The Truth About Easter And The Secret Worship Of The Anunnaki
The following article is based on J. R. Terrier’s book “The Easter Celebration – History of Its Hidden Origins“.
Easter is an annual celebration observed throughout the Christian world. However, there are absolutely no verses in the Bible that authorize or endorse the keeping of this tradition.
Further – the Bible does not mention anything about Easter eggs, Easter baskets, Easter bunnies, or even Lent. The author includes convincing evidence to show that these very items were parts of the pagan rituals of the Mystery Religion of ancient Babylon.
Where did the tradition of celebrating Easter originate?
The author exposes the hidden accounts of the original Easter festival which was initiated several thousand years ago – many years before the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus.
The name Easter actually comes from Ishtar / Easter who was worshiped as the moon goddess, the goddess of spring and fertility, and the Queen of Heaven. She is known by so many other names in other countries and cultures that she is often referred to as the goddess of one thousand names.
The following article is based on J. R. Terrier’s book “The Easter Celebration – History of Its Hidden Origins“.
Easter is an annual celebration observed throughout the Christian world. However, there are absolutely no verses in the Bible that authorize or endorse the keeping of this tradition.
Further – the Bible does not mention anything about Easter eggs, Easter baskets, Easter bunnies, or even Lent. The author includes convincing evidence to show that these very items were parts of the pagan rituals of the Mystery Religion of ancient Babylon.
Where did the tradition of celebrating Easter originate?
The author exposes the hidden accounts of the original Easter festival which was initiated several thousand years ago – many years before the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus.
The name Easter actually comes from Ishtar / Easter who was worshiped as the moon goddess, the goddess of spring and fertility, and the Queen of Heaven. She is known by so many other names in other countries and cultures that she is often referred to as the goddess of one thousand names.
The following image was secretly taken during a Satanic ritualB in which a human body (child?) was burned in front of a wooden owl statue dedicated to Ishtar/Inanna/Moloch, at Bohemian Grove
Most of the world’s “elite” (active and former Presidents, Prime Ministers, Politicians, Judges, etc. and even Royalty), take part at this annual ritual. Notice the fish-god priests conducting the ritual. Here is a depiction of Ishtar/Inanna flanked by a couple of owls, and designed to look like an owl herself (notice the legs and wings):

More Inconsistencies
Our traditional Good Friday to Sunday celebration however only accounts for Jesus’ being in the heart of the earth for two nights and one day. Were the facts of Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection purposely distorted? Learn who is not telling the truth — and why!
The author has investigated credible and reliable ancient sources to uncover the real origins of our Easter tradition. Was Jesus nailed to a cross or a tree? Is the true church a physical building — or is it something much more?
There are absolutely no verses anywhere in the Bible that authorize or endorse the keeping of an Easter celebration. Further, the Bible says nothing about the practice of observing Lent, dying Easter eggs, having Easter egg hunts, baskets of candy, bonnets – and so on. Easter has long been known to be a pagan festival. America’s founders knew this.
In the children’s book Easter Parade: Welcome Sweet Spring Time (pp 4-5) Steve Englehaty states:
“When the puritans came to North America, they regarded the celebration of Easter – and the celebration of Christmas with suspicion. They knew that pagans had celebrated the return of spring long before Christians celebrated Easter. (…) For the first 200 years of European life in North America, only a few states – mostly in the South – paid much attention to Easter.“Not until after the Civil War did Americans begin celebrating this holiday… Easter first became an American tradition in the 1870’s… The original 13 colonies of America began as a Christian nation, with the cry of ‘No king but King Jesus’. The nation did not observe Easter within an entire century of its founding.”
Most people accept traditions as fact because they have been part of our culture for so long. Unfortunately, most of these traditions are dark and gory Satanic rituals.
Trust me, I am just as disgusted as you are (or should be), but the truth must be known.