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Atlantis and Kundalini Yoga
The deeper you delve into the truth of Atlantis, it becomes apparent that many aspects of the Atlantean mythos must be literal, but othersmust be allegorical. For instance the idea of 1 island ruling over 7 sounds more metaphorical. There are several islands in the Canaries and to say there are 7 major islands, 8, 9, 20 or just 1 is arbitrary. Perhaps Atlantis, this one excellent place, had dominion over the seven chakras, energetic islands in the oceans of our bodies.
“The Atlantis story was preserved at the Canary Islands perhaps in far greater detail than even Plato’s account before the imposition of Christianity, which affected Guanche culture like a blight. Perhaps the most revealing of all surviving material connecting the Canary Islanders to Atlantis is found in the Tois Aethiopikes by Marcellus. In 45 A.D., he recorded that ‘the inhabitants of the Atlantic island of Poseidon preserve a tradition handed down to them by their ancestors of the existence of an Atlantic island of immense size of not less than a thousand stadia [about 115 miles], which had really existed in those seas, and which, during a long period of time, governed all the islands of the Atlantic Ocean.’ Pliny the Elder seconded Marcellus, writing that the Guanches were in fact the direct descendants of the disaster that sank Atlantis. Proclus reported that they still told the story of Atlantis in his day, circa 410 A.D.” -Frank Joseph, “The Atlantis Encyclopedia” (130)

“The Maya have much in common with the Indians as well. As to the similarities between the Mayan and Hindu religion and language, Hinduism Today says, ‘Chacla in Mayan refers to force centers of the body similar to the chakras of Hinduism. K’ultanlilni in Mayan refers to the power of God within man which is controlled by the breath, similar in meaning to kundalini. Mayan chilambalam refers to a sacred space, as does Tamil Chidambaram. Yok’hah in Maya means ‘on top of truth,’ similar to yoga in Sanskrit.’ The Maya also had the same goddess Maya, mother of the gods and man, as in India. Furthermore, the legendary founder of the Maya was the god Votan or Wotan, a name identical to the god of Teutonic tribes. There are many such correspondences between the Old and New Worlds.” -Acharya S., “The Christ Conspiracy” (276)
So the Mayan and Indian words - chakra, kundalini, and yoga - share identical sounds and meaning. The word “Maya” means “Illusion” in both languages as well and refers to our material existence, which both cultures believe to be illusory. They believe, as all ancient cultures believed, that we are immaterial souls having a physical experience. In Sanskrit, “Atl” means “to support or uphold” as Atlas was said to hold the world on his shoulders. Alonso de Molina’s 16th century dictionary of the Nahuatl language, “Vocabulario En Lengua Mexicana y Castellana” says that "The words Atlas and Atlantic have no satisfactory etymology in any language known to Europe. They are not Greek, and cannot be referred to any known language of the Old World. But in the Nahuatl language we find immediately the radical 'a', 'atl', which signifies water, war, and the top of the head.” Why the top of the head? The word “atl” is found in the names of most of their gods, and one of its meanings is “top of the head.”
“The tree sacred to Atlas; its branches, like his arms, supported the heavens. The oak’s association with Atlas implies a primeval tree cult or pillar cult, a memory of it surviving in Kritias, Plato’s Atlantis account, when he described a ceremonial column at the very midpoint of the Temple of Poseidon, itself located at the center of Atlantis. The Atlanteans’ oldest, most hallowed laws were inscribed on its exterior and sacrificial bull’s blood was shed over it by all 10 kings of Atlantis in that civilization’s premiere ritual.” -Frank Joseph, “The Atlantis Encyclopedia” (208)
The pineal gland (6th chakra, the third-eye) lies at the geometrical center point of the brain. Plato’s account of Atlantis described a “ceremonial column at the very midpoint of the Temple of Poseidon, itself located at the center of Atlantis.” The ceremonial column (Oak Tree, Tree of Life, Staff of Moses etc.) is the human spine with 33 vertebrae. The actual medical term for the 33rd vertebrae which holds up the skull is “Atlas,” same as the King of Atlantis. In Atlantean mythology, Atlas holds up the world or the heavens and in your body the Atlas vertebrae holds up your head/mind. In Atlantean mythology, Atlas has 7 daughters who spend all their time guarding and dancing around the Tree of Life; In your body you have 7 energy centers (chakras) dancing around your spine.
Plato described Atlantis as being shaped like three concentric circles of land separated by concentric circles of water. In other words the shape of a bull’s-eye. Why would the center of a target be called a “bull’s-eye” anyway? The Atlas vertebra holds up your brain, your “third-eye” is at the center of your brain, and the center of Atlantis is a “bull’s-eye.” In fact, your skull, which Atlas holds up, is shaped just like Atlantis is described. At the center point is your third-eye. The third-eye is separated and surrounded completely by water/fluid. Next is the cerebral cortex, the meat of the brain. Then around that is a layer of constantly flowing/pumping blood. And lastly around that is the skull. Plato said sacrificial bull’s blood was shed over the exterior of the Temple of Poseidon, which is also consistent with the blood that flows over the exterior of the brain.

If the Temple of Poseidon (between your “temples”) is your brain then Atlantis’ bull’s-eye is your third-eye/pineal gland which literally “roams free in the courtyard of the temple” because it is surrounded by cerebro-spinal fluid. Bull’s-eyes also just happen to be red, white and black, the same color as Santa, the Amanita Muscaria, and the flag of Egypt.
“In this West African version of the flood, Obatala is the Yoruba version of the Greco-Atlantean Atlas: Oba denotes kingship, while atala means ‘white.’ Yoruba priests wear only white robes while worshipping him, and images of the god are offered only white food. Among these sacrifices are white kola and goats, recalling the Atlantean goat cults known to the ancient Canary Islanders, off the coast of northwest Africa, and the Iberian Basque. Obatala’s chief title is ‘King of Whiteness,’ because he is revered as the white-skinned ‘Ancient Ruler’ and ‘Father’ of the Yoruba race by a native woman, Oduduwa. Like Atlas, Obatala was a giant in the middle of the sea, and the ‘seven chains’ which signal the end of the Deluge may coincide with the seven Pleiades, associated throughout much of world myth with the Flood’s conclusion. Directly across the Atlantic Ocean, in the west, the Aztec version of Atlantis – Aztlan - was referred to as the ‘White Island.’ In the opposite direction, in the east, Hindu traditions in India described ancestral origins from Attala, likewise known as the ‘White Island.’” -Frank Joseph, “The Atlantis Encyclopedia” (209)
Is this where we get our legends of an Ivory Tower on an island? Was it a real tower on a real island or our ivory spines on the islands of our bodies? Or was it both?
“‘The White Island’ described in the great Indian epic Mahabharata and in the epic poems, the Puranas, as the mountainous homeland of a powerful and highly civilized race located in ‘the Western Sea’ on the other side of the world from India … Atala itself sank in a violent storm.” -Frank Joseph, “The Atlantis Encyclopedia” (33)
“The nations on the west of the Atlantic look to the 'east' for their place of origin; while on the east of the Atlantic they look to the 'west': thus all the lines of tradition converge upon Atlantis. But here is the same testimony that in the Garden of Eden there were four rivers radiating from one parent stream. And these four rivers, as we have seen, we find in the Scandinavian traditions, and in the legends of the Chinese, the Tartars, the Singhalese, the Thibetians, the Buddhists, the Hebrews, and the Brahmans. And not only do we find this tradition of the Garden of Eden in the Old World, but it meets us also among the civilized races of America. The elder Montezuma said to Cortez, "Our fathers dwelt in that happy and prosperous place which they called Aztlan, which means 'whiteness.’” –Ignatius Donnelly, “Atlantis: The Antediluvian World”
The Bible stories featuring a garden, tree, serpent, and golden apples are known the world over and they originate from the Atlantean legend.
“The history of the old testament is the history of Atlantis.” -Comyns Beaumont
“The American Tree of Life - The Toltec legends speak of a garden, a tree, a serpent and a woman that was the mother of all mankind. They also speak of a race of giants that were in the world from the earliest times.” -Ignatius Donnelly, “Atlantis and the Antediluvian World”
“(The) Tree of Life (is) a mythic allusion to the human spinal column as the bearer of seven major energy centers known as chakras, or spiritual ‘wheels’ in Indian kundalini yoga. The concept originated in Atlantis, with its seven Hesperides, daughters of Atlas, and the golden apples of eternal life they guarded.” -Frank Joseph, “The Atlantis Encyclopedia” (272)
"Mythology often appears to be describing body sensations when it speaks of serpents, as well as describing the human spine, which can be symbolized as the tree or twin trees or the serpent or twin serpents. The serpent image connected with the spine has its best-known representation in the Indian Kundalini mythology. Chetwynd (1982) describes body symbolism that is related to the serpent as ‘connected with the spinal column, which joins the physical nature (the genitals) to the spiritual nature (the head).’” -Gerry Anne Lenhart, “The Genesis Model”
In other words the “fall” and the “flood” whether or not they happened physically, likely happened within an individual or on a spiritual level. And Atlantis, whether or not was a real island continent heading an advanced global civilization, likely also referenced the soul, the pineal gland, and chakra system within the individual. The most sacred secrets of the Masons and world Royalty pertain to the chakra/energetic system, the amanita muscaria, DMT, and Kundalini yoga’s activation of the crown chakra.
“A new center – presently dormant in the average man or woman – has to be activated and a more powerful stream of psychic energy must rise into the head from the base of the spine to enable the human consciousness to transcend the normal limits. This is the final phase of the present evolutionary impulse in man. The cerebrospinal system of man has to undergo a radical change, enabling consciousness to transcend the limits of the highest intellect. Here reason yields to intuition and revelation appears to guide the steps of humankind. This mechanism, known as Kundalini, is the real cause of all so-called spiritual and psychic phenomena, the biological basis of evolution and development of personality, the secret origin of all esoteric and occult doctrines, the master key to the unsolved mystery of creation, the inexhaustible source of philosophy, art, and science, and the fountainhead of all religious faiths, past, present and future.” -Dr. Lee Sanella, “The Kundalini Experience”
“So what is meant by the term Kundalini experience? Kundalini is a Sanskrit word that can be translated as ‘coiled up.’ Kundalini is represented in many Tantrik illustrations as a sleeping serpent, coiled 3 ½ times, at the base of the spinal cord. The popular view of Kundalini is that it is a dormant power that lies waiting to be unleashed, by means of various practices. The ‘serpent power,’ once awakened, is coaxed up the central channel of the spine, entering the chakras (psychic energy centres) until it reaches the Crown chakra - and the yogi achieves ‘illumination.’” -Phil Hine, “Kundalini, A Personal Approach”

“The ancient yogis and sages who developed Kundalini Yoga had a deep respect for the Creator of this human body. They knew, in their profound devotion and worship, that so perfect a Creator could only have created perfection in design, function and potential. Based on this respect, they sought knowledge of the totality of the human being. They researched the human ability to maintain good health, increase vitality, open consciousness and expand the experience of the excellence of human life. Their research gave them a great understanding of the nervous system, glandular system, organ system, energy system, and brain. They learned how blood, nerves, muscles, organds, and glands all work together. They investigated the seen and the unseen, and the inter-relationships between the physical and the subtle. From this research they developed Kundalini Yoga. Kundalini Yoga is a highly evolved technology based on a thorough understanding of the ecology of the human body, how the breath affects the thinking, how the angle of a finger affects the pituitary gland. This technology works with the systems of the human body using the body’s own means. Hand position, breath, posture, sound, and motion are employed in various ways to create the optimum balance among all the body’s components … until recent times these techniques had been secret, taught only to a chosen few.” -Harijot Kaur Khalsa, “Kundalini Yoga, Physical Wisdom”
“Contemporary spiritual literature often notes that the chakras, as described in the esoteric kundalini documents, bear a strong similarity in location and number to the major endocrine glands, as well as nerve bundles called ganglions. One speculation is that the traditional practices have formalized a method for stimulating the endocrine glands to work in a different mode which has a more direct effect on consciousness, perhaps ultimately by stimulating the release of DMT by the pineal gland, which may be analogous to the 'pineal chakra'. The late Itzhak Bentov studied Kundalini from an engineering perspective. According to Bentov (1990), the 7.5 Hz oscillation of the heart muscle rhythm induces mechanical Hz frequencies in the brain, that in turn create a stimulus equivalent of a current loop. The nerve endings in that loop correspond to the route through which the Kundalini ‘rises.’ This current polarizes the brain part through which it flows in a homogenous way, effectively releasing tremendous amounts of stress from the body. The body then becomes an effective antenna for the 7.5 Hz frequency, which is one of the resonant frequencies of the ionosphere. In layman's terms, you then pick up information from the air. This might account for repeated descriptions of heightened senses as a result of rising Kundalini, e.g. as described by Yogananda: ‘The whole vicinity lay bare before me. My ordinary frontal vision was now changed to a vast spherical sight, simultaneously all-perceptive.’” -Crystalinks, “Kundalini”
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