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Are you looking for Design and; Building Flexibility?
Reduced energy consumption? Greater safety?
Welcome to TF Forming Systems. We are more than an Insulated Concrete Form (ICF) company. We are pioneers in resilient building. We offer the most innovative state-of-the-art concrete wall systems in the industry, backed by over 20 years of success.
Everyday we work to forge new relationships because we know that the days of building fast, cheap and "like we always have" must end. We realize it is OUR responsibility to help our clients see the value of dramatically reduced energy usage, smaller landfills, healthy and safe environments.
We are more than an ICF company. We are your total energy efficient and resilient building solution.
For information on the latest insulated concrete form building technology used in ICF concrete homes, insulated concrete commercial buildings and other disaster resistant and highly energy efficient structures, contact us today.
This home below was just started, it is located at Black Oak Resort, Lampe, MO.
Guardian Building Systems L.L.C. is one of the contractors.
There home base is:
Springfield, Mo. Phone is 417-425-6000
Michael J. Schlueter is, Director of Operations
Pensmore Tornado Resistant Home
Disaster Resistance Built With, TransForm by TF Forming Systems
Natural Disasters :
Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Earthquakes
TF Insulated Concrete Form walls stand where other building system walls may not.
TF Forming Systems partnered with Convoy of Hope to not only help rebuild Joplin, but rebuild Joplin better. We have built homes for displaced residents who lost everything in the EF5 tornado in 2011 using our ThermoForm - Insulated Concrete Form. The concrete walls are built to withstand 250 mph winds and protect from flying debris while the rigid foam insulation can lower utility bills throughout the year.
TF is currently working to rebuild in Moore, OK, a city destroyed by a tornado.
To learn more about what the concrete industry and government officials are doing to instill better building practices that will keep people safe, read this article about Disaster Savings and Resilient Construction Act of 2013
TF is currently working to rebuild in Moore, OK, a city destroyed by a tornado.
To learn more about what the concrete industry and government officials are doing to instill better building practices that will keep people safe, read this article about Disaster Savings and Resilient Construction Act of 2013
Benefits of Concrete Wall Construction
Concrete is resistant to hurricanes, tornadoes, and high winds. Following Hurricane Katrina, a house still in the building phase using insulating concrete forms was the sole house left standing in a Pass Christian, MS, neighborhood (photo to the right).
Disaster Investigators have learned from previous hurricanes that:
Blast Resistance
Fire Resistance

- Wood frame walls performed poorly unless well designed and constructed
- Loads on building components and connections are significantly increased when the envelope is breached by high wind or flying debris. Concrete wall systems appeared to resist breaching as well, if not better, than other wall systems.
Debris driven by high winds presents the greatest hazard to homeowners and their homes during hurricanes and tornados. Tests show that concrete wall systems suffer no structural damage when impacted by debris carried by hurricane and tornado-force winds.
As a means to prove just how robust concrete walls are to wind-blown debris, the Portland Cement Association, in conjunction with Texas Tech University, tested concrete wall systems by shooting 2x4s out of a wind cannon at speeds in excess of 100mph. In all instances, the insulating concrete form wall shattered the wood studs, while the 2x4s easily passed through the frame wall with little resistance.
The TransForm and ThermoForm concrete forming systems are the best solutions to protect your family from hurricanes, tornadoes and high winds. Choose the TransForm or ThermoForm Concrete Forming System as the only solution to extreme weather and natural disasters.
Blast Resistance
With its steel-reinforced concrete core, TransForm and ThermoForm are well known for being extremely rigid and resilient building systems, allowing walls and floors to be built with strict prescriptive methods to prevent structural failure during a terrorist or catastrophic event. In addition to its concrete core, TF Concrete Form walls are sandwiched with anywhere between 2" and 6" of polystyrene exterior foam, acting as a cushion. When air pressure hits the wall, the foam absorbs air pressure and spreads the energy generated by an explosive event over a larger surface area of the concrete wall greatly increasing its resistance to damage.
Of all building materials, concrete is one of the most resistant to heat and fire. That fire resistance gives homes and buildings built with TF Concrete Forms huge advantages. Mainly, walls built with either of TF products offer noncombustible construction that help reduce the threat of damage caused by accidental and wild fires.
• TF concrete separation walls prevent fires from spreading
throughout a building.
• TF concrete walls protect human life and possessions within a
• TF concrete walls contain fires, preventing them from jumping to
another home or
• TF concrete walls can often be reused when the building is
A two-hour fire endurance test for a concrete wall proves the wall gets hot, but will not fail structurally if designed and built according to generally accepted construction methods.
Concrete homes and buildings have also performed well in the fires that have destroyed billions of dollars of property in Southern California and other parts of the western U.S. Hilly terrain, hot dry winds, combustible vegetation, and closely spaced dwellings create favorable conditions for these types of fires. This building location trend is expected to continue as populations continue to expand into rural areas. Data collected after these fires shows that buildings having noncombustible exterior walls achieved a higher level of survival.
Take advantage of the benefits TransForm and ThermoForm concrete walls provide to protect homes and people from the devastating effects fire can cause.
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