
Dr. Zach Bush: How to Restore the natural healing communications network in Your Body

He explains his novel research that helped him to find an ingenious and simple solution that Restores your Body's natural healing communications network so your body can begin to rebuild itself naturally. Here is the product of his research if you would like to explore: on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2RcuOAa on iHerb: http://bit.ly/iherb-restore32BweUru (worldwide shipping)


Triple board-certified M.D., Dr. Zach, HighWire with Del Bigtree

Dr. Zach Bush Explores the Power of Food & Nutrition to Transform Health - Redefining Medicine

Today's interview on Redefining Medicine features triple board-certified physician Zach Bush, MD. Dr. Bush discusses his background with traditional allopathic medical training in internal medicine, and the drive to combat what he viewed as acute exacerbations of chronic illness and disease.

As he transitioned into natural and integrative medicine, Dr. Bush found new passions regarding the power of food to transform health, and was propelled to launch changes that impact the entire field of healthcare. Dr. Bush further discusses his efforts to disrupt the current paradigms of energy, ecology, and human health, in an effort to form a better and healthier future.


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