to settle, called "no sex" or voluntary abstinence. And profound movement is not a simple response to the risks of STDs.
Sexual energy is gaining the upper level, the belly chakra, just above the navel, where it is converted into confidence, natural authority, respect for others and oneself.
With one exception: the derivation of a side channel, ida pingala and allows the energy to bypass a blocked chakra. This kind of circumvention ring is quite common. But it is an anomaly that can correct magnetizer, which generates an immediate well-being of the patient.
Solar energy thrown through the belly chakra wins higher than the heart.The heart chakra opens only during a first love, or more precisely in a first heartache .
The fear takes the place of love. Pity them, they are missing the best.
The energy of the heart goes to the next level, the throat chakra. Opening allows communication gives the power and heat of the voice increases the attractiveness and appeal, and leads to a registration which allows energy plans right behavior.
A word about Sahaja Yoga is a cult led by Indian Matadji Sri Nirmala Devi said that the reincarnation of Mary the mother of Jesus. Sahaja Yoga develops the exercises and rituals of a great power. But beware of sectarian practices.Caution.
Then opens the third eye, which allows clairvoyance, consciousness without thought, the right vision. When it is wide open, the third eye makes us live in the moment and multiplies synchronicities.
Healers and shamans do not pay for services that reason. The smugglers of the Wolf Clan know that the powers vanished never lost. Years later, if the need arises, a forgotten power can reappear intact.
Finally open fontanelle: the crown of the ego falls to the ground, the little king is dead, being connected to the cosmos and Living. The opening of this chakra is the last step before awakening .
In the tarot initiation, it is arcane House of God, when the glorious body becomes channel Living.
God's House is the first step where the crown goes that ego be wearing since his birth, Bateleur. In Arcane following God's House, the head is crowned.
if the wind passing
and tell you the history of the world "
Claude Debussy
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