Join me in Stopping this so called Storm.
River City Festival and Balloon Glow, GREENVILLE MISS
Urantia Book
The Urantia Book (sometimes called the Urantia Papers or The Fifth Epochal Revelation) is a spiritual and philosophical book that discusses God, Jesus, science, cosmology, religion, history and destiny.[1] It originated in Chicago, Illinois, USA, sometime between 1924 and 1955. There has been much debate and speculation on how the papers were produced[2] and who the authors were.
The writers introduce the word Urantia as the name of the planet Earth and state their intent is to "present enlarged concepts and advanced truth" in an "endeavor to expand cosmic consciousness and enhance spiritual perception." Among many other topics, it expounds on the origin and meaning of life, describes humankind's place in the universe, discusses the relationship between God and people, and presents a detailed biography of Jesus.
The Urantia Foundation first published The Urantia Book in 1955 in English. The organization has translated it into eleven other languages, with new translations in process.[3]
In 2001, a United States jury trial in Oklahoma City found that the Urantia Foundation's 1983 renewal of the book's copyright was invalid.[4] This decision was upheld in the United States Court of Appeals 10th District,[5] and the English version of the book is considered to have entered the public domain in the U.S. as of 1983.[2] In 2006, the international copyright on the English text expired.[6] A print edition containing a topical index and an audio DVD has been published by The Urantia Book Fellowship as Uversa Press since the 2001 decision. Copies of The Urantia Book are on the Internet in various formats and it has been adapted to more recent platforms such as the Kindle and the iPhone / iPod Touch App Store. Several audio books of the text are also on the Internet.
Spiritual Reality : Journey Within ~ A Meditation Guide

"Spiritual Reality - Journey Within" is a brilliant video presentation on Meditation, a must see for all who seek to understand what Meditation is all about ...
Meditation is the journey of our consciousness towards the Self. Sleep is unconscious Meditation and Meditation is conscious sleep.
We receive some amount of Cosmic Energy in sleep and in deep silence. We receive abundant Cosmic Energy in Meditation.
Meditation is the journey of our consciousness from :
Body to Mind, Mind to Intellect, Intellect to Self ... and beyond !
To Meditate, the first thing is Posture.
We may sit in any posture. Posture must be comfortable and stable.
We may sit either on the floor or on a chair.
Cross your legs clasp the fingers
Close your eyes gently
Relax relax
Then, Observe your normal Breath
Do not chant any Mantra do not think of any God
Just witness the Breath
If any thoughts come,
Do not go behind the thoughts do not negate the thoughts
Just come back observe the Breath
Witness the Breath
Be the Breath
Just Be.
This is the WAY. This is the Meditation Technique.
Then one reaches, No Thought and No Breath state.
This is the Meditative State.
By more and more Meditation, we receive abundant Cosmic Energy.
With this Meditation Technique, Our Energy body gets cleansed
Third Eye is activated, and further perfected, Astral Travel happens
We understand Life after Life and many more ...
Cosmic Energy
The Cosmic Energy exists everywhere in the Cosmos.
It is the Bond between the galaxies, the planets, humans and molecules.
It is the 'space' between each and everything.
It is the bond, which keeps the whole cosmos in order.
Cosmic Energy is the 'Life Force'.
This Cosmic Energy is essential to maintain the order of our life and to expand our Consciousness.
Cosmic Energy is the base for all our actions and functions.
We receive some amount of Cosmic Energy in deep Sleep and in total Silence. We are using this energy for our day-to-day activities of our Mind like seeing, speaking, hearing, thinking and all actions of our Body.
House Sitting in The Woodlands, Texas

We will be in the Woodlands for 30 days. Way cool place, I just love it.
The Woodlands is a master-planned community and a Census-designated place of Montgomery County in the U.S. state of Texas within the Houston–Sugar Land–Baytown metropolitan area. Its population was 55,649 at the 2000 census, a 90.5% increase over its 1990 population.[1] As of 2009, the estimated population had reached approximately 90,000. Much of the development is located in the city of Houston's extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ), but small portions of The Woodlands extends into the ETJ of Shenandoah and Conroe. Plans for annexation of both the Houston and Conroe portions were once in discussion, but regional agreements have been set in place to allow The Woodlands to incorporate itself.
The Woodlands is located 28 miles north of Downtown Houston along Interstate 45. Though it began as a suburban development and a bedroom community, it also has attracted corporations to the area. As a result, the area features several corporate campuses, most notably Chevron Phillips, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, Baker Hughes, CB&I, US Oncology and Hewitt Associates. The development won a Special Award for Excellence in 1994 from the Urban Land Institute.
In addition to residential and corporate housing, The Woodlands features a shopping mall, seven
golf courses and The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion, a regional concert venue, and the 4 star rated The Woodlands Resort. Over the past decade, The Woodlands has seen tremendous growth in terms of commercial/office space in Town Center. Many high-rise office and residential buildings have recently been built. Just completed is 24 Waterway Avenue, a 13 story class A office/retail building. Recently announced for The Woodlands are several new class A office structures and a 20-story condominium tower that will sit on the waterway next to 24 Waterway Ave.

It is sometimes forgotten that the early Christians associated Jesus with the Sun. Among the church fathers, Cyprian speaks of Christ as Sol Verus, the "true sun," and Ambrose names him Sol Novus Noster, "our new sun".
An interesting fact revealed in the old Roman calendars is that on the 25th of December each year they commemorated the new birth of Sol Invictus, the "unconquered sun." These early Christians used many hymns addressed to the Christ-Sun or to the Christos-Spirit, or to the Logos or Word.
These terms were taken from the ancient Greek Mysteries; and the composition of these hymns, and the words could easily be construed as hymns to the sun. Which indeed was exactly what they were.
What is happening to you ?
The distance between you and everything you’ve been searching for is about to shrink.
Your perception of what your journey is supposed to look like is about to be shattered as the truth of your mastery is revealed at Panache Desai’s inspirational 2nd Global Gathering in Orlando, Florida. Get ready to laugh, cry and feel to the very depth of your being. Participate, be inspired and challenged. Expand your heart. And stretch and grow into your magnificence.
Everything as we know it is shifting and changing. We admire your courage in the face of this upheaval. Each challenge and every obstacle has served to bring you to this moment of opportunity. Universal consciousness is moving you toward the ultimate destination - the power within. In this sacred space you will discover the mastery that up to now you have been seeking outside yourself.
Separation Ends
On Friday, Saturday and Sunday October 8, 9, 10, take a quantum leap as you are catapulted into a deeper level of who you are here to be. This is not exclusive to only those on a spiritual path. Regardless of your beliefs, practices, vocation or avocation, when you come in contact with the gift of energetic transformation shared through Panache, all that you do is brought into its highest expression. The experience of your life is profoundly deepened.Be Among the First to Register
Last year more than 22 States and Canada were represented at the Florida Gathering. Attendees used words like: “Life-altering; Transformative; A Profound Energetic Experience; What I’ve Been Waiting For; High Energy; Non-Stop Interaction; Incredibly Fun; Empowering.”
Full Weekend Florida Gathering
3-day Attendance RequiredClick Here to Register Now and Save $81!
Florida Hotel and Conference CenterAt the Florida Mall
1500 Sand Lake Road
Orlando, FL, 32809
Click Here for Hotel Accommodations
Not Your Typical Spiritual Seminar
Panache Desai is a uniquely gifted vehicle for spiritual transformation who is called a master by those who come into his presence. His inspired programming is unlike anything you’ve experienced and his vitality is contagious. Panache shares an uplifting message that will stir your heart while his miraculous energetic sessions unlock limitless possibilities within your being. Both cathartic and profound, his delivery will surprise you. Panache’s outside the box wisdom, down-to-earth humility and relentless humor will captivate your attention and elevate your soul.Where the Power of ONE is Exponential
A Global Transformation is unfolding and your participation is critical. On a soul level you are being drawn to this Mastery for a reason. And if you are drawn to join us in this work at the Florida Gathering, you have a very specific role to play in the awakening of consciousness.
We respect the path that you are on, the masters under which you are studying, the modalities and techniques you are cultivating, the books you are reading, and the experiences you are having. As you connect to your mastery your reality shifts. Like the ripples in a pond – the very energy around you begins to pulsate and reverberate.
You Are The ONE
No individual is insignificant. No job is unimportant. No path is more prominent than another. No matter who you are or what you do, the Divine is ready to flow through you. On October 8, 9 and 10 Separation ends. Mastery Begins.
Join our Team. Become a Regional Coordinator
This is a call for motivated, inspired self-starters from across North America who are ready to join us as members of our Florida Gathering Coordinator’s Team. Offer your loving service as a Regional Coordinator. Embrace a leadership role as we partner to create a successful conscious convergence of individuals from across this country.
Click here to e-mail your interest and we will send you more information about this role. Work alongside our staff to serve as a loving bridge between Panache and those who are open to experiencing a weekend that will forever shift the way they experience life. Take a moment and tune into your inner knowing. Are you being called?
Links to Additional Information
We are quickly finishing the details on all the exciting opportunities available to you during the 2nd Florida Gathering Check back over the next few days to find links to the following resources and more:You Can Help Today!
E-mail everyone on your contact list. Encourage friends and family to attend with you. Register now. Panache Desai’s 2nd Florida Gathering is only 10 weeks away.Mastery Begins
We are filled with anticipation at reconnecting with our soul family and can’t wait to see your names come through on our registration. Take your place and begin to build the momentum of what promises to be a weekend of personal and profound breakthroughs. You Are The ONE.Absolve BP of All Sense of Error
Abraham Hicks - Now We Are Free!

Abraham Hicks Jerry Esther Gisele Frederich law of attraction manifest manifesting create reality thoughts emotions raise vibration new best relationships emotional scale uplifting happiness happy fun money 17 seconds rampage inspiring feel good joy frequency quantum truth physics abundance Louise Hay The Secret health love healing physical wealth self vortex channeled channelled channeling channelling channeler channeller 2012 ascension earth changes dna future evolution
ONE Divine Consciousness

We are pure Light, pure Love, pure Divine consciousness. Ideally, each of you is beginning to feel that you do, in every instant, create your own reality, each and every one of you has the art of manifestation down, because it is now time for you to pull the cosmic gridwork of information into your body and plug it into your psyche so that you can become a broadcaster of this data upon the planet. This is the gridwork that is fired by the light-encoded filaments outside of your body.
Information for a evolving planet!
*Peggy Kane
David Icke on 9/11 & 7/7 (part 1 of 11)
*Your physical bodies are controlled from 95%
*George Green on Depopulation and the Pleiadians Part 1 of 12
*The Divine Matrix: Gregg Braden Pt.1
*VirtualLight Channel May 2008 Seg 6
This is a most wonderful journey into the New Golden Age and we are pleased to be part of this evolutionary process as you become your Higher Self of the Light and your Christed Overself of the Light and assist in the planetary ascension of Mother Earth and her many people through the Photon Band and into the Golden Age of Aquarius.
Alex Collier 2010 Earth Transformation

Alex Collier 2010 Earth Transformation
Presentation: "Mentoring the Earth," Alex Collier will discuss his most recent contact experiences with the Andromedans, and how they are helping mentor humanity in the transition to a galactic society.
According to the Andromedans, open contact with extraterrestrials will
require great discernment. Not all extraterrestrials have our best
interest at heart according to what has been revealed to Alex. The
Andromedans warn that some groups will bare gifts and then ask for
something that we could not possibly give. And turn on us.
For 2 thousand years religions have believed in the Book
of Revelations. And the universe is going to oblige us by playing it
out. Except it's not about being saved, its about self-responsibility,
voluntary introspection and spiritual evolvement.
J Preston Eby's Testimony
in the Victorious Gospel of Jesus Christ
J Preston Eby reveals how God showed him that
He would save all mankind through the finished work of the Cross of Christ
Listen To Audio Tapes by Kingdom Ministers
| The Savior of the World Series
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To be added to Preston's mailing list write to Gary@Sigler.org This is not an email address for writing to Preston. He does not have email You can send email to Gary@Sigler.org to be added to Preston's US Mailing List or email list. Make sure you specify Preston's mailing list.
A New Dream ( Metta)
Contemplating Loving-kindness.
From http://www.meditation-technique.org/
Author: Don Miguel Ruiz
Book : The Four Agreements
Narration: Peter Coyote
Music: "Piya Bawari" by Abhijit Pohankar
Does Satan Exist?

Part of the ABC “Face Off” series of debates, this particular event included new age guru Deepak Chopra, Pentecostal preacher turned “heretic” Carlton Pearson, former hooker turned Christ follower Annie Lobert and mega church Pastor Mark Driscoll.
As you can imagine, the reality of Satan’s existence was debated with Chopra and Pearson claiming that he doesn’t and Lobert and Driscoll claiming that he does.

Is Hell Real? - Carlton Pearson (Part 1 of 4)
Part 3
Part 4