Asking real questions because we want real answers. In honor of our fallen brothers and sisters in Las Vegas and in the spirit of honest journalism and devotion to individual liberties…I bring you another censored, demonetized video.
It should be pretty obvious by now that the reason YouTube, facebook, Google and Mainstream media continually censor content like this is because they have no interest in uncovering and delivering truth. What they want, is to spread across this land, a politically charged, divisive narrative which further drives a wedge between human beings. They want us to continually bicker among ourselves about black, white and brown; they want there to exist a division based on party affiliation and they promote an atmosphere which strengthens the chains of our oppression by feeding us half-truths, concocted reports, official stories and blatant lies.
I made this in honor of those in Vegas who have fallen (IF anyone really did fall). They deserve an HONEST and thorough investigation !! I'm going to propose the position of the second shooter - definitely unconventional and SCARY! "Like" this, share it, mirror it, copy it and load it onto your channel...whatever you have to do to get it out. Let's wake some people up!
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Forensic acoustic proof of SECOND shooter in the Las Vegas massacre
In essence, because of the differences in the speed of sound vs. the speed of the bullets from a known cartridge (.223 Remington, in this case), the time lag between the last bullet hitting the pavement and the last audible report of the rifle muzzle can be used to very accurately calculate the range of the shooter.
More importantly, when the audio from the Las Vegas shooting is analyzed, it reveals TWO shooters operating at the same time, not just one shooter. Shooter #1 is operating at 425 – 475 yards, which is consistent with the Mandalay Bay hotel, but shooter #2 is operating at approximately 250 – 270 yards.
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