
What is happening NOW?

Gary Sigler Books Here - On Amazon - https://amzn.to/3IdsIt1
What is happening NOW?

I have been writing and ministering since 2012 on The Great Awakening. That awakening is coming into fullness as I write. The awakening is taking place all over the world. People in religion, politics, and all walks of life are waking up to the truth. People have not been told the truth for centuries. 

What is happening right now is our world is changing and the change is so great that when it comes into full manifestation many will think heaven has come to earth. Much of what I am about to share many will not believe. If you have been associated with me for any amount of time you know my mail thrust in ministry is to share unconditional love. That love resides in the deepest part of your being even if you are not yet aware of it. More and more today people are becoming aware of the reality of that love. What is happening now is not known by the majority of folks, but this change is happening all over the earth in every country. 

In our country we are being transitioned from a so-called democratic democracy to a republic. Our country was founded as a Republic in the beginning but was changed to a democracy by criminals in Washington DC. 

Over 200 years ago George Washington warned about people behind the scenes who would try and destroy the Republic. Our republic has been deceptively changed to a corporate democracy without our knowledge or consent. The federal government has caused harm to us and to Nations around the world.  

Our republic was taken over about 1871. Our original Republic was usurped by banking interests and others posing as The United States corporation. In the original Republic the people was in control of the government but under the United States corporation the government is in control of the people. They are following corporation laws which usurped the rights of Americans to govern themselves.  

The Republic is the only lawful government in the United States of America. Right now, behind the scenes our republic is being restored. You won’t hear anything about his as our public news agencies our corrupt and working for the US corporation. 

July 4th, 1776 The Declaration of Independence was signed which made our country a republic. 1787 a Congress was convened, and the constitution was adopted in 1788. The constitution guarantees a Republic government to and for the American people. It was established that the American people must self-govern. The American people are sovereign and are to govern ourselves. 

One of the ways the Republic was usurped was by using banking as a weapon against the people to take control of our monetary system. There was originally 13 banking families and others that set aside our Republic and formed The United States Corporation.  The American people were never informed that their Republic had been usurped and replaced with a corporate democracy controlled by the rich and powerful. They created an unlawful government to force their will upon the American people. 

We are now returning to our original Republic. Several good men have fought over the years to restore the Republic. John F Kennedy was assassinated by the US government at the time because he was trying to change the government run by criminals. Our corrupt government was behind the9/11/2001 attack because the Alliance or White hats were about to bring the change that is now happening. The leaders of the US government have been selected over the years and not elected. This was made obvious when Donald Trump’s election was stolen. The corrupt government has been trying to destroy Trump ever since he announced he was running for president. If you remember one of the first things he said at his inauguration was they were taking the power from Washington DC and returning it to the people and that is happening right now and will soon be made public.  

George Bush SR and JR are both corrupt along with the Clinton’s and Joe Biden. Joe Biden is not in control of anything, he is being left alone to let the people see the corruption in government. He will soon be removed, and Trump be put in charge of the republic. Joe Biden has never been in the white house, what you are seeing him in is a reproduction of the white house in a movie studio. This is what is about to happen, The court system will be changed from marine time law to common law. 

The banking system is being corrected to become constitutional and transparent so that it cannot be controlled by people like the Rothschilds. The new banking system is Called the Quantum financial system. This system was created by the alliance and cannot be hacked and cannot be controlled by the bankers. We will not have banks as we have today. Everything will be much better. NESARA is being enacted now and will cancel all debt, cancel the IRS and government agencies like CIA and other tree letter agencies. NESARA cancels all taxes so you will never pay income, property or other taxes. If you would like to know all about NESARA jus email me and I will send you all the details. 

I have said for years that all things work together for good. This is not a battle of white against black or democrats against republicans or different religions this is a war between good and evil and we are about to experience what I said in the beginning it will be like heaven on earth. Most of us were also deceived by religion by religion by believing that there was a God up in a heaven somewhere controlling you and if you did not please him you would end up in a torment of never ending punishment. Most of us have believed lies not knowing how corrupt religion has become. 

I could name some of the most famous leaders of religion that are corrupt but I won’t for now. If I told you now most Christians would refuse to believe it. The God you seek is not outside of you the love you seek and the holiness you seek is inside of you. Within you is the most beautiful, magnificent and loving being that has been covered over by your religious beliefs and your not being told the truth. That is all changing NOW. If I can Be of service to you in anyway please let me know. May you always be richly blessed and abundantly satisfied in unconditional love.  

Gary Sigler Books Here - On Amazon - https://amzn.to/3IdsIt1
Website http://sigler.org.
Listen to the song go here http://sigler.org/I'llTakeYouBack.mp3
Gary Sigler's Website - https://www.sigler.org/

#GarySigler #LindaMusgrove


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