Host Name: Kimberley1111
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Living In The NOW...You have the power to decide!
Anna Hayes AKA Ashayana Deane Interview by Sarah Simmons. Voyagers Volume-1 The Sleeping Abductees 2nd Printing. 2001Voyagers Volume-2 The Secrets of Amenti Expanded Anna Hayes AKA Ashayana Deane web site is here:
Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot interviews A'shayana Deane
May 30, 2010 — I went to Florida to interview A'shayana Deane, author of the Voyager books. Her previous work details the history behind the genetic engineering of the human race and the numerous ET races that have been interacting with and shaping our destiny here on Earth as well as throughout the many multi-verses. This information is highly complex and detailed. She and two other "speakers" as they call themselves are receiving this information via telepathic downloads. They have been trained by the Guardian Alliances, a group of ETs who protect the secrets of ascension and the stargates on this planet and others from what they call the self-interested Intruder races.
This interview is the first part of several hours I spent with Ashayana Deane and the others working with her on briinging the science of Keylonta to the planet. Keylonta is the science of "light, sound, subconscious symbol codes and base codes of matter". The many images on the video of charts and "maps" depict these concepts in a visual manner aimed at stimulating memory and re-awkening the DNA pathways in the viewer. I am attaching the .pdf files for download to assist those who are interested in following along more closely while watching the video. Note: go to my site to download the .PDF files:
Because of the complex but vital information presented here I encourage anyone who is interested to do further research and to visit the website for more information. Classes and DVDs are available there as well:
Kerry Lynn Cassidy
May 2010
This interview is the first part of several hours I spent with Ashayana Deane and the others working with her on briinging the science of Keylonta to the planet. Keylonta is the science of "light, sound, subconscious symbol codes and base codes of matter". The many images on the video of charts and "maps" depict these concepts in a visual manner aimed at stimulating memory and re-awkening the DNA pathways in the viewer. I am attaching the .pdf files for download to assist those who are interested in following along more closely while watching the video. Note: go to my site to download the .PDF files:
Because of the complex but vital information presented here I encourage anyone who is interested to do further research and to visit the website for more information. Classes and DVDs are available there as well:
Kerry Lynn Cassidy
May 2010
To activate the DNA all that you have to do is go inside yourself and have the intention to activate it. Why Andromeda? cos is where the Milky Way originates. If you have blockages in your chakras you may not feel anything so clear your chakras first. If you felt tingling or energy or shivers it is very likely that the activation was successful. Some people do not feel anything, that does not mean that it has not happened.
For more information regarding the origins of Earth and the Milky way we suggest you read Voyagers II by Ashayana Deane
Much love
Project Camelot interviews Bob Dean: the Coming of Nibiru
To reality. The Universal Truth. The beings on this planet have been blocked
from receiving/knowing the real truth.
What is the Reality or Universal Truth?
Truth is provided to us at different levels. We typically only receive what we are able to processbased on our ability to accept and comprehend. Its like peeling an onion.There are many layers.
The first layer is the belief system that is
already on this planet (amongst all religions). This is the belief system
you inherit from your family ancestry when you are born. Its time to
question the truth of this belief system (if you have not already done
Who are we? Where
did we come from? What species are we? Why did we come to this planet
in this time line? Have we been here before? What is our source? Who is the creator of this system? What is
this system? How does it function?
These questions
have been asked by many for thousands of years. Until now the answers were
available at the Universal level. Up to now the general belief is that GOD
is the direct creator of all. This is true at the ultimate level as source is the
creator of everything that exists.
What is the reality? Look at creation as we know it. The billions of
universes, galaxies, planets and beings.
do all of these function? What is the intelligence factor that drives this
whole system?
Below is a higher level of universal truth
provided in simple form to those that are ready to accept and comprehend
Every planetary system has a governing body.
Just like every country has a governing body. There is also a universal
governing body and a cosmic governing body.
We are in a 15 dimension time matrix system.
This time matrix is made up of our solar system and many other solar
systems. Each system exists in a dimension zone. Our Earth has been in the
dimension 1-3 zone. Our sun and other planets in our solar system are in
dimension 4-6 zone. There are other higher systems in the 7-9 and 9-12
dimension zones.
Just like there are trillions of cells in a
human body there are trillions of planets in this system created by the
Supreme GOD Source. The macrocosm (planetary universal system) works the
same as the microcosm (the body layers system in each person).
SOURCE has created
a system within itself that allows everything within itself to flow the
same way all the cells inside the human system flow. Source observes and
monitors everything within itself and lets its creation manifest. Its
divine intelligence has a system of seeding each cosmic and universal time
A governing body
overlooks each 15 dimension time matrix. Through source energies the
governing body manifests the planets and all the beings for the time
matrix. These are the GODseed (Elohim beings). They reside in the higher
dimension 13-15, and overlook the well being of the time matrix system.
Our individual
creator GOD seed also resides in Dimension 13-15. It is known as our
Godseed Monad. Our Godseed Monad is huge. From its source energies it
creates 12 oversouls (also known as oversoul monads). The oversouls reside
in dimension 7-9. Each oversoul creates 12 souls. These souls reside in
dimension 4-6. The souls create 12 incarnates. The incarnates reside in
dimensions 1-3.
There are 1728 beings (12oversouls x 12souls x 12incarnates)
energized and created from each Godseed Monad. The energies of each
Oversoul is its group of 144 beings and the energies each soul is its
group of 12.
Where do we fit in all
this? We are the incarnate. There are usually
2 incarnates sent to each time cycle one male and one female. These are
our soul mates. The other 10 soul mates are in different time cycles.
We are not all
human. Our monads belong to different species. For all incarnates to
experience life on dimension 1-3 (Earth) the human body uniform has to be
worn, so all beings have a similar body structure. One of the conditions in
this dimension is free will and choice.
Before we entered this dimension we had full
knowledge of our soul, oversoul and Godseed Monad layers. And knew why we
chose to experience this dimension. Upon entering this dimension field
(the matrix of this system) our memories are blanked out. We come into
this matrix with no
idea of who we are or the existence of our soul. The free will system does
not allow outside assistance without our permission. We are not able to
connect to our soul layer for assistance as we are not made aware of its
The ancestral
belief systems created on this planet worship an outside God Source
when we are actually residing inside the God Source. Just like our cells
inside us, we are like a cell inside God's body. The part of our cell that
is at its divine level and purest with the highest connection to the GOD Source
energy is our Godseed Monad. The only way for us to directly connect to
the GOD source is through our Godseed Monad. The God Souce does not want to be
worshipped. We are its children. Source wants us to connect and be ONE with it. The
ONENESS connection is only possible by going within our heart and through all our
higher layers. Outside worship through the planetary/universal Gods and
masters cannot establish this ONENESS connection for us.
The journey starts
by expanding our beliefs and developing our Self by practicing the
- Know that this life
is temporary and has a purpose. Discover the true purpose. What is it that
we came here to accomplish. - Learn about karmic
imprints, negative energy blockages, the real cause of dis-ease and the
destructive power of negative feelings and thoughts towards our self and
others (especially during anger). - Know that when we
ACCEPT WHAT IS in every moment WE REMAIN WITH PEACE OF MIND as everything
that happens to make us upset or angry is already in the past and cannot
be changed. - Daily, Love our Whole
Self and Source - Daily, Show gratitude
for everything we have - Express love to all
under all conditions - Know our Whole Self
with all our layers - Recognize our ONENESS
with Source
Discover the Real
Truth by being open minded with discernment from the heart about what is
real and what is not. There is a lot going on this planet that is not for
our highest good. Most of what is being taught and practiced is not from
the Godseed levels. Be most careful about receiving energies from others
(healers) especially if they are not opened to the higher dimensions. The
safest energy zone is from the 12th dimension and above. Most energy
healers on the planet transmit Dimension 1 -4 energies. Be cautious with
these energies as they can alter the progress to the higher layers.
Psychic energy is mostly 4th dimensional (astral). Many entities reside in
the astral realm. It is best to stay away from the astral realm. Shifting
your frequencies to 5th dimension and higher (through intention and
practice of Soul Awakening techniques) will shield you from the lower
entities and keep you away from the astral debris.
Prior to now this information was not
available in the 1-3 dimension zone. There are billions of incarnates
trapped in this zone. They all came into this zone over thousands of years
and have been trapped in this system. The knowledge of our soul, monad
and God seed layers is the key to discovering our journey back home.
What is home?
There are many levels of home.
Level 1 - Soul
layer merge (Dimensions 4-6)
Level 2 - Oversoul layer merge (Dimensions
Level 3 - Avatar
layer merge (Dimensions 10-12)
4 - God seed
Monad (Rishi) layer merge [I AM]
4 - God seed
Monad (Rishi) layer merge [I AM]
(Dimensions 13-15)
All dimensions are at at different density
We are currently at dimension 1-3 (density)
frequencies. Our physical, emotional and mental layers make up the the 3
dimensional layers. The more the beings on this system become contaminated
and corrupt their energetics, the more dense the individual and planetary system becomes. Over time
Earth became extremely dense and dropped to 3rd dimension density. There
was a time when Earth was at 5th Dimension density. At that time the
incarnate beings were at the soul layer with full knowledge of their
memories and were able to co-create their desires instantly through
thought concentration using the universal laws of attraction, gratitude,
joy and love.
Every 26,556 year cycle the planetary systems
get adjusted. December 21, 2012 is the end of the current cycle.
Earth's frequencies started shifting 25 years ago and is expected to be
fully in
5th dimension density by 2012.
This may be a good explanation why there are
currently so many people (6.5 billion) on the planet. A hundred
years ago earth's population was around 1.5 billion. Two thousand years
ago it was around 500 million. It took 2000 years to go from 500million to
1.5billion. And 100 years to go from 1.5bilion to 6.5billion. Technology
in only 100 years has gone from horseback transportation to
spaceships, satellite communication and home computers with internet.
Where are these beings coming from? Why are
they coming to Earth in this time frame? What is bringing on this
information age and higher human intelligence? Is there a connection
between Earth and other planetary systems in our 15 Dimension time matrix
system? Our oversoul monad has access to all systems in this time matrix.
Does that mean we can connect with our Soul groups in other planetary
Maybe 2012 and Earth shifting to 5th dimension
density has something to do with this vast increase in population. With
Earth shifting, all beings (now for the first time in 26,556 years) have
access to processes that can help shift their frequencies by clearing
their contaminated energetics and blocked channels. The Tsunamis and
disruptive patterns on Earth also relates to Earth frequencies shifting
(clearing its blocks created by the negative energies from the people on
it). Discovering the higher
truth about this matrix shows how peoples body-mind-emotion system has
been blocked to keep the them in density.
The beings on this planet are now able raise
their frequencies and connect to the 5th dimension soul and higher
oversoul layers. This is the true journey of SELF EVOLUTION.
Clearing the contaminated energetics and shifting
to the 5th dimension and higher layers is a process similar to our
education system. Just like it takes 16 years with a lot of educational
training to go from grade 1 to graduating with a college degree, the
cleansing process can take many years. Many of us have been stuck in this
dimension 1-3 system for thousands of years (in spirit and physical form).
We have accumulated a lot of negative blockages and dropped in density.
Earth shifting to 5th dimension density makes
our cleansing a lot easier and faster. The higher planetary frequencies
allow us to tap into its system and clear our channels.
This is the REAL (PERMANENT) HEALING everyone
on this planet needs.
What is considered real healing? What are we
healing from?
The energetics in density 1-4 are
contaminated. By living in this system our energetics are no longer at the
level of its original blueprint level of purity. The fear based foundation
of density 1-4 has also made our physical, emotional and mental body
systems accumulate immense amount of negativity through our selfish and
harmful thoughts, words and actions that have been created from life
experiences throughout all timelines. These create energetic blockages in
all our subtle layers and manifest karmic imprints. The heavier these
blockages and karmic imprints are the more dense our system becomes.
The healing process requires cleansing these
energy blockages and karmic imprints from all the lower density 1-3 layers
(physical, emotional and mental). We are not able to shift to the higher
dimension frequencies until these blockages and karmic imprints are cleared from our
There are many healing processes on this
planet. Its good be fully aware of where the energetics of the healing
processes originate. REI, KI, CHI and PRANA
are 1-4 Dimension energies (see diagram below). Be cautious of the lower
dimension energies. Healing the physical layer with lower dimension
energies can contaminate/block your higher layers.
We are now able to open up to and receive 12
Dimension frequency energies through the High Frequency Techniques and
fully heal all layers of our system. The Top-Down healing approach from
D12 and higher is safe, and now
possible with the planet raising its frequencies.
What is the best method for us to cleanse our
negative energetics and open ourselves up to merge with our soul and
higher oversoul layers?
The best known processes that work do take
time, and require consistent practice. There is no quick fix from
attending healing or meditation workshops. We have immense amounts of blockages and
karmic imprints from many timelines. It starts with our behavior
attitudes and responsibilities towards ourselves and all beings. Knowledge
of our whole being with all its layers, the universal system, the
energetics of both our individual system and the universal system and the
importance of increasing our DNA strands helps us understand why we have
to heal ourselves. The journey to the higher layers also requires
building of the
Kundalini and the "Silver Cord" bridges of inter-dimensional frequency
that connects to the Soul Matrix. Further Kundalini development opens up
the Antahkarana to the Oversoul. Development of the Antahkarana opens up
the Rainbow bridge to the Avatar and Rishi (I AM) layers . The
powerful healing transmutation violet rays originate from this layer.
These High Frequency Teachings
originate from Ancient processes (long before Atlantis, and Egyptian
times) that could not be brought on Earth until its Frequency was high
enough. The new higher Earth frequencies now allow for these processes to
open our channels to the Higher Soul and Oversoul layers.
The processes are from Advance Universal Physics
and not based on any religious belief systems.We are at Dimension 1-3 layer. Our goal is to shift our frequencies to 7-9
layer within the next 10 years (2008 to 2018). The rising frequencies of
Planet Earth now make it easier (through the high frequency processes) for
us to clear the pathways (1-5 that have been blocked in our grids) and open
us up to the higher layers. An opportunity we have waited for a
long, long time
This is
the opportunity many of us came to take advantage of on Earth during this
lifetime. We need to open our heart to feel and know this, and allow our
SELF to follow our heart's feelings. Once we raise our frequencies, the
higher frequencies stay with us (even after letting go of our body). Our
consciousness level is raised.
For more technical information on the high frequency
awakening processes view Ascension Teachings
As Earth Frequencies get raised the veils get
Since there are many
species of beings on this planet in the human uniform, we may soon be able
to identify ourselves as to who we are (angelic human or a species from
another planetary system). The lifting of the veils after 2012 will also
expose higher realities of what is truly going on this planet to more

Asha-yana and A'san Deane
To understand the manipulations of this system and your body-mind-soul
system download and listen to the information provided in the Earth GODs
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