James Grundvig, Investigative Reporter
The war to silence vaccine injuries came to a head on a leafy autumn Saturday in a Harlem church overlooking the Hudson River. I witnessed the display first hand when I attended the three-hour event, “The Harlem Children’s Health Forum” on October 19, 2019. The event had been set up weeks before with Reverend Al Sharpton scheduled as one of the keynote speakers. But the firebrand reverend, the enforcer of rights for the African-American community, abruptly dropped out of the forum two days before putting the event and its location in doubt.
The forum’s host and producer, Curtis Cost, author of the 2010 book “Vaccines Are Dangerous,” continued to negotiate with the church on Friday, narrowing its scope from a four-and-a-half-hour event down to three hours.
Clearly, Big Pharma and its proxies moved swiftly to subvert and prevent the forum from taking place. No doubt, chasing Sharpton away from defending his own community was no small victory for Big Pharma and the bought politicians of New York City.
One of their proxies, Dr. Peter Hotez, has refused to debate RFK Jr. but has never refused to take millions in research money from the vaccine manufacturers, launched into a Twitter war with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s non-profit Children Health Defense the week before the scheduled event. Hotez attacked the event and its location—Harlem, New York—in the most obscene way.
Professor Peter Hotez, MD, PhD, tweeted
Let’s take a look at how Professor Hotez defines a “vulnerable population.”
In the detailed scientific referenced article, RFK Jr. wrote:
Hotez doesn’t play dumb too well.
April 2019 had both the Jewish holiday of Passover and ‘Autism Awareness Month.’ The attack was a two-for-one assault. When Passover concluded, Brooklyn’s Rabbi Hillel W. Handler aired his opinion on the false measles outbreak used to batter religious rights.
A week later, the orthodox rabbi wrote an open letter to New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio —“the worst mayor in the city’s history,” according to the New York Post—titled, “Stop the Vicious Progrom in Williamsburg Now! Your ‘Measles Emergency’ is a Huge Hoax.”
The Rabbi’s letter said:
So, Dr. Hotez, who is targeting which “vulnerable population?”
The war to silence vaccine injuries came to a head on a leafy autumn Saturday in a Harlem church overlooking the Hudson River. I witnessed the display first hand when I attended the three-hour event, “The Harlem Children’s Health Forum” on October 19, 2019. The event had been set up weeks before with Reverend Al Sharpton scheduled as one of the keynote speakers. But the firebrand reverend, the enforcer of rights for the African-American community, abruptly dropped out of the forum two days before putting the event and its location in doubt.
The forum’s host and producer, Curtis Cost, author of the 2010 book “Vaccines Are Dangerous,” continued to negotiate with the church on Friday, narrowing its scope from a four-and-a-half-hour event down to three hours.
Clearly, Big Pharma and its proxies moved swiftly to subvert and prevent the forum from taking place. No doubt, chasing Sharpton away from defending his own community was no small victory for Big Pharma and the bought politicians of New York City.
One of their proxies, Dr. Peter Hotez, has refused to debate RFK Jr. but has never refused to take millions in research money from the vaccine manufacturers, launched into a Twitter war with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s non-profit Children Health Defense the week before the scheduled event. Hotez attacked the event and its location—Harlem, New York—in the most obscene way.
Professor Peter Hotez, MD, PhD, tweeted
And debate what? It’s like debating whether or not smoking causes cancer. Or whether seat belts are safe. There’s nothing to debate. There’s only #Science vs a band of miscreants who monetize the internet, sell fake books, phony autism cures, or those just desperate for relevancyHas also said in a separate tweet: “I don’t engage in ‘calling people names’, but I’ve asked you halt the predatory targeting of vulnerable populations, Somali Immigrants (sic) in 2017, Orthodox Jews in 2019, and now African-Americans in 2020 (sic). So far: 71 hospitalized, 18 in the ICU. Just please stop.”
Let’s take a look at how Professor Hotez defines a “vulnerable population.”
The Somali Vulnerable Population
Without adding context to his “predatory targeting” race-baiting screed, Hotez failed to support his vaccine Molotov cocktail with facts. No matter. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., addressed the issue in a 2017 article, “Somali Parents’ Rational Concerns About Vaccine Safety.”In the detailed scientific referenced article, RFK Jr. wrote:
“… the children of Minneapolis’s Somalis suffer the highest known rate of severe autism in the world—one in 32, according to University of Minnesota researchers.”The strange (not really) part about Dr. Hotez’s statement of “predatory protection” boils down to the untested, unsafe vaccines and its bloated schedule that he’s fully aware of the academic research and the high autism rate in Minnesota.
The Orthodox Jew Vulnerable Population
In April 2019, it was Big Pharma through its bought New York politicians, rolled out a predacious scheme targeting the Orthodox Jewish populations in Brooklyn and Rockland, County, NY, then moved to remove religious exemptions on vaccines statewide. They chose the month of April to launch their legal and media-driven attacks.Hotez doesn’t play dumb too well.
April 2019 had both the Jewish holiday of Passover and ‘Autism Awareness Month.’ The attack was a two-for-one assault. When Passover concluded, Brooklyn’s Rabbi Hillel W. Handler aired his opinion on the false measles outbreak used to batter religious rights.
A week later, the orthodox rabbi wrote an open letter to New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio —“the worst mayor in the city’s history,” according to the New York Post—titled, “Stop the Vicious Progrom in Williamsburg Now! Your ‘Measles Emergency’ is a Huge Hoax.”
The Rabbi’s letter said:
“Mr. Mayor: You are guilty of a despicable ‘Hate Crime,’ demonizing helpless Hasidic Jews in New York City with your fake ‘Measles Emergency.’ You are putting the lives and the safety of all Hasidim at risk. Didn’t you learn anything from the massacre of the Chabad Hasidim in Poway, California? Already, just this weekend, there was an unprovoked attack on Hasidim in Williamsburg by a gang of thugs, yelling ‘You ### Jew!”Rabbi Handler’s letter rolled on to expose the corruption at the city, state, and federal levels, calling out the conflicted U.S. healthcare agencies to boot.
So, Dr. Hotez, who is targeting which “vulnerable population?”
The African-American Vulnerable Population
For five years, Peter Hotez has been fully aware of the CDC’s corruption of data, science, and the truth. He knows about the CDC whistleblower Dr. William Thompson, who recounted the corruption in his epidemiology study masking the fact that African-Americans male infants were 340% more likely to get autism from the MMR vaccine than boys from other populations. (1) (2) (3) Strike three, you’re out, Hotez!READ MORE HERE:

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