The Earth Plane is a full-color illustrated science adventure story that follows a young boy and his grandfather through a series of scientific experiments and expeditions ending in an incredible discovery that our world is not at all what we have been taught!
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#MichelsonMorleyExperiments #FlatEarthProofs #natubertv
Flat Earth Origins - The Michelson Morley Experiments Have Proven The Flat Earth From 1887
The Michelson Morley experiment was an experiment that was first performed in 1887 by Albert A. Michelson and Edward W. Morley. The goal of the Michelson–Morley experiment was to compare the speed of light in perpendicular horizontal directions at various times of the day, in an attempt to detect the relative motion of matter through the stationary luminiferous aether by using the rotation of the earth and its motion around the sun to create interference bands of light for the study. Morley wrote to his father that the purpose of the experiment was to see if light travels with the same velocity in all directions. The shocking result of this experiment is that the earth did not measurably move around the sun at all, in contradiction to all expectations and the accepted astronomical model. Michelson and Morley found that a light beam discharged horizontally in the direction of the Earth’s assumed motion showed virtually no difference in speed from a light beam discharged north to south or south to north. In other words, the experiment failed to detect the Earth moving in or against space, of whatever space was understood to consist. Michelson and Morley and later scientists repeated the experiment many times, and in many different horizontal axial positions and configurations, at different times of the day, all with a null result. The earth was seen to be motionless. Although this experiment was repeated over the next 40 years with ever greater precision and the same negative result, this 1887 experiment is pointed to as one of the experimental foundations of relativity, and earned Michelson the Nobel Prize in 1907. Source:
How Einstein Made The Earth Move (When All Experiments Showed it Didn't Move)
We need to start wonder why they are faking the space, the flat earth and many more things to us? Do we really know the world that we live in? The Truth Can't Be Stopped! Through pseudo-science books and programs, mass media and public education, universities and government propaganda, the world has been systematically brain-washed, slowly indoctrinated over centuries into the unquestioning belief of the greatest lie of all time. All oceans on Earth are demonstrably level. No curve exists. The only place you'll see a ball shaped Earth is in cartoons, movies, songs etc. Not in real life. Earth is clearly level and motionless: The True World - Noiseless Flat Earth - The Truth Under the Firmament - Documentary

Flat Earth: What Makes REAL Science? – Wisecrack Edition with 631,971 views
Published on Mar 30, 2019
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