May 24, 2010 — David Icke talks with Bill Ryan from Project Avalon about his newly published (May 2010) book: HUMAN RACE, GET OFF YOUR KNEES.
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The Project Avalon Blog
16 May 2010 - update
The in-depth interview with David Icke is rescheduled to tomorrow (Tuesday). Instead, I recorded an hour and a half of informal but very inspiring conversation between David and Jordan Maxwell that should also need little editing. As a bonus, I recorded 20 minutes of audio over the dinner table of David and Jordan exchanging reptilian stories. Great fun (or highly alarming, depending on your viewpoint). Don't miss this :)
16 May 2010
On top of the Vatican material reported below, I now have a quite wonderful two hours of video of Jordan Maxwell recounting personal experiences with UFOs, ETs and what could loosely be called the paranormal - that I don't believe he's ever before told publicly. Quite a few of these stories are extraordinary by any standards.... believe me. I'm more than delighted that Jordan has at last made the decision to share these with the world.
This is Jordan on top form: dynamic, entertaining, and profound. He was so fluent and energized that the video needs barely any editing, and I hope to release this within 48 hours.
This afternoon I'll be recording a major video interview with David Icke on his new book: Human Race, Get Off Your Knees. This is right after his 2010 Brixton Academy presentation a couple of days ago to 2,500 people, which was a great success. David has significant new material, and some challenging and controversial ideas to report. We'll be drilling down into these in as much detail as possible.
15 May 2010
After nearly a month with no update here, an explanation is due... and I think the news may be worth waiting for. There are a number of items:
I've spent the last 30 days with Jordan Maxwell, who's on an extended European trip - and it's been a huge privilege to have spent so much intensive personal time with the great man.
For various reasons, we decided between us to keep his visit very low key... one of which is that we've just returned from the Vatican, where Jordan had never actually been. It was the highlight of his trip, and everything was recorded on video. Enjoy this provocative trailer here (which is sure to get him into big trouble :)
The Project Avalon YouTube account is now active:
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