Stanley Meyer Water Car Inventor
Water Car Inventor Killed... Full Story posted May 23, 2008 http://www.youtube.com/watch#!v=GDHT0... http://www.happymileage.com http://www.envirowarrior.com/convert-... http://www.dispatch.com/live/content/... http://waterfuelcell.org/
Japanese Genepax H2O Car - Water Powered Car posted June 13, 2008
An article:

and a follow up article:
Dean Kamen's Slingshot water purifier and Stirling generator tech -- low cost water and power for the developing world
posted March 31, 2008

Oil Spill Recovery, The Gulf Oil Spill Solution with the Voraxial® Separator Technology that is already being used by the navy and oil rigs they are ready to go to work now but the authorities have not deployed them have not contacted them. They are very frustrated that they have the equipment and technology but it is not being used
posted May 22, 2010 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8S2_e... and no one has contacted them.

A news Article:


Paul Brown invented a radioisotope electric power system developed by inventor Paul Brown is a scientific breakthrough in nuclear power. The battery utilizes the energy given off by decaying radioactive material, converting it directly into a continuous AC electrical current. Unlike conventional nuclear generating devices, the power cell does not rely on a nuclear reaction or chemical process and does not produce radioactive waste products. . It uses relatively inert radioactive waste (the same stuff used to eradiate produce) to create a power cell that lasts for the half-life of the material inside (75 years)... so a 400 volt, 24 amp battery that lasts 75 years and is the size of a soda can. Paul died in an auto accident in 2002.
A 45 minute this documentary:
"The Missing Secrets Of Nikola Tesla"
A 1980 move "The Secret of Nikola Tesla" is a story about the life and mind of a "scientific superman" who, against all odds, changed the world forever with his discoveries, inventions and imagination.
Starring Peter Bozovic as Nikola Tesla, Orson Wells as J.P. Morgan, Dennis Patrick as Thomas Edison and Strother Martin as George Westinghouse.
The Secret of Nikola Tesla – the movie
The Secret of Nikola Tesla – download the movie for your iPhone, iTunes or QuickTime viewing
Tesla Coil demonstration video
Tesla Coil Demonstration Video
Nikola Tesla was convinced that he could build power transmission towers to provide free wireless electricity for the entire planet, and he began building a demonstration tower in 1901. Wardenclyffe Tower was intended to transmit communications and power. However, JP Morgan withdrew his funding, and the tower was never completed.
This video shows a demonstration of the high voltage wireless transmission Tesla was experimenting with. The demonstration is at the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles.
A few extra recommended links*******************************
Rex Research was established in 1982 by Robert A. Nelson to archive and distribute " InFolios " -- Information Folios -- of collected articles about suppressed, dormant, or emerging Sciences, Technologies, Inventions, Theories, Therapies, and miscellaneous Alternatives that offer some Hope to help Liberate Humanity and http://www.rexresearch.com/
Top 10 Amazing Lost Or Suppressed Inventions
Aquygen® gas, also commonly known as HHO, is an industrial gas invented by our Founder, Mr. Dennis J. Klein.
good web site
Gulf of Mexico oil spill
Category: Education
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