
Project Camelot interviews John Urwin: The Machine

John Urwin wrote:

"I am a 71yr old reitired ex- UK special forces operative (about which I have written a book namely 'The Sixteen'). I wrote my book because I was trying to hopefully make contact with others who had also been a part of this ultra covert and highly skilled unit - the reasons for its being so highly covert was that both British Intelligence and the Government of the day (we're talking late '50's here) had been infiltrated to the highest level by what is known by some today as 'The New World Order'.

There is a lot of detail I could go into about The Sixteen and what their objectives were. How they came to be, why, and what they were hoping to achieve and the difficulties we encountered, things which I didn't expect. you could say 'it was out of this world'. "

Based in the Middle East during the highly volatile period after the Suez crisis in the late 1950's he and a team of 15 operatives blended into the ranks of the British military by day and were sent on covert operations at night and when necessary. In this audio interview you will hear John talk about his unconventional training by what can only be termed an off-world group. He and the others received, in a matter of 4 hours, special skills that even today are not able to be duplicated or deciphered by our best military minds.

Pictured in the video is the gift given to him by the Egyptian Special Forces  Unit 777 an award that bears the inscription "..to: John Urwin, The best anti/counter terrorism specialist in the world)."

Kerry Lynn Cassidy
Project Camelot Productions
May 2010

John Urwin's website:


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