
Cities Cannot Stop 5G Implementation in Ozark Missouri?

Begin voicemail. “Good morning [blank]. My name is [blank]. I am the administrative assistant for the city manager’s office in [city name]. And I’m returning your call with your question about 5G. Unfortunately, state regulations have been passed in such a manner that the city of [blank] has no leverage or no control over what happens with 5G. Cellular companies are allowed to post the small 5G units on existing towers around the city, and all they need to do is apply for a permit. there’s no type of hearing. And the cell companies are not responsible for telling the city anything about when those sites are activated. So the city really has no involvement and no information about what’s happening with 5G, other than the fact that from time to time the cell company will apply for a permit. So there’s really no other information that we can give you. I’ve talked to city planning and several other people, but the legislation that was passed in the state and on the federal level have kind of taken all of that out of the city’s hands. So, if you have any further questions, you can call back but at this point there’s really no other information to share with you. Thank you. Bye bye.” ----


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