
The Truth About the Coronavirus - COLLAPSE?!

YouTube would like you to go here for Truth about Coronavirus,  ~ BH
There website is Here.

At this point, I would say always be prepared for some type of event that could happen.
If you can get three months worth of food and 6 if you really can. ~ BH

How much food does FEMA recommend?

FoodFEMA recommends storing two weeks of food for every family member. The food should be non-perishable, and easily storable. A website called Sally Strackbein's Emergency Kitchen breaks down exactly how much storable food is needed for two people for two weeks.Oct 19, 2017

More conflict: Shenzhen & Guangzhou people are coming to Hong Kong and buying supplies. If China does not start up again very soon, prices of goods will become expensive. Under pressure to start up again, the CCP is taking a risk - factories can start production once again after approval from the state.
Very small quantity of paper products when I went to the market this morning. It was quickly snatched up. Rationing is now in-force in Singapore. For Hong Kong, supermarkets are restricting sales of key daily necessities, which are very low in stock too.
In the midst of the epidemic, many restaurants are seeing far fewer people. However, people are actively providing business to yellow economic circle to keep them afloat while others close down. Ostracism works faster in a crisis situation.
In Beijing, a hospital 3km from CCP headquarters has significant numbers. UK has evacuated its citizens. Chonqing, Wuhan are burning dead people to the degree where sulphur air pollutants have gone up. Sulphur is key in many proteins of the human body. The hyper-stagflation vicious cycle has officially started. 5.4% inflation. 20.6% food. 1.6% on daily necessities. 1.4% inflation increase.
Price controls - Lack of incentive relative to risk - Businesses don't produce enough - Gov't tries to boost - Inflation - Hoarding - ... repeat - Venezuela, Argentina etc. In HK, A family reunion of 19 people caused 9 to become infected. Gov't continues to try and build medical facilities next to neighborhoods, causing greater protests that now cross political lines, creating common ground between previously pro-gov and anti-gov residents. The police has reacted violently, unmarked cars driven into crowds, more people have been struck in the head, shot with less-than-lethal rounds, journalists arrested and the response from residents has escalated to throwing objects from above. The firebombing of police stations continues, as police looks to acquire new gear.
Mass arrests of nearby residents opposing medical facilities and in memory of a protester who died after falling under uncertain circumstances. HK Gov't Department of Health: Current strategies cannot effectively prevent city-wide outbreak.


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