
Yahweh and Fallen Angels exposed

This video addresses the complex relationship between divine figures in ancient history, with a special focus on the Anunnaki, Yahweh, and the so-called "fallen angels" of Hebrew and Mesopotamian mythology. The narrative explores how Yahweh, initially seen as one among many gods (elohim) in ancient religious tradition, evolved to be considered the only supreme god. The video also discusses Zecharia Sitchin's theory about the Anunnaki and the creation of humanity, as well as exploring the stories of mythical figures such as the Nephilim and the Igigi.
The script begins by examining the story of the "Benai Elohim" (sons of the gods) who fell in love with the daughters of humans, producing the Nephilim, beings described as giants and powerful. The video highlights the theological transformation of Yahweh, who goes from a regional deity to a universal creator. The origins of Yahweh are also explored, suggesting that he may have started as a lesser god within the Canaanite pantheon before becoming the main deity of the Israelites.
A central point of the video is the analysis of ancient texts, such as the Book of Enoch and the Book of Giants, and the Mesopotamian tablets, like the epics of Atrahasis and Gilgamesh. These texts are used to examine the story of the Nephilim, the great flood, and the relationship between the Anunnaki gods and humanity.
The script also addresses how the name of Yahweh was imposed upon older narratives, transforming him into the unique god of the major monotheistic religions. It also discusses the theory that Yahweh may have originally been a god of metallurgy, gaining importance during the Iron Age.
Finally, the video questions how we should interpret these different sources of information and Yahweh's place in these ancient narratives. The goal is to provide knowledge so that viewers can form their own opinions about these ancient mysteries, emphasizing the complexity and multiple layers of interpretation involved in understanding ancient history and deities.

ANUNNAKI MOVIE | ANUNNAKI FULL MOVIE 2024 | Lost book of Enki Complete Story

Are you interested in ancient mysteries, extraterrestrial gods, and the origins of humanity? If so, you will love this video about the ANUNNAKI MOVIE, a film based on the Lost Book of Enki, a Mesopotamian mythological text that reveals the secrets of the Anunnaki, the alien beings who came to Earth from the planet Nibiru and created the first humans. In this video, I will share with you some of the fascinating details of this movie, such as the plot, the characters, the special effects, and the historical accuracy. I will also tell you why I think this movie is good and worth watching. If you are a fan of Zecharia Sitchin, the author of the Earth Chronicles series that popularized the Anunnaki theory, or if you are curious about the ancient civilizations and their connection to the stars, you will not want to miss this video. Watch it now and let me know what you think in the comments below. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more videos like this. Thank you for watching.


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