Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts. In the mathematical study of change that occurs within a structure or space, bifurcation occurs when a parameter change causes the stability of an equilibrium (or fixed point in a field) to change. The comprehension of the mathematical change that is currently shifting the geometric value of frequency, which further, generates a bifurcation in the structure of time and space, is very relevant to us now. This is directly related to the forthcoming split occurring between timelines which govern our continued consciousness (energy) expression on the earth plane as it is moving into future time. Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
For many years the sequential phase of gradually increasing the frequency sets on the earth is the byproduct of Stellar and Solar Activations transmitting frequency to the planet (and humanity) during the Ascension Cycle. The accumulation of progressively increasing frequency being integrated into the overall planetary field is what shifts us into higher frequency dimensions. When the movement into higher dimensions of frequency occurs in the next higher octave level, it creates a great impact in the overall fundamental (base) frequency on earth. The overall fundamental frequency or “base” is also the coordinate location of a fixed point in a time and space field. So when the base frequency changes, so does time and space. This base frequency is comprised from the lowest frequency strings which are resonating in any kind of energy field, whether it is a human aura (think root chakra red as the lowest base frequency), or a group aura, organizational energy field or the multiple layers of energy within the unified planetary field. All of those combined fields of resonating energy are potentially “averaged” into an overall base frequency. Where the base frequency is resonating is the location at a fixed point in time, which is the value that determines the range of possibilities of that energy field (as a person, place or thing) in the momentum of forces which direct future timelines.
Additionally, this means our general world perception; world views and values are constructed upon the overall collective consciousness base frequency of every human being on the planet. It is the quality of the frequency in that collective energy field which will directly impact humanity in both personal and environmental experiences throughout time and space. This base collective energy is what we can observe reflected in the fragmented chaos and severe disconnection that currently dominates the entire worldscape. The quality of frequency in a collective energy field shapes our world views and belief systems, influences our world perceptions, and will reinforce values and ideals which will be reflected in the personal choices that we decide to make.Unless humanity breaks away from the Archontic Deception and changes its world view and starts to make different choices, the overall quality of frequency in that collective field remains stagnant and unchanged. The Bifurcation of Time is forcing a direction which will accelerate volatile change in areas (as well as people) that are energetically stagnant or regressive. This change in the nature of timelines pushes humanity to makes choices from the mental attitudes that have been formed from the world view perception and level of consciousness. Thus, the choice is made between the negative ego layers or the spiritualized higher self, based on which alternate is in control of the overall energetic body.
Point of Divergence
The lower the quality of overall energy, the more unstable and disconnected the personal and environmental experience on earth will become. The higher the quality of overall energy, the more stable and connected the personal and environmental experience on earth will become. The planetary collective energy field has many, many layers of intersection links which are building more access points into diagonal lines moving throughout interdimensional fields. These links make it possible to directly intersect into many different reality timelines, traveling in the past, present and future. This is called transdimensional time travel. The accumulative effect of gradually increasing frequency and changing instruction sets in many of the transdimensional time and space fields has reached a point of divergence. The culmination of reaching this point of divergence within trans-time and space is forcing the shift of the overall planetary energy field parameters. That pressure of force being applied in the planetary energy field is resulting in accumulative intensity and extreme polarity amplification. When the extreme polarity of combined forces that exist together within a collective energy field reaches its apex, a split occurs. This is called the point of divergence within the fixed point in the field (in the range of possibilities) of which aBifurcation of Time transpires.
Matter Polarity in Attraction Reversal
At the point of divergence moving forward in time, as the extreme poles of frequency are then split apart, they are further continually repelled from the strong force generated from the simultaneous amplification of each side of the existing polarities. This is a reversal of the current comprehension in 3D particle matter polarity structure in which opposites attract and likes repel. The way to describe this is as a quantum event transpiring in the anti-particle energy fields where the polarity attraction at a certain frequency threshold reverses. The previous merging of opposing polarities of vibrational force is reduced as there is a bifurcation and thus curvature made within the space time continuum. This bifurcation means the fundamental lowest frequency will spiral into a continual descending pattern which greatly amplifies the increasing low frequency in density (increased energetic compaction). Conversely, the higher frequency threshold will break away from the extreme polarity of the lower base frequency and roll upwards into the next higher dimensional frequency octave (increased energetic expansion and weightlessness). This is similar to expressing that the pressure of vibrational force exerted upon the higher frequency from the lowest frequency, (that creates an average fundamental frequency while co-existing in a group energy field) will cease to exist in the same way as it has in the past.
There is a caveat with the cease of pressure of amplified polarity in relationship to the human energy field and human lightbody. This is regarding the personal aura energy threshold of holding fundamental higher frequency. It means that those who sincerely are devoted to raising their auric frequency and getting free from negative ego and/or Archontic Deception behaviors will experience much more energetic support to raise their frequency. This has nothing to do with judgment and everything to do with physics governing the quality of frequency. The overall spiritual ascension process to clear distortions and implants to build the lightbody intelligence will feel more heart based, buoyant and available. However, this cannot be achieved while one is living in self-deception or deceiving others. This also cannot take the place of spiritual agreements and consciously participating with building one’s relationship to God and relationship to the self. Those lessons of energetic mastery will not be taken away, but it will be played on a much fairer game board.
Conversely those who are left unaware or refuse to take responsibility for negative ego behaviors and perpetuating the lower fundamental frequency will undergo extreme pressure to change. That pressure will amplify in all directions (360 degrees) and feel volatile. So it is very important to pay attention, choose wisely and not allow oneself to be carried off aimlessly by the powerful world of forces into a destructive direction. The choice is with each individual.
Ascending Hubs and Descending Hubs
The impacts made to the demographic areas of the earth will also be clarified. As the Bifurcation of Timetranspires based on the choices made individually and in groups in regard to vibrational frequency, this has the exact same effect on the surface of the planet in communities, cities, states, countries, etc. Depending on the energetic quality of an area (a localized hub) will determine if that location is an ascending hub or descending hub. That means that land mass or area is either amplified in its energetic compaction or amplified in its energetic expansion depending on a variety of energetic factors. The most important factor is the energetic quality (high frequency) of the group of human beings that live and love in that specific area. The power to amplify high frequency and invite Krystic forces to upgrade the land mass is always an option that can be requested by any heart based and sincere human being.
A location such as a city that is a descending hub area will have common low frequency symptoms: riddled with crime and negativity, perpetuating harmful or destructive actions towards self and others, the land will feel dead or barren, and will become increasing less stable politically, economically, and this will be socially reflected through the communities. For a person who is wearing their 12D shield, (or has developed higher sensory perception through the soul or higher embodiment) the frequency of negativity will be appallingly amplified and made very clear in energetic discernment. For a person who is disconnected and internally miserable, they will be unable to discern the energetic terrain, and most likely will resonate with that low energy location based on their own unresolved emotional conflicts and suffering.
A location such as a city that is an ascending hub area will also have common higher frequency indicators: environment feels positive and lighter, people seem to be kinder and smiling, the land is alive with more nature and animal spirits, and will have increasing stability economically, in local politics, and be socially reflected in the group awareness of community and humanitarian based issues.
Synchronization of Frequency Hubs
As more people undergo the bifurcation of time this will start to gather and attract similar people with similar resonating frequencies to form into group consciousness or consensus realities. This attraction of gathering people will begin to form reality bubbles of shared belief systems that will be contained throughout the land mass and spread to different locations across the globe. As similar resonance attracts groups to form community and collaboration, these areas on the earth of matched frequency will be increasingly synchronized. This phase begins a synchronization of frequency hubs across the globe, either of descending or ascending vibrational quality.
The synchronization of global frequency hubs with ascending vibrational quality will generate stability in the overall energetic foundation which will allow for the strengthening of the external forces in the environment. This supports the Krystic architecture to be anchored continually throughout these interconnected frequency hubs of ascending areas. For those of us consciously participating with the ascension process, this is of great foundational support to continue to build and live within the Krystic architecture with much greater ease.
In the immediate change that will synchronize the frequency hubs of descending vibrational quality, this will generate an increase of volatility and chaos in the energetic and environmental foundation. At this time the descending hubs areas on earth are a wild card of unseen probabilities of which are being continually manipulated by those that seek to wield harm and destruction upon the human race. The main source of that Archontic Deception and controller fear program is the Armageddon software. Currently those who promote this false timeline are working to manifest its results in the descending areas, such as the most volatile areas of the Middle East.
For this reason this month, we have gathered our community to join in regular prayer and loving intentions for resolution in the Middle East. It is suggested at this time to pray and hold visions of World Peace to help circumvent the continued progression of the Archontic Deception to use the Armageddon software to perpetuate spreading of hate crimes against humanity. To support and help our intentions to override the 911 timeline, the World Peace Prayer is located here on the ES website
Rishic Suns in Ursa Major
The Solar System of Rays and the main Solar Body (Sun) is undergoing an evolution in that its magnetic pole is reversing. This is a shift in its internal magnetic structure which is being synchronized to a new time cycle which is altering the transmission of the entire Seven Ray Structure in all Seven Solar Planes. In current science we have identified the seven ray structure as a part of the visible light spectrum that we can see in the electromagnetic spectrum. Visible light waves are the only electromagnetic waves we can see which represent about 1.5% of the entire known spectrum. We see these electromagnetic waves as the colors of the rainbow and as a part of our chakra system. Each color has a different wavelength and corresponds to a different dimension of time. Red has the longest wavelength with the lowest frequency, while violet has the shortest wavelength and higher frequency. When all the waves are seen together, they make white light. These seven rays are intrinsic building blocks to the construction of physical matter as we have known it in 3D reality. However, there are many more ray spectrums which are intrinsic to the building blocks of anti-matter functions and these rays are also undergoing alteration. The alteration is related to the building blocks of the Universe, the proton, electron and neutron in all of its different potential relationships (spin, angle, rotation, etc.). These alterations in the Solar System Ray Structure are very clearly related to the physics behind the Bifurcation of Time transpiring now.
The current Solar System evolution is also reflected in the blueprint and architecture change within the constellation of Ursa Major and the seven main stars in the Big Dipper.
These seven stars are that which act as electromagnetic ray spectrum “lenses” which transmit the various streams of the ray structure through the three main gateways which lead to the Sun, then to the earth. The principle of masculine active force of these stars is called the Rishic Suns. It is the new activity of the Rishic Suns that are changing the masculine principle through the alteration of the Seven Ray particle structure. The Rishic Suns are sequentially merging with the Seven Sister stars in the Pleiades in the Taurus constellation, the Bull. Together, this is the active principle of the masculine and the receptive principle of the feminine uniting through the constellations which allows access into the cosmic planes. This has not occurred for over 250,000+ years and is incredible event in our Cosmos happening now.
Awakening Father God
Spiritual (consciousness) pathways of next generational learning and spiritual development are being developed for humanities collective soul, earth kingdoms and other types of biological entities in this timeline. This timeline is serving as both; a cosmic portal opening and a bifurcation of time. These galactic pathways opening have been referred to as “The Path of Absolute Sonship”.The vast trinities of beings who are serving this Cosmic Path have recently entered into an “active state” within our Solar and Galactic Logos cycle. This is akin to comprehending the Cosmic Christos as a Solar Body and how it returns to this physical plane at the end of the Ascension cycle. These awakening beings are the Cosmic Monad and are a part of the divine will of the Universal Father Arc or Father God principle. They were beyond our reach in previous timelines because of a “ring–pass–not” around our Solar System, and now is the time they return to “activity” with the earth plane and humanity. The Rishic Suns uphold the principle of divine law in that they dispense to those who have merged themselves with their divine (spiritual) principle; those beings who are not held or controlled by the material forms of the lower three worlds (1D-2D-3D). The awakened Rishic Suns, as a Cosmic Monad principle, will pour this new Solar Spiritual Source, massive amounts of plasma waves, into the human “monadic” principle, so this alters the monadic bodies here in this plane. So this timeline begins as the great adjuster of the recorded memories of the many polarities experienced in the energetic principle of Universal Law, the Gender/Pairs of Opposites. This dispensation of the Universal Law is an “adjustment of energy” that must be accounted for and reconciled in this end cycle period.
The Cosmic Monad of Father God and the transmission of the next phases of the liquid plasma waves of the Cosmic Christos are returning now to activate or return the permanent atom seed to those who the permanent atom seed should belong to. This is the “return to rightful owner” to those human beings that have developed their heart and true spiritual consciousness in love. The permanent seed atom is located in the higher heart center (8D) and is that which holds all consciousness memory in the Universe. If this has been stolen, damaged or abused by another, it will be repaired and returned whole to the rightful owner. This is also called the Crystal Lotus Heart, while the reverse is called a black heart or metatronic heart.
Alteration of the Zodiac Influences
The Zodiac as we have known it will be altered due to these magnetic changes, and the astrology influence or mental imprints will change, alter or amplify, depending on the level of awareness and interaction with those cosmic and magnetic influences. This means that our magnetic imprint received from the zodiacal constellation alignments at birth will cease to have the same influence upon our body, our personality, our mind and will impact many other factors. Conversely those whom are under the severe mind controlled influence of the zodiac archetypes used by the N.A.A. machinery may accelerate those influences into distorted behaviors. It has been confirmed that Saturn is a headquarters used for zodiac mind control and that this planet’s aura and Logos is the densest and most problematic in the entire Solar System. Saturn is an Orion outpost for many of the N.A.A. activities to distort and pervert the lower dimensions and propagate the 4D astral delusions along with the 5D false ascension programs. Most of the false ascended masters using the 5D false ascension program through Orion are actually transmitted through Saturn. Additionally, it was confirmed all forms of blood cult worship were designed through Orion Groups by using Saturnian worship interchangeably for propagating Satanic Ritual Abuse on earth. These distortions and their disadvantages remain heavily prevalent with those humans who may have heavy Saturn influences in their zodiacal birth chart. So for spiritual clearing purposes of curses, hexes, blood covenant or blood cult history, one may need to review Saturn influences for removal of satanic types of bondage made in agreements to serve the Orion Group.
Plasma Waves and Plasma Ships
Planetary, Solar, Galactic and Universal Consciousness field layers are being newly sectioned off to be “managed” through the stewardship of the councils of Krystic Luminary Architects. This is to say that Christos Liquid Light Plasma Beings are assuming different management roles to help with apportioned layers of the consciousness fields spanning into different densities that just opened for access. This is another Krystal Star management step assuming a task to take direct inventory of the field damage, (such as reversal electron fields and static nets) at a level that has never been accessible before. The project now is to rehabilitate blockages in the 5D earth timelines that will allow more human beings to access full soul embodiment (4-5-6D) into its complete trinitized form (full soul triad body merge and integration). This creates a type of ongoing “spiritual diaspora” which relates to the transiting in the moving consciousness fields into other space time continuums. It’s very chaotic in the fields at this time. However, this isanother push forward to the rehabilitation of the planet architecture and related systems, which is very positive for those of us on the ascension pathway.
The plasma waves are also related to the transmissions made throughout the Aurora Guardians GSF Ascension timeline called the Aurora time continuum. These plasma waves are neutral fields being transmitted into the synchronized ascending areas and the magnetosphere through plasma ships. These plasma ships are biological plasmic light bodies, which are stationed in future time areas of the planet to transmit the plasmic liquid light and activate certain zones of the planetary body. Those of us whom have prepared to receive and transmit those plasma waves are acclimated to the double diamond sun body, which is a mirrored ball of plasmic light. This is the Christos Double Diamond Solar Light body. In many ways this group acts as a step down of these high frequencies to acclimate the planetary body to more safely to run these types of plasma wave current without harming the earth surface. This small group may feel pulsar waves of light coursing through their bodies, tingling sensations, meridian connections, body changes such as the spleen and liver coming online into a new function. The plasma light is similar to the Aurora Borealis, oscillating in liquid cellophane of pulsing color waves. The spleen and liver are upgrading the blood stream, and this is related to the spiritualized blood chemistry through the changing structure of blood plasma.
What is Plasma?
The solar system and the bulk of the universe, making up the stars and our sun and the vast interstellar spaces in between, are in the form of plasma. Plasma is a very hot gas in which the electrons have been stripped from atoms. For plasma to exist, ionization is necessary. Ionization is the process by which an atom or a molecule acquires a negative or positive charge by gaining or losing electrons. So one way to prevent ionization of the upper atmosphere (to prevent the generation of plasma waves) is to spray chemtrails or aim microwave frequency (HAARP or GWEN) into the upper atmosphere and into the earth crust. This is one N.A.A. agenda to keep the potential frequency as low as possible in this density.
So Now What?
This will continue to present some surreal challenges in the external world as so many people are not aware of these shifting “cosmic forces”, and do not have ascension tools, clear mental or emotional state or active higher sensory awareness. There is a great schism that is becoming visible in the representation of the external physical structure vs. the internal energetic structure. More of us can clearly see, sense or feel the disconnection between the internal and external energies as chaos, or decay present in a person, place or thing that is radiating that lower frequency quality of energy. There is energetic decay (subatomic decay) in the field structures being witnessed as heavily amplified with the recent bifurcation of time. These dissolving membranes are exposing the energetic field weakness in both humans and inanimate structures; even if the “façade” appears strong we can see that energetically the structure is crumbling. This means crumbling of many larger structures will become increasingly evident at some point.
This time represents the true energetic reality behind the surface façade making its contents known to us, simultaneously, as there is a stripping of the wheat from the chaff. Humanity is in a process of identifying the source of our values, ethics, and priorities in life. For real change to occur people need to make different choices in familiar situations, such as stop war and killing, the core problems we can see repeated in our recent history, over and over. Since what we value in life is represented in our all our choices, this means people need to undergo a values shift. That shift is the re-education to human values rather than propagating anti-human values. For a values shift to occur in the world, people's world-view and myopic perception must change. The awareness of the great fraud being perpetrated as the Archontic Deception through the Negative Alien Agenda (N.A.A.) is an integral part of finding that clarity required for the world view to shift.
During this tumultuous time it is always important to remember that the dark predator forces cannot administer harm if we learn to obey and be in harmony with the divine principle of life. God source is benevolent and loving; we must seek to build and strengthen that relationship first. We must trust the process of Ascension and hold the priority in our heart to be aligned with our inner spirit and its core value. May we all continue to learn how to perfect our minds and body to be in harmony with the divine laws, as these current massive shifts in time will give us a big push to feel liberated and be free!
May we come to know the strength, protection and peace of God on the earth. Until next stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christ heart path. Please be kind to yourself and each other. GSF!
With a Loving heart, Lisa
Work Of: Lisa Renee
This is a basic Primer to review the basic meaning and mechanics of the "Ascension" and discuss the various symptoms that we as humans may encounter in our evolution process. I have many articles and tools on the website that will help support your awareness to investigate and explore the impacts it has upon human beings, our planet and all of consciousness.
Humanity is undergoing a consciousness shift which requires a re-education of values and priority of which much of this information on this website is a guideline to support those awakening and guided to leadership through the transitional impacts this creates on the planet. It is also important to share this information in order to not feel a sense of isolation and fear from a myriad of possible unusual experiences that can result from the integration of our higher light-energy bodies that happens during our Ascension process. My desire to share this information comes from my very personal and frightening physical awakening process that dismantled my entire reality and ego in a very short period of time. I share my experiences with anyone who may need this information as I have had many unusual, mystical manifestations appear in my life since my spontaneous “kundalini” release several years ago. Those of us undergoing the first wave of awakening will be Ascension Guides for the balance of humanity who have not yet experienced a direct awakening or extra-dimensional contact. This website is dedicated to those endeavoring to evolve as Guardian Stewards in order to help participate and build the required consciousness structures this planet and humanity will require in the coming Age.
Work Of: Lisa Renee
Listen to Lisa:
Many of us have become aware that something incredibly profound is changing on our planet. We are sharing an amazing time of expansion on the planet which affects us all at a very deep cellular level.These times have been described in many of the metaphysical circles as The Great Shift, The End Times or The Ascension. What is Ascension? ...
Humanity is undergoing a consciousness shift which requires a re-education of values and priority of which much of this information on this website is a guideline to support those awakening and guided to leadership through the transitional impacts this creates on the planet. It is also important to share this information in order to not feel a sense of isolation and fear from a myriad of possible unusual experiences that can result from the integration of our higher light-energy bodies that happens during our Ascension process. My desire to share this information comes from my very personal and frightening physical awakening process that dismantled my entire reality and ego in a very short period of time. I share my experiences with anyone who may need this information as I have had many unusual, mystical manifestations appear in my life since my spontaneous “kundalini” release several years ago. Those of us undergoing the first wave of awakening will be Ascension Guides for the balance of humanity who have not yet experienced a direct awakening or extra-dimensional contact. This website is dedicated to those endeavoring to evolve as Guardian Stewards in order to help participate and build the required consciousness structures this planet and humanity will require in the coming Age.
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