
FULL MOVIE - Journey to Lucidity: The Planted Seed. (Online for Limited Time - Please Contribute)

Published on Jul 17, 2013 By:Skull Babylon ∞ Rebirth from Within
Watch Now - Contribute After. http://igg.me/at/-jtl/x/1362896
http://facebook.com/JourneyToLucidity /http://facebook.com/LucidityFestival

Please Contribute after watching to help share this film further into culture and support my continued efforts as an artist. Thank you.

Hey Everyone, today is my Birthday! Woo! Therefore the full movie is Online Publicly to share with everyone for a LIMITED TIME.

We are still inviting people to contribute and help raise funds to share the movie further into culture. Alot of heart and energy has gone into creating this movie to share with you. Please contribute based on how this movie reached you.

When the campaign reaches its goal the movie will stay online FOR FREE. There are Approximately 60 hours remaining in the campaign. Thank you and enjoy!

The funds being raised are to help share this movie further into mainstream culture through means of film festivals, public showings, distribution, etc. They are also going towards supporting the sequel and my continued work as an artist.

Share new promo images at -http://facebook.com/JourneyToLucidity

Created in cooperation with Lucidity Festival
Be there for the sequel at at Lucidity Festival 2014 in California!

Music by Billy Mays III of Infinite Third

Directed / Edited by
Brendon Wolf-Shield Culliton

Full On Camera Cast/Talent List Coming Soon.
If you know someone in the film let me know.


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