Derrick Broze of The Conscious Resistance joins us Corbett Report Extras to discuss the hypothesis that 5G is responsible for the symptoms associated with the coronavirus outbreak. We discuss the identifiable facts and the notable shortcomings with this hypothesis, and we contrast that with Derrick's documentary, which lays out the no-nonsense, no-speculation truth about the dangers of 5G
The Conscious Resistance Network presents:
The 5G Trojan Horse
Researched, written, and narrated by Derrick Broze
Produced and edited by Jeremy Martin
Transcript and Sources:
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By Wes Penre, March 1, 2020
Because none of us has participated in any of the Global Elite secret meetings, we don’t know exactly how this so-called pandemic is going to progress. Even if the virus is not going to have as catastrophic effects as “authorities” imply, the EL-ite can use this as a fear-mongering tactic to introduce other parts of their Agenda, such as strangling the world trade and crash the world economy (Problem-Reaction-Solution). This could be a way to get rid of fiat money and usher in cryptocurrency on a global scale, among other things. But we don’t know; we can only observe and draw conclusions as we go along.
One thing is quite obvious, though; the bio-labs all over the world, experimenting with viruses, are not doing it to help humanity in any way; they do it for the sake of biological warfare. Hence, we think it’s a good idea to look at this virus as a bio-weapon.
It’s very important that we don’t get overpowered by fear or feel panicked over this. It’s imperative that we stay calm through the process! Only then can we make rational decisions how to proceed. Fear and panic can be our worst enemy right now, leading us to make bad decisions.
We are CryptoViewing’s Patrons, and yesterday they sent out a list of useful downloadable PDF files on how to protect ourselves and how to prepare. It’s better to take precautions, even if nothing bad might happen, than to be unprepared if it does. Therefore, we suggest everybody download these files onto their computers; at least, you will have them if/when you need them.
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