
"The Most Dangerous" Daniel Ellsberg on Julian Assange & Government Secrets

"If Julian Assange gets extradited and then prosecuted as a journalist by the US Government, it will be the end of free speech for everyone." ~ BH

Daniel Ellsberg was a marine who went on to become a military analyst during the Vietnam War. But when he learned our government had been lying to us about the war in Vietnam, he ultimately decided to share the truth with the public by leaking the famous Pentagon Papers study to the press. Dan was the first person in history to be prosecuted for sharing information with the American people. He faced life in prison. And he’s here with us to talk about his experience and what’s going on today in the current case against Julian Assange. Assange is the former Editor-in-Chief of Wikileaks who now faces life in prison for exposing the truth about the wars in Iraq & Afghanistan. It’s the first time in history the government has prosecuted a publisher for publishing true information.


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